
A Conversation with a Hotline Advocate: Josephine

“My hope is that one day our phones will stop ringing, and we will all live in a nonviolent world where everyone is treated with respect.” – Josephine S., Hotline advocate since 1996

Josephine has been answering the phones as an advocate at The Hotline for 20 years. This holiday season, she is sharing thoughts about her work and why she’s thankful for those who support The Hotline.

I’ve been answering calls at the National Domestic Violence Hotline since day one when the phones began ringing in 1996. As a survivor myself, I know what it’s like to be in a shelter with your kids. I understand why people stay or go back to abusive relationships. I also know there’s help and no one has to suffer alone.

Because of your support, I receive calls from survivors who reach out to The Hotline just to let us know they are now safe. However, as long as our phones keep ringing, I know there’s still a crisis.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve seen a lot of progress, but I know there is still so much work to do for victims and survivors.

Over the next 20 years, my hope is that one day our phones will stop ringing, and we will all live in a nonviolent world where everyone is treated with respect. But until that day comes, I hope you will continue to stand with me in answering the call to support and shift power back to those affected by relationship abuse.

Thank you for supporting the victims and survivors who reach out to The Hotline every day. By donating to The Hotline, you help ensure that when a survivor is ready to speak, someone like me is here to listen.

Together, we can give survivors hope and end domestic violence. Please make a gift today to help ensure that when a survivor is ready to speak, someone at The Hotline is here to listen.

2 replies
    • HotlineAdmin_BR says:

      Hi Dreama,

      Thank you for your comment. It sounds like you might be in a really difficult situation right now. Please know that we’re here to help in any way we can. If you feel safe doing so, please give us a call at 1-800-799-7233 (24/7) or chat here on our website by clicking the “Chat Now” button between 7 a.m. and 2 a.m. Central time.


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