Creating Biomedical Technologies to Improve Health



Science Highlights • January 18, 2017
The Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) is delighted to congratulate two of its research grantees, Dr. Michael C. McAlpine and Dr. Craig Duvall, for being named recipients of the prestigious Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). The PECASE award is the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. The award highlights the key role that the Administration places in encouraging and accelerating American technological innovation to grow the economy and tackle the nation’s greatest challenges.
Science Highlights • January 17, 2017
Scientists funded by NIH have developed a new way to identify the state and fate of individual stem cells earlier than previously possible. Stem cells are undifferentiated, serving as building blocks for the various tissues and organs of the body. Understanding a stem cell’s fate—the type of cell it will eventually become—and how far along it is in that process can help scientists better manipulate cells for therapies.
Grantee News • January 13, 2017

Can your smart watch detect when you are becoming sick? A new study indicates that this is possible. By following 60 people through their everyday lives, researchers found that smart watches and other personal biosensor devices can help flag when people have colds and even signal the onset of complex conditions like Lyme disease and diabetes. Read more at YAHOO News.

Grantee News • January 12, 2017

A process using human stem cells can generate the cells that cover the external surface of a human heart -- epicardium cells -- according to a multidisciplinary team of researchers. Read more at Penn State News

Science Highlights • January 9, 2017
Researchers have developed a computational walking model that could help guide patients to their best possible recovery after a stroke.
Grantee News • January 6, 2017

Proteins are the workhorse molecules of life. Among their many jobs, they carry oxygen, build tissue, copy DNA for the next generation, and coordinate events within and between cells. Now scientists have developed a method to control proteins inside live cells with the flick of a switch, giving researchers an unprecedented tool for pinpointing the causes of disease using the simplest of tools: light. Read more at UNC News.

Grantee News • January 5, 2017

Scientists have used pluripotent stem cells to generate human stomach tissues in a Petri dish that produce acid and digestive enzymes. They grew tissues from the stomach's corpus/fundus region. The study comes two years after the same team generated the stomach's hormone-producing region (the antrum). The discovery means investigators now can grow both parts of the human stomach to study disease. Read more at Cincinnati Children's Hospital News.

Grantee News • January 4, 2017

Biomedical engineers have created a smart, targeted drug delivery system using immune cells to attack cancers. Read more from the Penn State Materials Research Institute.

Grantee News • January 3, 2017

Researchers have had initial success in mice using nanodiscs to deliver a customized therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of colon and melanoma cancer tumors. Read more at Michigan News.

Science Highlights • December 22, 2016
Motivated by the tribulations of hemophilia patients and their families, NIBIB-funded researchers are working to develop a pill to treat this serious inherited bleeding disorder. Oral delivery of the treatment--clotting factor IX--would allow individuals with type B hemophilia to swallow a pill rather than be subjected to several weekly injections of factor IX to control potentially fatal bleeding episodes.
