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Archive of Video Streamed
WRD Seminars
2003 - present

To view a webcast seminar in streaming video, click on the "Play Video" links.

4 Feb 16 Bruce Daniels UC Santa Cruz and Hydrologic Response to Climate Change: Missing Data Matters
Play 4 Feb 2016 Video
11 Feb 16 Sara Knox University of California Berkeley, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management Assessing the impacts of land-use change and ecological restoration on CH4 and CO2 fluxes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: findings from a regional network of eddy covariance towers
Play 11 Feb 2016 Video
14 April 16 Venkat Lakshmi Cox Visiting Professor in Geophysics, Stanford University; Professor of Earth Sciences, University of South Carolina Hydrology from Space
Play 14 April 2016 Video
22 Jan 15 Dr. Rich Niswonger Research Hydrologist, Nevada Water Science Center Integrated Hydrologic Modeling for Water Resources Conservation
Play 22 Jan Video
12 March 15 Cliff Voss USGS Menlo Park 2015 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture:Density-Driven Groundwater Flow: Seawater Intrusion, Natural Convection, and Other Phenomena
Play 12 Mar Video
2 Apr 15
Amy Ringwood University of South Carolina, Charlotte Bivalve Biomarkers - Models for Nanoparticle Bioreactivity
Play 2 Apr Video
26 June 15 Grant Garven Tufts University Mantle Helium Along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Los Angeles Basin-- A Leaky Paleo-Subduction Zone?
Play 26 June Video
29 Oct 15 Clifford Voss USGS, Geological Society of America - Hydrogeology Division - 2015 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecture Informing Management of the World's Largest Groundwater Systems with Simply-Structured Model Analysis
Play 29 Oct Video
24 Jan 14
Rosanne Martyr CASCaDE, USGS Menlo Park & San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego Hydrodynamic modeling of riverine, tidal and hurricane flows in the Gulf of Mexico
Play 24 Jan Video
6 Feb 14
Corey Lawrence USGS Menlo Park Thresholds of soil development and carbon cycling
Play 06 Feb Video
20 Feb 14 Anne Dekas Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Deep-sea Nitrogen Fixation from Methane Seeps to Whale-falls: Who, Where, Why and How Much?
Play 20 Feb Video
20 Mar 14
Larry Miller USGS Menlo Park Linking Perchlorate Reduction with Methane Oxidation: Microbes as SCUBA Divers
Play 20 Mar Video
3 Apr 14 Joe Walder USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Dambreak Experiments at the USGS Debris-Flow Flume
Play 3 Apr Video
17 April 14 Ron Oremland USGS Menlo Park There's Antimony, Arsenic, Selenium, Tellurium...and the Prokaryotes that Love Them
Play 17 Apr Video
15 May 14 Victor Vilarrasa Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Liquid CO2 injection: a new concept for geological carbon storage that reduces induced microseismicity in the caprock
Play 15 May Video
29 July 14
Prof. Andy Manning HR Wallingford, also University of Hull, and Plymouth University On the depositional characteristics of fine cohesive sediments in aquatic environments: floccin' across the USA
Play 29 July Video
20 Nov 14 Steve Kirby USGS Menlo Park A large mantle water source for northern California: results from modeling and field and lab observations and implications for San Andreas fault system hydrology and serpentinite crustal emplacement
Play 20Nov14 Video
7 Feb 13 Lisa Lucas and Noah Knowles USGS, Menlo Park CASCaDE: Computational Assessments of Scenarios of Change for the Delta Ecosystem
Play 7 Feb Video
22 Feb 13 Denise Akob NRP USGS, Reston, Virginia Linking microbes to the fate of Cold War Era heavy metal contamination
