Amicus Curiae Program

The Appellate Section welcomes and encourages suggestions of federal appellate cases as candidates for amicus curiae participation by the Civil Rights Division.Amicus curiae literally means “friend of the court.” An amicus curiae brief may be filed by a non-party to assist a court in reaching its decision. Typically, a serious candidate for amicus curiae participation will present one or more important legal questions involving the interpretation or application of a statute that the Civil Rights Division enforces. 

Given the great care with which the Appellate Section considers cases and prepares briefs and the need for appropriate coordination with other offices, time is of the essence in suggesting such cases. Where possible, federal appellate cases should be suggested as candidates for amicus curiae participation no less than 45 days in advance of the due date for the brief of the party the Appellate Section would be supporting. 

Matters not involving federal civil rights enforcement, or not being litigated in the federal courts of appeals, normally are not strong candidates for amicus curiae participation by the Appellate Section. 

Please submit any appellate amicus curiae suggestions to Submissions should include the case name, docket number, circuit or district court name, a brief description of the case and issue, and the current status, if known. 

Updated August 6, 2015