
Julene Johnson, PhD

SchoolUCSF School of Nursing
DepartmentInstitute for Health Aging
Address3333 California Street
San Francisco CA 94118
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    2012 - 2017Fulbright Specialist Roster
    University of Jyvaskyla, Finland2010Fulbright Scholar

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    Julene K Johnson, PhD is a cognitive neuroscientist, Professor and Associate Director at the UCSF Institute for Health & Aging. She also has an appointment at the UCSF Center for Aging in Diverse Communities. Her research program focuses on cognitive aging and covers two primary themes: 1) developing cost-effective and novel community-based programs to promote health and well-being of diverse older adults and 2) studying mild cognitive impairment as a risk for dementia and functional decline. Her research on community-based health promotion involves culturally and ethnically diverse older adults. She is currently collaborating with the San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services to study the effect of a community choir program on the health and well-being of culturally diverse older adults. In 2010, she was a Fulbright scholar in Finland where she studied how singing in a community choir influences quality of life and well-being. She is currently on the Fulbright Specialist Roster (2012-2017).

    Her studies about mild cognitive impairment aim to develop new approaches to promoting cognitive health of older adults and better understanding the dysexecutive presentation of mild cognitive impairment.

    Community of Voices study website: www.communityofvoices.org

    Dr. Johnson is serving on the Board for the UC Music Experience Research Community Initiative (UC MERCI), is a multi-campus initiative to augment the scientific study of musical experience, communication, and behavior across the University of California. UC MERCI was one of five multicampus UC proposals (from among 200 submitted) to receive a 2015 UC President’s Research Catalyst Award. UC MERCI will encourage and facilitate UC researchers sharing their unique experimental resources and expertise while collaboratively developing and applying new methods to better understand and enhance the ability of musical experience and communication to affect and even transform the human mind and body. In the coming year a group of research students will have the opportunity to perform relevant research across UC campuses. http://merci.ucsd.edu/

    Dr. Johnson was the UCSF campus representative and Chair of the Advisory Committee for the University of California Humanities Research Institute (2013-2016) http://uchri.org/uchri/advisory-committee/

    Collapse Research 
    Collapse Research Activities and Funding
    Community Choirs to Promote Healthy Aging and Independence of Older Adults
    NIH R01AG042526Aug 15, 2012 - Jul 31, 2017
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH R01AG022538Jun 1, 2004 - Sep 30, 2011
    Role: Principal Investigator

