Child Welfare Waivers

The Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration authority provides states with an opportunity to use federal funds more flexibly in order to test innovative approaches to child welfare service delivery and financing. Using this option, states can design and demonstrate a wide range of approaches to reforming child welfare and improving outcomes in the areas of safety, permanency, and well-being.

Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects for Fiscal Years 2012-2014 ACYF-CB-IM-12-05 - This Information Memorandum invites title IV-E agencies to submit proposals for new Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration projects for consideration in fiscal years 2012 to 2014.

Summaries and Profiles of Active Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects

This webpage provides summaries and profiles of the active Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration projects, including their programmatic goals, proposed service interventions, and evaluation designs.

Summaries and Profiles of Completed Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects

This webpage provides summaries and profiles of the completed Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration projects, including their programmatic goals, proposed service interventions, and evaluation designs. It also includes synthesis reports for the Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration flexible funding and guardianship demonstration projects.

Technical Assistance Materials for Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects

These technical assistance documents are designed to assist states in developing full proposals for a waiver demonstration project. These documents include a template for waiver terms and conditions for capped allocations, a compilation of commonly asked questions about cost neutrality, and evaluation technical assistance documents.

Guidance and Template Documents for Approved Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects

These documents can help staff from newly approved Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration projects complete the Initial Design and Implementation Report and subsequent quarterly progress reports, Semiannual Progress Reports, the Interim Evaluation Report, and the Evaluation Plan Outline.

Well-Being Outcome Measures and Instruments

This webpage features a list of screening and assessment instruments to measure child and adolescent well-being and trauma complied by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) within the Administration for Children and Families.

Last Reviewed: June 9, 2016