Nonprofits - Processing

In order to increase homeownership opportunities and affordable housing, HUD allows approved nonprofit agencies to participate in certain Federal Housing Administration (FHA) activities. Participating nonprofit agencies follow uniform HUD/FHA standards for participation and recertification.

HUD Homeownership Centers (HOCs) maintain a roster of nonprofit agencies authorized to participate in FHA/HUD activities. From the Nonprofits List, you may select a specific nonprofit agency to view and print Nonprofits Detail. See also field descriptions for the following pages: Nonprofits, Nonprofits List, Nonprofits Detail.

Getting a Nonprofits List

  1. On the Nonprofits page, specify the display order of your results by making a selection from the drop-down list in the Sorted By field.

  2. Enter at least one of the nonprofit agency's FHA authorization:
    FHA Borrower: Click the check box for an agency authorized to finance FHA-insured mortgages on the same terms and conditions as an owner-occupant.
    REO: Click the check box for an agency authorized to purchase HUD Real Estate Owned (REO) homes at a discount pror to public offering.
    Secondary Financing: Click the check box for an agency authorized to provide secondary financing to borrowers originating FHA-insured mortgages.
  1. Enter other search criteria as needed:
    Legal Name: Type a full or partial name of a specific nonprofit agency (up to 40 characters).
    Home Ownership Center: Select the HUD Homeownership Center that serves the geographical location of the nonprofit agency.
    Participating State: Select a state in which the nonprofit agency is authorized to participate in FHA/HUD activities.
    City: Type the full or partial name of the city in which the nonprofit agency is located (up to 17 characters).

  2. Click Send. If information is found based on the search criteria you entered, the Nonprofits List page appears with the selected information. A Message at the top of the page states: Nonprofits Request Successfully Completed. Note: Use the vertical scroll bar to scan through up to the first fifty agencies. When there are more than 50 agencies, click Next at the bottom of the page to see additional roster page(s). Click Previous to go back a page. See Viewing and Printing Nonprofits Detail.


    If there are errors, the
    Nonprofits page displays with an error Message at the top of the page and an Error(s) Detected message at the bottom that describes the error. See Correcting Errors.

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Correcting Errors on the Nonprofits page

Review the error information on the Nonprofits page. There are two common conditions that may occur: must enter at least one selection or no records match selection criteria.

Must Enter at Least One Selection

The Error(s) Detected message informs you that at least one specific search criterion (e.g., Legal Name, Participating State) must be entered before your request can be processed.

  1. Enter at least one search criterion to get a match.

  2. Click Send to process again.

No Records Match Selection Criteria

The Error(s) Detected message informs you that no nonprofit agency was found for the search criteria entered ( e.g., Legal Name, Participating State).

  1. Modify the search criteria.

  2. Click Send to process again.

Viewing and Printing Nonprofit Details

  1. On the Nonprofits List page, click the Legal Name of the nonprofit agency. The Nonprofits Detail pop-up page appears with detailed information on the selected nonprofit agency, including any comments related to state participation.

  2. Click Print to print the displayed nonprofit agency information.

  3. Click Close to close the pop-up page and return to the Nonprofits List.

See Also

Nonprofits - Field Descriptions

Nonprofits List - Field Descriptions

Nonprofits Detail - Field Descriptions

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Last revised: January 30, 2012