January/February 2012

In This Issue
January/February 2012

Photo portrait of Philip Larkin

“Moving and Memorable”

The complete poems of Philip Larkin

By Francis-Noël Thomas

Volume 33, Issue 1

Portrait of Philip Larkin

© 2011 Gary Kelley

  • Features

    Richard and Mildred Loving in 1965.

    The Right to Love

    The freedom to marry across racial lines was tested by a shy Virginia couple, who were very much in love.

    By Donna M. Lucey
    Library of America book covers for Vonnegut

    Unhappy Camper

    The hijacking of Vonnegut's early education embarrassed him not just at the time but down the road, when his career would bring him into contact with writers more well-read than he was.

    By David Kipen
    Man in profile with spine-out books image superimposed on head

    Humanities on the Brain

    New collaborations between neuroscientists and humanists look to reunite the "two cultures" of the academy.

    By James Williford
    Genevieve receiving King Mark's letter

    Dating Fashionable Middle-Aged People

    A scholar's epic journey to catalog two hundred years of medieval dress.

    By Katy Werlin
    Plaque with face of Stefan Zeromski

    Żeromski the Magnificent!

    The novelist who captured Polish life even as it was changing

    By Steve Moyer
    View through a bench in Central Park.

    Public Parking

    Frederick Law Olmsted designed pastoral escapes for the urban masses.

    By Anna Maria Gillis
    child in theater

    Deaf Meets Wonderstruck

    An NEH-funded documentary inspires a cinematic novel, one to be seen as well as read.

    By Katherine Eastland
  • Departments


    The Racing Life

    Kentucky jockey Jimmy Winkfield fled to Russia to escape Jim Crow.

    By Maryjean Wall

    Big Sky Oasis

    Montana's hot springs were pockets of peace and luxury on the frontier.

    By Elizabeth Martin

    Incognito in the Infantry

    The story of Cathay Williams, the only known female Buffalo Soldier.

    By Anna Maria Gillis


    Crowning Achievement

    French painter Fouquet was a "curious" artist.

    By Steve Moyer

    Lorca, American Style

    In spite of generations of poets and translators' efforts to categorize Federico García Lorca, his talent remains untamed.

    By Steve Moyer

    Rufus Refused Credit

    Modest Medieval scholar's commentaries on Aristotle come to light after five hundred years

    By Steve Moyer

    Impertinent Questions

    Impertinent Questions with Paul D. Halliday

    On the origins of habeas corpus.

    Executive Function

    Alabama's Bob Stewart

    Alabama's Bob Stewart Builds and rebuilds on the humanities.

    By Larry Bleiberg