President Donald Trump announced today his intention to nominate Heather Wilson, president of the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, as the next Secretary of the U.S. Air Force.

Wilson has served as Mines President for four years and had a meeting with the President last month. 

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"South Dakota’s loss will be the nation’s gain," said Randy Schaefer, president of the South Dakota Board of Regents, crediting Wilson for increasing research, establishing new programs, improving financial management and growing enrollment in her four years at the School of Mines.

President Wilson will continue to head the School of Mines until confirmed by the U.S. Senate, when she will immediately relinquish her position, according to Mike Rush, executive director and CEO of the Board of Regents. An interim will then be appointed and the Board of Regents will conduct a national search for her successor.

(8) comments

Don't get cute with me

It never ceases to make me wonder why people make such strange comments such as I see here. You people act like she did some great thing at Mines. She didn't, she just filled a seat in an office and took up space. What did she do that makes people say it's our loss that she is leaving?
She is merely a politically connected republican politician, and Trump had over 4000 positions to fill - that's 80 people from each of the 50 States. She is one of the 80 politically connected republicans in S.D. , so she got job.
She did nothing noteworthy at Mines. In fact, all she really did was involve Mines in the quack science going on at the former Homestake mine. Dark matter is quack science, and she was lauded for participation in quackery.
She might have looked around at what other Schools are doing around the country and copied some aspect of what they are doing - like materials research, but its hardly innovative or original. And she might have added a program or two into the Mines curriculum that other Schools of Mines and Technology are doing around America. Any knucklehead could copy someone else's program or research areas.
I think its pandering to give her accolades for nothing but taking up space until another opportunity comes along.
She did nothing but waste resources by participating in quack science, and copying what other schools are doing. Big deal, and good riddance.
I just spoke truth, but you people love a lie, so I know you don't appreciate truth.


Well, whatever ax you feel that you have to grind with SDSM&T or Dr. Wilson, it would appear that you are in a very small minority. My guess would be that Dr. Wilson has accomplished significantly more in life and contributed significantly more to society than you probably ever will - not to mention that she probably makes significantly more than you do or ever will. I join the rest of the civilized world in wishing Dr. Wilson all the best in her new venture.


Quick girls, get out your pink hats and take to the streets in protest of Trump's behavior towards women!


Trump is really against women. He doesn't give them a chance at all. Oh, wait. He actually hires and promotes women. What was all that "marching" about?

Frank W Smith
Frank W Smith

Well, if she can play a role in reversing the horrendous social engineering of the USAF, I support her. If not, then Trump made a big mistake. Time will tell.


Sad for Tech & RC. Dr. Wilson has been a huge asset for both & her shoes will be incredibly difficult to fill!!!


I so agree, the best thing that has happened to SDSMT in a long while. I wish her well!!

Don't get cute with me

Why is that? Or should we just take your word for it.

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