Current Initiatives & Issues

The Children's Bureau is involved in initiatives and events that provide for the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families. The following resources provide up-to-date information on a variety of issues related to child welfare:

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The Administration for Children and Families and the Children's Bureau are currently involved in the following initiatives.

  • National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day - This website provides information about National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, which is a key component of the Caring for Every Child's Mental Health campaign of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
  • Adoption Excellence Awards - The Adoption Excellence Awards are designed to recognize excellence in achieving the goals of safety, permanency, and well-being of children in out-of-home care.
  • May Is National Foster Care Month - National Foster Care Month in May provides an opportunity for people all across the nation to get involved, whether as foster parents, volunteers, mentors, employers or in other ways. The Children's Bureau also supports a special website for child welfare professionals, with the theme supporting youth in transition through creating meaningful connections, partnering with youth, advancing permanency options, and preparing youth for successful transitions to adulthood.
  • Systems of Care Curriculum for Child Welfare: Primer Hands On-Child Welfare - This curriculum is the result of a collaboration between the Children's Bureau, the National Resource Center (NRC) on Organizational Improvement, and the other NRC's in the Bureau's Training and Technical Assistance Network, the National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health at Georgetown University, and the Human Service Collaborative. Primer Hands On-Child Welfare includes 10 modules, each with PowerPoint slides, handouts, exercises, and case scenarios, as well as additional related materials.
  • National Court and Child Welfare Collaborative: Focus on System Reform - Announcement of three leading national organizations dealing with court issues relating to children and families on forming a Collaborative with a goal of improving outcomes for abused and neglected children.
  • Children's Bureau Response to Tribal Comments - Comments from the Administration for Native Americans Consultation and Conference on December 5, 2005.
  • Tribal-State Relations - This issue brief is intended to help States and Tribes find ways to work together more effectively to meet the goals of ICWA.
  • November is National Adoption Month - The purpose of National Adoption Month is to raise awareness about children in foster care nationwide waiting for permanent families. Recruitment efforts are highlighted throughout the National Adoption Month website to encourage America's families to "answer the call" to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of our children.
  • Public Service Announcements (PSAs)  - The Children's Bureau and AdoptUSKids have partnered with the Ad Council to produce a series of humorous and heartwarming PSAs designed to encourage the public to consider adoption from foster care. The theme "You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent" continues to serve as the touchstone for the campaign. Current PSAs target the recruitment of families to adopt African-American children.
  • April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - The Child Abuse Prevention website provides resources for communities to help parents understand and meet their children's needs and protect them from harm.

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The Children's Bureau provides resources that highlight current issues in the child welfare field.

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Other Related Links

  • CBX Video - View here to find out more about the Children's Bureau's online digest.
  • 20th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect - Information on the19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect will be held August 31 to September 2, 2016, at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, DC. The conference theme is "Building Community, Building Hope." The Fall Grantee Meetings will be held in conjunction with the National Conference on Monday and Tuesday, August 29 to 30, 2016.
  • Systems of Care - The Child Welfare Information Gateway provides resources for professionals to learn about systems of care, build systems of care in their communities, and communicate with other professionals engaged in the process.

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Last Reviewed: June 27, 2016