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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Researchers can login to make corrections and additions, or contact us for help.
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    1. Särkämö T, Laitinen S, Numminen A, Kurki M, Johnson JK, Rantanen P. Pattern of Emotional Benefits Induced by Regular Singing and Music Listening in Dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Feb; 64(2):439-40. PMID: 26889849.
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    2. Johnson, JK, Louhivuori, J, and Siljander, E. . Comparision of well-being of older adult choir singers and the general population in Finland: A case-control study. Music Scientae. 2016.
    3. Särkämö T, Laitinen S, Numminen A, Kurki M, Johnson J, Rantanen P. Clinical and Demographic Factors Associated with the Cognitive and Emotional Efficacy of Regular Musical Activities in Dementia. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Oct 19; 49(3):767-81. PMID: 26519435.
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    4. Johnson JK, Nápoles AM, Stewart AL, Max WB, Santoyo-Olsson J, Freyre R, Allison TA, Gregorich SE. Study protocol for a cluster randomized trial of the Community of Voices choir intervention to promote the health and well-being of diverse older adults. BMC Public Health. 2015; 15:1049. PMID: 26463176; PMCID: PMC4603966.
    5. Park LQ, Harvey D, Johnson J, Farias ST. Deficits in Everyday Function Differ in AD and FTD. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2015 Oct-Dec; 29(4):301-6. PMID: 25590940.
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    6. Graziano AB, Johnson JK. Music, neurology, and psychology in the nineteenth century. Prog Brain Res. 2015; 216:33-49. PMID: 25684284.
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    7. Johnson JK, Graziano AB. Some early cases of aphasia and the capacity to sing. Prog Brain Res. 2015; 216:73-89. PMID: 25684286.
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    8. Johnson JK, Chow ML. Hearing and music in dementia. Handb Clin Neurol. 2015; 129:667-87. PMID: 25726296.
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    9. Noel-Storr AH, McCleery JM, Richard E, Ritchie CW, Flicker L, Cullum SJ, Davis D, Quinn TJ, Hyde C, Rutjes AW, Smailagic N, Marcus S, Black S, Blennow K, Brayne C, Fiorivanti M, Johnson JK, Köpke S, Schneider LS, Simmons A, Mattsson N, Zetterberg H, Bossuyt PM, Wilcock G, McShane R. Reporting standards for studies of diagnostic test accuracy in dementia: The STARDdem Initiative. Neurology. 2014 Jul 22; 83(4):364-73. PMID: 24944261; PMCID: PMC4115600.
    10. Brewster PW, Melrose RJ, Marquine MJ, Johnson JK, Napoles A, MacKay-Brandt A, Farias S, Reed B, Mungas D. Life experience and demographic influences on cognitive function in older adults. Neuropsychology. 2014 Nov; 28(6):846-58. PMID: 24933483; PMCID: PMC4227962.
    11. Portacolone E, Berridge C, K Johnson J, Schicktanz S. Time to reinvent the science of dementia: the need for care and social integration. Aging Ment Health. 2014; 18(3):269-75. PMID: 24180580.
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    12. Särkämö T, Tervaniemi M, Laitinen S, Numminen A, Kurki M, Johnson JK, Rantanen P. Cognitive, emotional, and social benefits of regular musical activities in early dementia: randomized controlled study. Gerontologist. 2014 Aug; 54(4):634-50. PMID: 24009169.
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    13. Pa J, Berry AS, Compagnone M, Boccanfuso J, Greenhouse I, Rubens MT, Johnson JK, Gazzaley A. Cholinergic enhancement of functional networks in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Ann Neurol. 2013 Jun; 73(6):762-73. PMID: 23447373; PMCID: PMC3748288.
    14. Graziano AB and Johnson JK. Review of "The Origins of Music". Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. 2013; 23(2):127-130.
    15. Johnson JK, Louhivuori J, Stewart AL, Tolvanen A, Ross L, Era P. Quality of life (QOL) of older adult community choral singers in Finland. Int Psychogeriatr. 2013 Jul; 25(7):1055-64. PMID: 23574947; PMCID: PMC3748797.
    16. Johnson JK, Lorch M, Nicolas S, Graziano A. Jean-Martin Charcot's role in the 19th century study of music aphasia. Brain. 2013 May; 136(Pt 5):1662-70. PMID: 23576129.
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    17. Bratzke-Bauer LC, Pozehl BJ, Paul SM, Johnson JK. Neuropsychological patterns differ by type of left ventricle dysfunction in heart failure. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2013 Mar; 28(2):114-24. PMID: 23257366; PMCID: PMC3569948.
