CHUMS Data Files
Department of Housing and Urban Development

CHUMS Data Files

This page allows you to download any of the following files and/or their description. All of these files are updated from the Department's Computerized Home Underwriting Management System on a weekly basis. For each of the files, with the exception of Zip Codes, there are two files. The first only contains updates made in the previous week. The other file contains all records on the database.

The following files are available to be downloaded:
Warning: Sizes for Condominium and Appraiser full files exceed 10 million characters
Condominium Projects Updates Full File File Description
January 1 through September 30 2011 FHA Forward Limits Full File File Description
January 1 through September 30 2011 FHA HECM Limits Full File File Description
January 1 through September 30 2011 Fannie/Freddie Limits Full File File Description
October 1 through November 17 2011 FHA Forward Limits Full File File Description
October 1 through November 17 2011 FHA HECM Limits Full File File Description
October 1 through November 17 2011 Fannie/Freddie Limits Full File File Description
November 18 through December 31 2011 FHA Forward Limits Full File File Description
November 18 through December 31 2011 FHA HECM Limits Full File File Description
November 18 through December 31 2011 Fannie/Freddie Limits Full File File Description
CY2012 FHA Forward Limits Full File File Description
CY2012 FHA HECM Limits Full File File Description
CY2012 Fannie/Freddie Limits Full File File Description
CY2013 FHA Forward Limits Full File File Description
CY2013 FHA HECM Limits Full File File Description
CY2013 Fannie/Freddie Limits Full File File Description
Inspector Information Full File File Description
Inspector Licensing Information Full File File Description
Appraiser Information Full File File Description
Appraiser Licensing Information Full File File Description
PUDs    File Description
Sponsored Originators Full File File Description
Zip Codes Full File File Description

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The following is the file description for the Appraiser Information Files. This layout was last updated on September 21, 2009.
Field Name                     Position          Size

CHUMS Appraiser ID             001-006           X(6)
Last Update Date               011-018           9(8)
Create Date                    023-030           9(8)
Appraiser Last Name            031-050           X(20)
Appraiser First Name           051-070           X(20)
Appraiser Middle Initial       071-071           X(1)
Appraiser Name Suffix          072-075           X(4)
Appraiser Address:
   Attention Line              076-105           X(30)
   Street Address              106-135           X(30)
   City Name                   136-152           X(17)
   State Code                  153-154           X(2)
   Zip Code                    158-166           9(9)
Appraiser Phone                169-178           9(10)
Appraiser Fax Number           181-190           9(10)
Asterisk                       192-192           X(1)

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The following is the file description for the Appraiser Licensing Files. This layout was last updated on November 04, 2009.
Field Name                     Position          Size

CHUMS Appraiser ID             001-006           X(6)
State                          007-008           X(2)
License                        009-030           X(22)
Expiration Date                035-042           9(8)
AQB indicator                  043               X(1)
License Type                   044               9(1)
Asterisk                       048               X(1)

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The following is the file description for the Condominium Project Files. This layout was last updated on January 27, 1998.
Field Name                     Position          Size

Field Office Code              001-004           9(4)
Condo ID                       005-013           X(9)
Condo Phase                    014-016           X(3)
Legal Name                     017-046           X(30)
Alias Name                     047-076           X(30)
City Name                      077-093           X(17)
State Code                     094-095           X(2)
Zip Code                       096-104           9(9)
Status Code                    105-105           X(1)
Status Date                    106-113           9(8)
All Conditions Satisfied       114-114           X(1)
Construction Code              115-115           9(1)
Date Completed                 116-121           9(6)
High Ratio Indicator           122-122           X(1)
Units Rejected Indicator       123-123           X(1)
Special Conditions 1           124-126           X(3)
Special Conditions 2           127-129           X(3)
Special Conditions 3           130-132           X(3)
Special Conditions 4           133-135           X(3)
Special Conditions 5           136-138           X(3)
Special Conditions 6           139-141           X(3)
Special Conditions 7           142-144           X(3)
Special Conditions 8           145-147           X(3)
Special Conditions 9           148-150           X(3)
Special Conditions 10          151-153           X(3)
Last Update Date               154-161           9(8)
Remarks (Line 1)               162-233           X(72)
Remarks (Line 2)               234-305           X(72)
Remarks (Line 3)               306-377           X(72)
County Name                    378-392           X(15)
Filler                         393-394           X(2)
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The following is the file description for the Inspector Information File. This layout was last updated on April 9, 2005.
Field Name                     Position          Size

Inspector ID                   001-004           X(4)
Inspector Create Date          005-012           9(8)
Last Update Date               013-020           9(8)
Inspector Last Name            021-040           X(20)
Inspector First Name           041-060           X(20)
Inspector Middle Initial       061-061           X(1)
Inspector Name Suffix          062-065           X(4)
Inspector Home Address:
   Attention Line              066-095           X(30)
   Street Address              096-125           X(30)
   City Name                   126-142           X(17)
   State Code                  143-144           X(2)
   Zip Code                    145-153           9(9)
   Phone Number                154-163           9(10)
Inspector Work Address:
   Attention Line              164-193           X(30)
   Street Address              194-223           X(30)
   City Name                   224-240           X(17)
   State Code                  241-242           X(2)
   Zip Code                    243-251           9(9)
   Phone Number                252-261           9(10)
   Fax Number                  262-271           9(10)
Filler                         274-275           X(4)
Roster Inspector               276-276           X(1)
Exam Pass Date                 277-284           9(8)
Last Assign Date               285-292           9(8)
Last Review Date               293-300           9(8)
Termination Date               301-308           9(8)
Discipline Indicator           309-309           X(1)
Filler                         310-316           X(7)
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The following is the file description for the Inspector Licensing File. This layout was last updated on April 9, 2005.
Field Name                     Position          Size