Play 22 Feb Video
7 Mar 13 Jenny Druhan Postdoctoral Research Associate, Stanford University Modeling stable isotope fractionations in heterogeneous porous media
Play 7 Mar Video
apologies for technical difficulties, video stream is missing about 10 minutes of talk, as indicated by blank video between minutes 12:40 to 14:15
14 Mar 13 Sorab Panday AMEC MODFLOW-USG, an Un-Structured Grid Version of MODFLOW
Play 14 Mar Video
22 Nov 13Friday Mark Waldrup USGS Menlo Park Permafrost Thaw in Alaska: Linking Biogeochemical and Microbial Responses
Play 22 Nov Video
16 Feb 12 Shruti Mishra USGS Menlo Park Estimation of externalities associated with coal : A case study on damages to lakes in Ohio
Play 16 Feb Video
8 Mar 12 Henriette Selck University of Roskilde, Denmark The wonders of deposit-feeders: a tale of how organic contaminants disappear and examples of whether size matters when you are a sediment dweller
Play 8 Mar Video
22 Mar 12 Michael Marshall USGS Flagstaff Science Center Improving Irrigation Planning in the Central Valley, CA with Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques
Play 22 Mar Video
5 Apr 12 Thomas Harter UC Davis Nitrate in California Drinking Water: Understanding Sources,Groundwater Pathways, and Drinking Water Impacts
Play 05 Apr Video
19 Apr 12 Jean Moran California State University East Bay Vulnerability of Groundwater in High Elevation Catchments in Light of Predicted Climate Change
Play 19 Apr Video
3 May 12 JoAnn Holloway USGS Denver Crustal Geophysics & Geochemistry Science Center Optical properties of dissolved organic carbon in Barataria Bay marshes following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Play 3 May Video
17 May 12 Maureen Downing-Kunz USGS Sacramento Water Science Center Seasonal variations in suspended-sediment dynamics in the tidal reach of a San Francisco Bay tributary
Play 17 May Video
6 Sept 12 Christian Mohr University of Postdam, Germany Hydrologic response to the 2010 Chilean earthquake
Play 6 Sept Video
20 Sept 12 Barbara Bekins USGS Menlo Park, CA Evolution of the Bemidji North Pool Plume and Oil over the Last 30 Years
Play 20 Sept Video
18 Oct 12 Ron Oremland USGS Menlo Park Acetylene fermentation: Relevance to primordial biogeochemistry and the search for life in the outer solar system
Play 18 Oct Video
8 Nov 12 Jennifer Lewicki USGS Menlo Park Quantification of geologic CO2 emissions using the eddy covariance technique
Play 08 Nov Video
13 Jan Susan Klosterhaus San Francisco Estuary Institute Flame Retardant Chemicals in San Francisco Bay: More than Just PBDEs
Play 13 Jan Video
20 Jan Ate Vissar Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Trends in Groundwater Quality in Relation to Travel Times, Agricultural Input and Geochemistry
Play 20 Jan Video
10 Feb John Melack UCSB Inundation, Carbon Balance, and Greenhouse Gases in the Amazon Basin
Play 10 Feb Video
3 Mar Alicia Wilson University of South Carolina, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences Hydrologic variability and the hydrogeology of salt marshes: some insights from field and modeling studies
Play 3 Mar Video
17 Mar Randall Hanson USGS California Water Science Center, San Diego Assessing Future Conjunctive Water Use -- Project Update from USGS Climate Change Science Applications and Decision Support Program
Play 17 Mar Video
7 Apr Chad Saltikov UCSC How Bacteria Eat and Breathe Arsenic
Play 07 Apr Video
21 Apr Shemin Ge Blaustein Visiting Professor, Stanford University, Dept of Environmental Earth System Science Groundwater Earthquake Interactions - stress change beneath a reservoir
