The Payette National Forest is located in the western center of Idaho.
Where is this Forest?


It's All Yours - Go. Play. Spring from National Forest Foundation.

Capitol Christmas Tree

The Payette National Forest proudly provided the 2016 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree. For more than 50 years a tree has graced the west lawn of the U.S Capitol; and since 1970, a national forest has been selected to provide the honored tree, a gift from the national forest and its home state.  Learn more about selection of the tree, ornaments, partnerships, sponsors, calendar of events, and volunteering by visiting the Capitol Christmas Tree web Page.

Area Closures

Photo of firefighters crossing the Manning BridgeThe Area Closures for the Tepee Springs Fire on the Payette and Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests have been terminated - the areas are open to the public.

Members of the public are advised to use caution and good judgement while recreating in past fire areas as fire related hazards such as the potential for falling trees exists.  Isolated tree torching may occur within the fire areas as hot spots remain.

The Payette National Forest is NOT under FIRE RESTRICTIONS.  Campfire and stove use are allowed on all areas of the Forest.​

Logo of the program

Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program

Weiser - Little Salmon Headwaters CFLRP - Payette National Forest's Landscape Restoration Project in the national CFLR program.  Restoration through Community Based Collaboration.

Mill Creek - Council Mountain Landscape Restoration Project.

Lost Creek - Boulder Creek Landscape Restoration Project.

Middle Fork Weiser River Landscape Restoration Project.



Huckleberry Landscape Restoration Project - early planning stages - no materials available but check back soon.

5th Project - Project area and details not determined yet.


2016 Land Resourse Management Plan Monitoring Revision

Please click this link to view the proposed 2016 LRMP Monitoring plan

Recent News


Weiser - Little Salmon Headwaters CFLRP

people in field meeting

Payette National Forest's Weiser - Little Salmon Headwaters Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project.

Middle Fork Weiser River Landscape Restoration Project

The Middle Fork Weiser River landscape restoration project is the third project that is a part of the Weiser - Little Salmon River Headwaters Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project.  Work is in progress towards completing a decision document for this project in 2015.  Two additional landscape scale NEPA decisions are expected of the next seven years.  This will allow for multiple years of implementation of restoration activities. Click this link to learn more about this project.

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Why the Payette N.F. Doesn't Allow the Removal of Whitebark Pine

The PNF has not allowed the removal of dead whitebark pine since 2010. Because of  threats to the whitebark pine ecosystem the PNF prohibits firewood harvest of all whitebark pine.

Picture the Payette


Dreaming of summer plans? Want a picture view before choosing your campground destination this season?


Mixed-Use Roads Safety Review

OHV and rider

The Payette National Forest conducted a safety review of forest roads this year. Safety improvements were implemented this past field season to improve roads with the highest risk. 


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