

Missouri State News ReleasesNewsletters

Upcoming Deadlines
  • January 31 - Final availability date for 2016 Marketing Assistance Loans & LDPs for wool & unshorn pelts.
  • Feb. 20 - George Washington's Birthday. FSA offices are closed.
  • Feb. 28 - NAP application closing date for rice.


  • Reports of Failed Acreage must be filed with the County Office before disposition of the crop.
  • Reports of Prevented Planting Acreage must be filed with the County Office no later than 15 calendar days after the final planting date for that county.
  • Reports of loss under the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP) must be filed within 30 days after the loss is apparent.
  • Reports of livestock deaths (due to adverse weather) under the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) must be filed within 30 days after the death is apparent. An application for payment must be filed no later than 90 calendar days after the end of the calendar year in which the eligible loss condition occurred.
  • Report any losses for the Noninsured Crop Disaster Program (NAP) within 15 days of when the loss becomes apparent.

Complete List of Deadlines

You can reach the Missouri State FSA office at (573) 876-0925.

State Committee Members

In the Spotlight

Introducing FSAfarm+
A fast and easy way to access your FSA farm information, plus a lot more!

  • Access your customer profile, farm records information and your maps.
  • Print your farm records information, including crop bases and yields.
  • Print your maps to use when reporting your annual crop acreage information.
  • Export your field boundaries as common land unit for sharing with your crop insurance agent.
  • Available to operators and owners with eAuth Level 2 access from USDA.

Contact your local FSA office for additional details and about obtaining eAuth Level 2 access to USDA.

Access FSAfarm+

The vision of AgrAbility is to enable a lifestyle of high quality for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities, so that they, their families, and their communities continue to succeed in rural America.  Click Here to view a video to see how AgrAbility serves farm and ranch families touched by disability.

Click here to visit Missouri AgrAbility Project’s website.

To learn more about Missouri’s AgrAbility Project, call at 573 -882-2731 or 1-800-995-8503, or email at AgrAbility@missouri.edu.

eAuthentication Web Applications