Play 21 Apr Video
19 May Cecile Mioni UC Santa Cruz What Controls Microcystis bloom and toxicity in the San Francisco Estuary?
Play 19 May Video
13 Oct Allison Luengen University of San Francisco Factors affecting methylmercury accumulation at the base of the food chain
Play 13 Oct Video
20 Oct Lisa Schile UC Berkeley, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management Tidal wetland vegetation in the San Francisco Bay Estuary: modeling species distributions with sea-level rise
Play 20 Oct Video
3 Nov John Nimmo USGS Menlo Park Simplified Prediction of Infiltration and Recharge with a Source-Responsive Model
Play 3 Nov Video
1 Dec Brian Wagner USGS Menlo Park Groundwater Management Modeling in Support of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
Play 1 Dec Video
21 Jan Jim Cloern USGS Menlo Park The Altered States of San Francisco Bay: Ecological Surprises from Three Decades of Observations
Play 21Jan Video
4 Feb Lixia Liao Louisiana State University Nickel and Cadmium Competitive Transport and Retention in Soils with Numerical Model Simulation
Play 4 Feb Video
18 Feb Felisa Wolfe-Simon USGS, Menlo Park Geobiochemistry: The Biochemical Consequences of Earth History for the Evolution of Life (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Arsenic and Astrobiology)
Play 18 Feb Video
4 Mar Noah Knowles USGS, Menlo Park Potential Inundation Due to Rising Sea Levels in the San Francisco Bay Region
Play 4 Mar Video
18 Mar Rocky Geyer Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Physical Dynamics and Sediment Transport of Skagit Bay, Puget Sound, WA
Play 18 Mar Video
1 Apr Kirsten Verburg CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra Towards Guidelines for Spatial Diagnosis of Catchment Water Quality
Play 1 Apr Video
15 Apr Aaron Slowey USGS Menlo Park Rate of formation and dissolution of mercury sulfide nanoparticles: The dual role of natural organic matter
Play 15 Apr Video
6 May Andrea Foster USGS Menlo Park Speciation and Distribution of Arsenic and Zinc in Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) from the Western Mojave Desert
Play May 6 Video
20 May Kathleen Swanson USGS California Water Science Center, Sacramento The Rate and Pattern of Deposition on Lowland River Floodplains
Play May 20 Video
23 Sep Ben Mirus USGS Menlo Park Modeling Coupled Surface-Subsurface Flow Processes: The Role of Unsaturated Zone Hydraulic Properties
Play Sept 23 Video
7 Oct Ron Oremland USGS Menlo Park Arsenic and the Meaning of Life
Play Oct 7 Video
21 Oct Robin Stewart USGS Menlo Park Identifying changes in selenium exposure of the San Francisco Bay food web: 1995 through 2010
Play Oct 21 Video
4 Nov David Schoelhamer USGS Sacramento Sudden clearing of estuarine waters upon crossing the threshold from transport- to supply-regulation of sediment transport as an erodible sediment pool is depleted: San Francisco Bay, 1999
Play Nov 4 Video
18 Nov Natasha Dimova UC Santa Cruz & USGS Santa Cruz Using geochemical and geophysical tools to study groundwater discharge in marine and freshwater systems
Play Nov 18 Video
2 Dec Scott Loarie Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution, Stanford, CA Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation
Play Dec 2 Video
3 Feb Mary Voytek USGS Reston Influence of Impacts on the Deep Subsurface Biosphere –Results from the ICDP-USGS Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Drilling Project
Play 3Feb Video
17 Feb Gaylon Campbell Washington State University Soil Science on Mars
Play 17Feb Video
19 Feb Fred Nichols (introduction) USGS scientists starring Screening of Inside the Golden Gate,
a 1974 NOVA documentary on San Francisco Bay Science
Play 19Feb Video
5 Mar Gary Curtis USGS Menlo Park Uranium Transport at the Naturita Site
Play 5Mar Video
19 Mar Monika Winder University of California, Davis Climate Impacts at the Base of the Food Web: How Do Organisms Respond?