Insector ID                    001-004           X(4)
State                          005-006           X(2)
License                        007-028           X(22)
Expiration Date                029-036           9(8)
Filler                         037-040           X(4)
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This file represents the layout of the loan-limit data files made publicly available through the web site. There are three data files: one for FHA Single Family, one for FHA HECM, and one for GSE loans (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). These data files represent the records resident in HUD’s master file of county-level loan limits. Median prices provided in the data files are the values used to calculate the various loan limits, and may not represent actual home prices in any respective county. For an explanation of HUD’s methodology in determining applicable median prices and calculating loan limits, see HUD Median Price Estimates.
The loan limits found in the associated data files are applicable for the timeframes outlined in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. This file will only be updated if HUD determines, in response to an appropriately filed appeal (see Mortgagee Letter 2008-06), that there is sufficient justification to change its initial determination of the appropriate median price for any given county.
Each record in each data file consists of the following fields:

Field Name                   Position     Format and Size

MSA Code                      001-005           9(5)
Metropolitan Division Code    006-010           9(5)
MSA Name                      011-060           X(50)
SOA Code                      061-065           X(5)
Limit Type                    066-066           X(1)
    Values: S - Standard Limits - Indicates limits are at national floor.
            H - High Cost Limits - Indicates limits are above national floor.
Median Price                  067-073           9(7)
Limit for 1 Living Unit       074-080           9(7)
Limit for 2 Living Units      081-087           9(7)
Limit for 3 Living Units      088-094           9(7)
Limit for 4 Living Units      095-101           9(7)
State Abbreviation            102-103           X(2)
County Code (FIPS)            104-106           9(3)
State Name                    107-132           X(26)
County Name                   133-147           X(15)
County Transaction Date       148-155           9(8)
Limit Transaction Date        156-163           9(8)

1. A format of X(n) means n Alphanumeric (letters and numbers) characters
2. A format of 9(n) means n Numeric (numbers only) characters
3. The SOA Code is applicable only for FHA loans. It is set to a value of ‘GSE’ in all records in the GSE loan limits file.
4. The County Transaction Date represents the last time that a county boundary was changed, affecting the loan limits.
5. Limit Transaction Date represents the last time that the loan limit for a particular county was updated.

Please email any questions about this file to

This page last updated: March 5, 2008

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This file represents the layout of the loan-limit data files made publicly available through the web site. There are three data files: one for FHA Single Family, one for FHA HECM, and one for GSE loans (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). These data files represent the records resident in HUD’s master file of county-level loan limits. Median prices provided in the data files are the values used to calculate the various loan limits, and may not represent actual home prices in any respective county. For an explanation of HUD’s methodology in determining applicable median prices and calculating loan limits, see HUD Median Price Estimates.
The loan limits found in the associated data files are applicable for the timeframes outlined in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. This file will only be updated if HUD determines, in response to an appropriately filed appeal (see Mortgagee Letter 2008-06), that there is sufficient justification to change its initial determination of the appropriate median price for any given county.
Each record in each data file consists of the following fields:

Field Name                   Position     Format and Size

MSA Code                          001-005           9(5)
Metropolitan Division Code        006-010           9(5)
MSA Name                          011-060           X(50)
SOA Code                          061-065           X(5)
Limit Type                        066-066           X(1)
    Values: S - Standard Limits - Indicates limits are at national floor.
            H - High Cost Limits - Indicates limits are above national floor.
Median Price                      067-073           9(7)
Limit for 1 Living Unit           074-080           9(7)
Limit for 2 Living Units          081-087           9(7)
Limit for 3 Living Units          088-094           9(7)
Limit for 4 Living Units          095-101           9(7)
State Abbreviation                102-103           X(2)
County Code (FIPS)                104-106           9(3)
State Name                        107-132           X(26)
County Name                       133-147           X(15)
County Transaction Date           148-155           9(8)
Limit Transaction Date            156-163           9(8)
Median Price Determining Limit    164-170           9(7)
Year For Median Determining Limit 171-175           9(4)

1. A format of X(n) means n Alphanumeric (letters and numbers) characters
2. A format of 9(n) means n Numeric (numbers only) characters
3. The SOA Code is applicable only for FHA loans. It is set to a value of ‘GSE’ in all records in the GSE loan limits file.
4. The County Transaction Date represents the last time that a county boundary was changed, affecting the loan limits.
5. Limit Transaction Date represents the last time that the loan limit for a particular county was updated.

Please email any questions about this file to

This page last updated: March 5, 2008

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Per Mortgagee Letter 2003-02, FHA no longer approves PUDs

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The following is the file description for the Sponsored Originator file. This layout was last updated on September 8, 2011.
Field Name                     Position          Size

EIN                            001-009           9(9)
Sponsored Originator Name      011-050           X(40)
NMLS ID                        052-063           9(12)
Termination Reason             065-164           X(100)
Termination Date               166-173           9(8)

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The following is the file description for the Zip Code file. This layout was last updated on April 17, 2004.
Field Name                     Position          Size

Field Office                   001-004           9(4)
Zip Code                       005-013           9(9)
City Name                      014-030           X(17)
State Code                     031-032           X(2)
County Code                    033-035           X(3)
County Name                    036-050           X(15)
Lender Option/Jurisdictional   051-051           X(1)
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