    18. Gross AL, Manly JJ, Pa J, Johnson JK, Park LQ, Mitchell MB, Melrose RJ, Inouye SK, McLaren DG. Cortical signatures of cognition and their relationship to Alzheimer's disease. Brain Imaging Behav. 2012 Dec; 6(4):584-98. PMID: 22718430; PMCID: PMC3553578.
    19. Johnson JK, Gross AL, Pa J, McLaren DG, Park LQ, Manly JJ. Longitudinal change in neuropsychological performance using latent growth models: a study of mild cognitive impairment. Brain Imaging Behav. 2012 Dec; 6(4):540-50. PMID: 22562439; PMCID: PMC3532521.
    20. Park LQ, Gross AL, McLaren DG, Pa J, Johnson JK, Mitchell M, Manly JJ. Confirmatory factor analysis of the ADNI Neuropsychological Battery. Brain Imaging Behav. 2012 Dec; 6(4):528-39. PMID: 22777078; PMCID: PMC3538867.
    21. Louhivuori J, Siljander E, Luoma M-L & Johnson JK. Seniorikuorolaulajien sosioekonominen tausta, koettu hyvinvointi ja terveys. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. 2012; 77(4):446-453.
    22. Bauer L, Pozehl B, Hertzog M, Johnson J, Zimmerman L, Filipi M. A brief neuropsychological battery for use in the chronic heart failure population. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2012 Jun; 11(2):223-30. PMID: 21514892; PMCID: PMC3992214.
    23. Graziano AB, Pech A, Hou C, Johnson JK. Hermann Oppenheim's observations about music in aphasia. J Hist Neurosci. 2012 Jan; 21(1):1-16. PMID: 22239092.
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    24. Bauer LC, Johnson JK, Pozehl BJ. Cognition in heart failure: an overview of the concepts and their measures. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2011 Nov; 23(11):577-85. PMID: 22023229; PMCID: PMC3780407.
    25. Rascovsky K, Hodges JR, Knopman D, Mendez MF, Kramer JH, Neuhaus J, van Swieten JC, Seelaar H, Dopper EG, Onyike CU, Hillis AE, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Kertesz A, Seeley WW, Rankin KP, Johnson JK, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen H, Prioleau-Latham CE, Lee A, Kipps CM, Lillo P, Piguet O, Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD, Fox NC, Galasko D, Salmon DP, Black SE, Mesulam M, Weintraub S, Dickerson BC, Diehl-Schmid J, Pasquier F, Deramecourt V, Lebert F, Pijnenburg Y, Chow TW, Manes F, Grafman J, Cappa SF, Freedman M, Grossman M, Miller BL. Sensitivity of revised diagnostic criteria for the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia. Brain. 2011 Sep; 134(Pt 9):2456-77. PMID: 21810890; PMCID: PMC3170532.
    26. Douglas VC, Neuhaus J, Johnson JK, Racine CA, Miller BL, Josephson SA. Dementia=(MC)2: a 4-item screening test for mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2011 Jul-Sep; 25(3):220-4. PMID: 21566510; PMCID: PMC3156889.
    27. Johnson JK, Chang CC, Brambati SM, Migliaccio R, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller BL, Janata P. Music recognition in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and Alzheimer disease. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2011 Jun; 24(2):74-84. PMID: 21617528; PMCID: PMC3691095.
    28. Johnson JK, Pa J, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Freeman K, Yaffe K. Baseline predictors of clinical progression among patients with dysexecutive mild cognitive impairment. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2010; 30(4):344-51. PMID: 20938178; PMCID: PMC2975734.
    29. Pa J, Possin KL, Wilson SM, Quitania LC, Kramer JH, Boxer AL, Weiner MW, Johnson JK. Gray matter correlates of set-shifting among neurodegenerative disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy older adults. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2010 Jul; 16(4):640-50. PMID: 20374676; PMCID: PMC2891121.
    30. Chow ML, Brambati SM, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller BL, Johnson JK. Sound naming in neurodegenerative disease. Brain Cogn. 2010 Apr; 72(3):423-9. PMID: 20089342; PMCID: PMC2832081.
    31. Johnson J, Graziano A and Hayward J. Neurology of Music. Historical perspectives on the study of music in neurology. 2010; 17-30.
    32. Chao LL, Pa J, Duarte A, Schuff N, Weiner MW, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Freeman KM, Johnson JK. Patterns of cerebral hypoperfusion in amnestic and dysexecutive MCI. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2009 Jul-Sep; 23(3):245-52. PMID: 19812467; PMCID: PMC2760039.
    33. Possin KL, Brambati SM, Rosen HJ, Johnson JK, Pa J, Weiner MW, Miller BL, Kramer JH. Rule violation errors are associated with right lateral prefrontal cortex atrophy in neurodegenerative disease. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2009 May; 15(3):354-64. PMID: 19402921; PMCID: PMC2748220.
    34. Pa J, Boxer A, Chao LL, Gazzaley A, Freeman K, Kramer J, Miller BL, Weiner MW, Neuhaus J, Johnson JK. Clinical-neuroimaging characteristics of dysexecutive mild cognitive impairment. Ann Neurol. 2009 Apr; 65(4):414-23. PMID: 19399879; PMCID: PMC2680500.