Play 19Mar Video
23 Mar Laural Larsen USGS Reston Physical-Biological Feedbacks and Ecological Flow Requirements: Lessons Learned from Everglades Restoration
Play 23Mar Video
2 Apr Rich Pancost University of Bristol, UK From Cold Seeps to Geothermal Springs: Pulling Apart Biogeochemical Processes Using Lipid Biomarkers
Play 2Apr Video
16 Apr Larry Brown CA Water Science Center
USGS Sacramento
Assessing the Possible Effects of Climate Change on Fish Populations of Central Valley Rivers and the San Francisco Estuary
Play 16Apr Video
7 May Rohit Salve Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Fast Flow Paths in Fractured Rock: Observations from Field Experiments
Play 7May Video
21 May Heather Bischel Stanford Universtiy Bioaccumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds: Relating Water Reuse and Protein Binding
Play 21May Video
11 Sept Jan Fleckenstein University of Bayreuth, Germany Effects of Micro-Topography on Runoff Generation and Residence Times in a Riparian Wetland
Play 11Sept Video
17 Sept Marjorie Schulz USGS, Menlo Park Weathering on the Marine Terrace Soil Chronosequence, Santa Cruz, California: The Blessing of Tectonics and Time.
Play 17Sept Video
1 Oct Chunmiao Zheng University of Alabama 2009 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture
Understanding Solute Transport in Extremely Heterogeneous Porous Media: Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Research at the MADE Site
Play 1Oct Video
15 Oct Mary McGann USGS, Menlo Park Forams Tell All: Coral Reef Degradation, Biological Invasions, Whale Falls, Climate and Tsunamis
Play 15Oct Video
5 Nov Christopher Conaway Mendenhall Fellow, USGS, Santa Cruz Mercury in Monterey Bay
Play 5Nov Video
3 Dec Nancy Prouty USGS, Menlo Park and Santa Cruz Coral Geochemical Records of the Hydrologic Cycle from Moloka`i, Hawai`i
Play 3Dec Video
17 Jan Michael Hay USGS Menlo Park Speciation and Dynamics of Organic Sulfur in Forest Soils
Play 17Jan Video
31 Jan Neil Ganju USGS California Water Science Center Estuarine Geomorphic Modeling: A Link in the Cascade from Climatic to Ecological Change
Play 31Jan Video
14 Feb Christa Woodley University of California, Davis The Impacts of Global Climate Change on Delta Fishes: Predicting Fish Populations and Diversity Changes
Play 14Feb Video
26 Feb Larry McKay University of Tennessee 2008 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture
Cracks in the Clay: The Role of Fractures and Macropores in Critical Zone Hydrology
Play 26Feb Video
13 Mar Mario Putti University of Padua, Italy Ecohydrological Processes in Salt Marshlands of the Venice Lagoon
Play 13Mar Video
20 Mar Brian Bergamaschi USGS California Water Science Center Biogeochemical Dynamics: What We Can Learn Using In-situ Optical Sensors to Quantify High Frequency Variability of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Material in Aquatic Environments.
Play 20Mar Video
3 Apr Lissa MacVean University of California, Berkeley Estuarine Response to Habitat Restoration: Changes in Hydrodynamics and Scalar Dispersion in the Far South San Francisco Bay with Salt Pond Restoration
Play 3Apr Video
17 Apr Rochelle Labiosa USGS Menlo Park A Brief Primer on Remote Sensing of the Ocean (and San Francisco Bay)
Play 17Apr Video
1 May Terry Short USGS Menlo Park Species Traits as Determinants of Trace Element Bioaccumulation in Riverine Fishes......or Why it Pays to Be a Small, Riffle-loving Herbivore
Play 1May Video
15 May Brian Ebel USGS Menlo Park Differences Between Event-based Versus Continuous Hydrologic Simulations: Case Study Near Coos Bay, Oregon
Play 15May Video
2 July Adriana Paluszny Imperial College, London joint seminar with the Earthquakes Hazards Team
Geomechanical Modelling of Fracture Networks: Patterns and Flow
Play Video on Earthquake Science Center website.
30 July Karen Kidd University of New Brunswick Is the Birth Control Pill an Effective Form of Contraception for Wild Fishes?
