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Indian Health Service The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

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Best & Promising Practices

Commissioned Corps Officer

The IHS database, Best Practices, Promising Practices, and Local Efforts (BP/PP/LE), is an inventory of Best (i.e., Evidence-Based) Practices, Promising Practices, Local Efforts, Resources, and Policies occurring among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, schools, work sites, health centers/clinics, and hospitals.

What is a best (evidence-based) practice, promising practice, or local effort?

The purpose of this inventory is to:

  • Assist our AI/AN communities with getting the information and health services they need;
  • Improve informed consultation with Tribal and Urban programs by facilitating transparency in Indian Health Service (IHS) and IHS supported activities; and,
  • Highlight the great work that occurs in the field.

Additional Best & Promising practices: