The Affordable Care Act: Advancing the Health of Women and Children


This brief describes many ways the Affordable Care Act provisions support women’s and children’s health. The Affordable Care Act provides new coverage options through health insurance marketplaces and Medicaid, and also ensures that most insurance plans (so-called ‘non-grandfathered’ plans) provide coverage for certain preventive health services without cost sharing. Other benefits of the law include ending gender discrimination in coverage and prohibiting pre-existing conditions exclusions. The Affordable Care Act also enhances Medicare coverage for preventive care and prescription drug coverage. In addition, the Affordable Care Act improves access to maternity coverage, maternity-related preventive services, and pediatric benefits; created the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program; requires employers to allow break time for nursing mothers; and funds Childhood Obesity Demonstration Project grants and School-Based Health Centers.


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