Play 30Jul Video
18 Sept Susan Hubbard Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Geophysical Monitoring of Hydrological and Biogeophysical Transformations
Play 18Sept Video
2 Oct Charles Wenger USGS Menlo Park Months in the Lab Can Save Days in the Literature -- Efficient Access Through the Library Portal
Play 2Oct Video
30 Oct Richard Dugdale San Francisco State University Nitrogen-based Productivity Studies from Coastal Upwelling to Estuary to River
Play 30Oct Video
20 Nov Stephen Monismith Stanford University If it is Tuesday, it Must be Moorea - Field Studies of Flows on Coral Reefs in 4 of the 7 Seas
Play 20Nov Video
9 Dec Qinhong (Max) Hu University of Texas at Arlington "Contaminant Transport in Unsaturated Fractured Rock: Interacting Imbibition, Diffusion, and Sorption Processes
Play 9Dec Video
15 Feb Jeff Myers NASA NASA Airborne Remote Sensing of the Bay Area
Play 15Feb Video
8 Mar John Nimmo USGS Menlo Park A New Method for Simple Prediction of Maximum Transport Rate in Unsaturated Soil and Rock
Play 8Mar Video
5 Apr Noah Knowles USGS, Menlo Park Trends in Snowfall Versus Rainfall in the Western United States
Play 5Apr Video
10 May Ken Bencala USGS, Menlo Park Sampling in Mine Drainage -- Looking for Solute Inflows to Streams with Questions on Hyporheic Mixing
Play 10May Video
7 Sep Hans Paerl University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Ecology and Management of Blue Green Algae
Play 7Sept Video
13 Sep Paul Hsieh USGS, Menlo Park A Bi-State Aquifer Study: Modeling the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie aquifer in Washington and Idaho
Play 13Sept Video
4 Oct Bridget R. Scanlon University of Texas, Austin 2007 GSA Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecture
Impacts of Changing Land Use and Land Cover on Subsurface Water Resources
Play 4Oct Video
15 Oct Robert Eganhouse USGS, Reston ‘Old Pollutants Never Die - They Just Fade Away’: The Fate of DDT on the Palos Verdes Shelf
Play 15Oct Video

1 Nov Kate Campbell USGS, Menlo Park Biogeochemical Mechanisms of Arsenic Mobilization in Haiwee Reservoir Sediments
Play 1Nov Video

15 Nov James Butler University of Kansas 2007 Darcy Lecture
Getting the Information Ground Water Modelers Need: A Report from the Field

19 Jan Claire Tiedeman USGS Menlo Park The Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) Toxics Site: USGS Research on Transport and Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents in Fractured Sedimentary Rock
Play 19Jan Video
16 Feb Sam Luoma USGS Menlo Park Applications of Modeling Contaminant Biodynamics: Long-term Team Research Works
Play 16Feb Video
20 April Hedeff Essaid USGS Menlo Park Using Temperature Measurements to Estimate Streambed Fluxes in Several Agricultural Watersheds
Play 20Apr Video
11 May Scott Wankel USGS Menlo Park Frontiers in Nitrate Isotopes
Play 11May Video
12 May Ron Oremland USGS Menlo Park The Geomicrobiology and Nanoscience of Arsenic, Selenium, and Tellurium
Play 12May Video
27 Sept Chris Magirl USGS, Tucson Rapids in Bedrock Rivers: Measurements and Modeling of Velocity Distributions
Play 27Sept Video
27 Oct Steve Ingebritsen USGS Menlo Park Ground Water in Geologic Processes
Play 27Oct Video
15 Nov James Cloern USGS Menlo Park A Brief (90min) Guide to Scientific Writing and Publishing ** special tutorial **
Play 15Nov Video
30 Nov Fred Day-Lewis USGS CT Using a Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensor to Understand Ground-Water/Surface-Water Interaction
Play 30Nov Video
7 Dec Michelle Hornberger USGS Menlo Park Factors Influencing Cu and Cd Bioaccumulation in a Freshwater Macroinvertebrate: Linkages Between Field Observations and Controlled Laboratory Exposures
