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Unregistered eFilersRegistered eFilers - AuthenticatePlease read announcements
Welcome to Electronic Patent Filing for UNREGISTERED eFILERS
A submission has not been filed officially at the USPTO until the e-filer executes the Submit function and the documents are received at the USPTO Eastern Time. The Acknowledgement Receipt is evidence of this submission.
All items denoted by * are required.

Advisory: The USPTO is soliciting feedback to conduct a comprehensive study of examination time. For additional information visit ETA External Outreach

Advisory: Post-Prosecution Pilot Closed on January 12, 2017.

IMPORTANT: Please read the Legal Framework for using EFS-Web.  For information on the Paperwork Reduction Act as it pertains to: ePetitions, third party submissions under 37 CFR 1.290, Web-based application data sheets, and citations of prior art and written statements under 37 CFR 1.501, please see the OMB Clearance and PRA Burden Statement page.

*Main Functions

(This includes new filings of continuation, divisional, continuation-in-part and reissue applications, as well as reexamination and supplemental examination proceedings. A request for continued examination (RCE) and continued prosecution application (CPA) are considered existing documents and must be filed as a registered eFiler.)

Existing Application

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For your convenience, all links in the left hand side of the eFiling portal will open in new windows to help prevent accidental loss of information during filing.
Context-sensitive help (information graphic information links) will appear in a new window.

Why you should consider becoming a REGISTERED eFILER

  • What is a REGISTERED eFILER?

A Registered eFILER has both an assigned Customer Number and Digital Certificate for secure access to application documents both during and after the filing of a patent application.

  • Digital Certificates provide an e-Filer with the abillity to authenticate sessions by requiring positive identification of a customer using Public Key Infrastructure technologies.
  • Holders of Digital Certificates can take advantage of streamlined logins.
  • Registered e-Filers who authenticate can save "in-progress" submissions and return to edit them prior to completing filing.
  • This ability to save "in-progress" submissions provides added protection against loss of data in the event of a localized internet or office equipment failure or in the event of an unplanned system outage during an online filing session.
  • Registered e-Filers can electronically process subsequent actions on electronically filed cases without delay.
  • Registered e-Filers can review their confidential Private PAIR records for most of their electronically filed cases.

YES! I want to become a REGISTERED eFILER - Tell me how to obtain a Customer Number and register for a Digital Certificate now.

If you need help:
  • To ask questions about Patent e-Filing, or to suggest improvements to the online system, or report technical problems, please call the Patent Electronic Business Center at (866) 217-9197 (toll free) or send email to EBC@uspto.gov.
  • Send general questions about USPTO programs to the USPTO Contact Center (UCC) .
  • For general questions regarding a petition, or requirements for filing a petition, contact the Office of Petitions Help Desk at 1 800-786-9199.