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E-FOIA Request Form

This form may be used to request documents from the NLRB.  Submit your FOIA Request for documents by completing the information below and clicking the "Submit" button. Please review the NLRB public web site privacy policy as it relates to FOIA Requests submitted using this form. Click here for more information.

Note: After you submit your FOIA Request, you will see a confirmation page with an assigned FOIA ID number and, if you provided a valid email address, you will aslo receive an email with the FOIA ID number, stating that your FOIA Request has been submitted. Please reference that FOIA ID number in any inquiries you may make regarding you request. If you do not see a confirmation page, or receive an email shortly thereafter (assuming you have provided a valid email address), your request has not been submitted.

A requester who submits a FOIA request on the Agency’s website should designate and as approved senders for purposes of spam filter configuration. Otherwise, the Agency’s response sent to the provided email address could be rejected by the requester’s spam filters. The Agency considers its response sent and delivered to the email address provided, regardless of actual receipt.

(An asterisk * indicates required information).

In order for your request to be valid, the NLRB requires that you assume the costs of processing your request. The amount you are charged depends upon your requester status (commercial; educational institutions, non-commercial scientific institutions, or representatives of the news media; other requesters (not in any other fee category); individuals)

Requests may be charged at “commercial requester” rates unless you are in a special fee category. If you qualify, provide your special pricing category.

  • Commercial requesters may be charged fees for the time required to search for records and to review the records to determine whether to release them, as well as for photocopying expenses (note: no photocopying expenses are charged if documents are produced by email only)
  • Educational institutions, non-commercial scientific institutions, or representatives of the news media, are charged only for photocopying expenses, after the first 100 pages (note: no photocopying expenses are charged if documents are produced by email only)
  • All Other requesters (not in any other fee category) are charged only for the time required to search for records and for photocopying expenses, with no charge for the first two hours of search time or for the first 100 pages of photocopies (note: no photocopying expenses are charged if documents are produced by email only)
  • Requests for information from individuals pertaining to themselves or cases in which they are involved generally fall into the category of commercial requests.

By submitting this form, you agree to pay processing costs up to the maximum fee amount you specify below.
Maximum Fee you are willing to pay. If you leave this box blank, you will pay whatever fees are incurred.


Please be as complete as possible by including any information that would assist us in identifying and locating the documents, such as applicable case numbers and time frames.

Requestor Information

Requestor Information

 If you are unable to send the Request Form using E-FOIA, you may mail or fax your request to the office below. You may use the sample FOIA letter available here.

National Labor Relations
1015 Half Street, S.E.
4th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20570
[Fax number: (202) 273-FOIA (3642)]  

As with any information submitted to the NLRB, we may disclose all or portions of the information contained in your electronic request to anyone making a FOIA request that encompasses the form you have submitted.

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