Play 7Dec Video
10 Feb Claire Tiedeman USGS Menlo Park Using ground-water model predictions to guide field data collection
Play 10Feb Video
10 Mar Douglas Kent USGS Menlo Park Reactive transport during natural restoration of a waste-water-contaminated aquifer and implications for natural attenuation of zinc, arsenic, and other inorganic contaminants
Play 10Mar Video
5 May Fengjing Liu University of California, Merced Mountain Hydrology: Flowpaths and Mountain-Block Recharge
Play 5May Video
13 May Carol Kendall USGS Menlo Park Tracing causes of hypoxia in riverine ecosystems using isotopic techniques
Play 13May Video
22 Sept David Stonestrom USGS Menlo Park Assessing Ground-Water Recharge in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
Play 22Sept Video
28 Oct Mark Waldrop USGS Menlo Park Molecular Approaches to Biogeochemistry: Linking Microbial Community Landscape Patterns to Soil Carbon Fluxes
Play 28Oct Video
15 Dec Brian Wagner USGS Menlo Park Water Management in the Upper Klamath Basin, OR: Historical Perspective and the Role of Optimization
Play 15Dec Video
22 Jan Avner Vengosh Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel The water crisis in the Middle East: Examples from on-going research on the Jordan River and Gaza Strip
Play 22Jan Video
26 Feb Allen Shapiro USGS, Reston VA 2004 NGWA Darcy Distinguished Lecture
Recent Advances in Characterizing Ground Water Flow and Chemical Transport in Fractured Rock From Cores to Kilometers
Play 26Feb Video
25 Mar Randall Hanson USGS, San Diego Ground water and surface water flow in the Santa Clara Valley
Play 25Mar Video
15 April Michelle Walvoord USGS, Lakewood, CO Hydrologic and ecologic concepts unique to deep unsaturated zones in arid regions
Play 15Apr Video
20 May Barbara Bekins USGS, Menlo Park 2004 GSA Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture
The Influence of Hydrogeology on 25 Years of Natural Attenuation at a Crude Oil Spill Site
Play 20May Video
16 Sept Jim Constantz and Hedeff Essaid USGS, Menlo Park Ground Water as the Foundation of Stream Restoration: Dam Removal as a Case Study
Play 16Sept Video
14 Oct Jean Moran Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Using Groundwater Age and Low-level VOCs to Assess Contamination Vulnerability in California's Public Drinking Water Wells
Play 14Oct Video
4 Nov John D. Coates University of California, Berkeley Microbial Perchlorate Reduction - Rocket Fueled Metabolism
Play 4Nov Video
2 Dec Ralph Cheng USGS Menlo Park Physics, Measurements, and Numerical Modeling - the Italian Connections
Play 2Dec Video
July 17 Lee Landkamer NRC Post-doc, USGS, Denver Metal Sorption to Bacteria: Complex Biological Process or Surface Complexation Phenomena?
Play 17Jul Video

Sept 4

Mike Dettinger BRR/WR, USGS, San Diego The Future of Western Water: What Does Climate Tell Us?
Play 4 Sept Video
Sept 18 David Buchwalter USGS, Menlo Park Physiology of Contaminant Accumulation in Aquatic Insects
Play 18Sept Video
Sept 26 Miranda Fram USGS, Sacramento Kinetics of THM Formation
Play 26Sept Video
Oct 16 Steve Gorelick Stanford Univ.

Air-injection barriers in saturated porous media: Physical and chemical behavior in laboratory flow cells
Play 16Oct Video

13 Nov Stuart Rojstaczer Duke University The Necessity and Limitations of Predictive Modeling
Play 13Nov Video
5 Dec Andrea Foster USGS,Menlo Park High Arsenic Accumulation in Iron Phases, Eastern Bengladesh
Play 5Dec Video





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Last modification: April 19, 2012