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California Oil and Gas

Steam Injection Operations at Midway-Sunset Oilfield near Taft. BLM Photo.BLM California manages nearly 600 producing oil and gas leases covering more than 200,000 acres and 7,900 usable wells. Between 80% and 90% of all surface-disturbing activities related to oil and gas activities occur in the San Joaquin Valley on public lands administered by Central California District, Bakersfield Field Office. More than 95% of all Federal drilling occurs in established fields within the Kern County area of the San Joaquin Valley.  

The oil and gas program in California is one of the more active in all of the western states, with 2013 onshore oil production figures ranking the State as the 3rd most productive state in the United States.  In 2012, California was ranked as the 13th most productive natural gas producing state. BLM California is responsible for managing one of the most productive individual onshore leases in the lower 48 states, and four of the nation’s top seven producing oil fields are located in Kern County. As a general rule, California’s Federal production totals average approximately 8%-10% of California’s total oil and natural gas production.