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Spicer to hold White House press briefing



Spicer to hold White House press briefing

White House press secretary Sean Spicer conducts the daily briefing.



Spicer to hold White House press briefing

White House press secretary Sean Spicer conducts the daily briefing.


White House press secretary Sean Spicer conducts the daily briefing.


Spicer to hold White House press briefing

White House press secretary Sean Spicer conducts the daily briefing.


The move to breathe new life into the Dakota Access and Keystone XL projects is the latest step in the new president’s effort to dismantle Obama administration policies. It was unclear how President Trump’s orders would restart the projects or expedite environmental reviews. The White House did not immediately release text of the orders.
The Keystone order could undo a major decision by former president Barack Obama, who had said the project would contribute to climate change.
(Matt McClain/Post)
(Matt McClain/Post)
The turbulence and competing factions that were a hallmark of Trump’s campaign have been transported to the White House. Nearly a dozen senior officials and other Trump advisers and confidants, some of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity, describe private conversations and moments.
(Paramount Pictures, left, and AP)
The Best Picture race is shaping up to be a battle between the poignant drama “Moonlight” and the fanciful musical “La La Land,” which won a record-setting seven Golden Globes earlier this month. See the full list here.
Israel approved the construction of 2,500 housing units in the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, just two days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with President Trump, who has signaled more accommodating policies toward Israel.
President Trump’s claim to congressional leaders is not supported by any verifiable facts, and analyses of the election have found virtually no confirmed cases of voter fraud, let alone millions.
In a meeting with business leaders, the president claimed he was a "very big person" on the environment who has "received awards" on the subject. We found no facts to support this claim.
The ruling creates a potential hurdle for Prime Minister Theresa May, but is not expected to block the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union.
The previous two presidents had at least seven nominees confirmed on their first day in office. Trump only has three. And there’s no agreement on some of his other top picks, several aides in both parties said.
A mailbox mandate angered members of a Bowie area community into launching a seven-year fight that finally ended when a Prince George’s County judge delivered an order that their homeowners’ association overstepped its bounds.
Halfway through the month, The Post dieters hit some roadblocks — but pushed through.
Some recipes labeled that way really work, but more often they’re fraught with problems. How simple does cooking have to get?
‘Can He Do That?’
Each episode of The Post’s new podcast will focus on one way President Trump’s time in the White House defies conventions and ask the question, “Can he do that?” Listen to this introduction — and to a new installment every Friday.
(Andrew Roth,Jason Aldag/The Washington Post)
Trump just gave a green light to the Dakota Access pipeline. Here's what you need to know about the protests
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President Trump signs order to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership
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Why they marched
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Everyone is talking about ‘La La Land,’ but don’t ignore the other Oscar contenders
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