The Washington Post
  • 1 day ago

The annual ice festival includes huge sculptures and a giant slide.

  • Associated Press
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  • 5 hours ago
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The annual ice festival in Harbin, China, includes huge sculptures of animals and famous landmarks.

  • 5 hours ago
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Animal rights activists question whether calves were taken from their mothers.

  • Associated Press
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  • 5 hours ago
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Sports psychologist Caroline Silby helps athletes train their minds for success.

Endangered Kemp’s ridley turtles got sick when they stayed too long in cold water.

  • 1 day ago
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More than 12 million immigrants passed through the New York landmark.

  • Marylou Tousignant
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  • 1 day ago
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The annual ‘stocktake’ tallies members of more than 750 species

  • 2 days ago
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Drawing up a storm
A showcase of daily weather art illustrations from KidsPost readers.
  • Sep 4, 2012
Class of KidsPost
Jacqueline Moore’s students are fans of math games and “Harry Potter.”

The annual ‘stocktake’ tallies members of more than 750 species

  • 2 days ago
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Holiday displays light up trees, homes and even vehicles.

  • Dec 19
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Irene Boehm of McLean wins with brightly colored ornaments.

  • Dec 13
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