    35. Garbutt S, Matlin A, Hellmuth J, Schenk AK, Johnson JK, Rosen H, Dean D, Kramer J, Neuhaus J, Miller BL, Lisberger SG, Boxer AL. Oculomotor function in frontotemporal lobar degeneration, related disorders and Alzheimer's disease. Brain. 2008 May; 131(Pt 5):1268-81. PMID: 18362099; PMCID: PMC2367697.
    36. Rabinovici GD, Seeley WW, Kim EJ, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rascovsky K, Pagliaro TA, Allison SC, Halabi C, Kramer JH, Johnson JK, Weiner MW, Forman MS, Trojanowski JQ, Dearmond SJ, Miller BL, Rosen HJ. Distinct MRI atrophy patterns in autopsy-proven Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2007 Dec-2008 Jan; 22(6):474-88. PMID: 18166607; PMCID: PMC2443731.
    37. Rascovsky K, Hodges JR, Kipps CM, Johnson JK, Seeley WW, Mendez MF, Knopman D, Kertesz A, Mesulam M, Salmon DP, Galasko D, Chow TW, Decarli C, Hillis A, Josephs K, Kramer JH, Weintraub S, Grossman M, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller BM. Diagnostic criteria for the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD): current limitations and future directions. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2007 Oct-Dec; 21(4):S14-8. PMID: 18090417.
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    38. Johnson JK, Lui LY, Yaffe K. Executive function, more than global cognition, predicts functional decline and mortality in elderly women. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 Oct; 62(10):1134-41. PMID: 17921427; PMCID: PMC2049089.
    39. Murray R, Neumann M, Forman MS, Farmer J, Massimo L, Rice A, Miller BL, Johnson JK, Clark CM, Hurtig HI, Gorno-Tempini ML, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Grossman M. Cognitive and motor assessment in autopsy-proven corticobasal degeneration. Neurology. 2007 Apr 17; 68(16):1274-83. PMID: 17438218.
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    40. Kramer JH, Nelson A, Johnson JK, Yaffe K, Glenn S, Rosen HJ, Miller BL. Multiple cognitive deficits in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2006; 22(4):306-11. PMID: 16931884; PMCID: PMC2631274.
    41. Forman MS, Farmer J, Johnson JK, Clark CM, Arnold SE, Coslett HB, Chatterjee A, Hurtig HI, Karlawish JH, Rosen HJ, Van Deerlin V, Lee VM, Miller BL, Trojanowski JQ, Grossman M. Frontotemporal dementia: clinicopathological correlations. Ann Neurol. 2006 Jun; 59(6):952-62. PMID: 16718704; PMCID: PMC2629792.
    42. Chang CC, Eggers SD, Johnson JK, Haman A, Miller BL, Geschwind MD. Anti-GAD antibody cerebellar ataxia mimicking Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2007 Jan; 109(1):54-7. PMID: 16621241.
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    43. Graziano A & Johnson JK . Richard Wallaschek’s nineteenth-century contributions to the psychology of music. Music Perception. 2006; (23):293-304.
    44. Graziano A & Johnson JK. The influence of scientific research on nineteenth-century musical thought: The work of Richard Wallaschek. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music. 2006; 37:17-32.
    45. Goldman JS, Farmer JM, Wood EM, Johnson JK, Boxer A, Neuhaus J, Lomen-Hoerth C, Wilhelmsen KC, Lee VM, Grossman M, Miller BL. Comparison of family histories in FTLD subtypes and related tauopathies. Neurology. 2005 Dec 13; 65(11):1817-9. PMID: 16344531.
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    46. Goldman JS, Johnson JK, McElligott K, Suchowersky O, Miller BL, Van Deerlin VM. Presenilin 1 Glu318Gly polymorphism: interpret with caution. Arch Neurol. 2005 Oct; 62(10):1624-7. PMID: 16216949.
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    47. Roberson ED, Hesse JH, Rose KD, Slama H, Johnson JK, Yaffe K, Forman MS, Miller CA, Trojanowski JQ, Kramer JH, Miller BL. Frontotemporal dementia progresses to death faster than Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 2005 Sep 13; 65(5):719-25. PMID: 16157905.
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    48. Johnson JK, Diehl J, Mendez MF, Neuhaus J, Shapira JS, Forman M, Chute DJ, Roberson ED, Pace-Savitsky C, Neumann M, Chow TW, Rosen HJ, Forstl H, Kurz A, Miller BL. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration: demographic characteristics of 353 patients. Arch Neurol. 2005 Jun; 62(6):925-30. PMID: 15956163.
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    49. Nelson L, Johnson JK, Freedman M, Lott I, Groot J, Chang M, Milgram NW, Head E. Learning and memory as a function of age in Down syndrome: a study using animal-based tasks. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2005 Mar; 29(3):443-53. PMID: 15795053.
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    50. Rosen HJ, Narvaez JM, Hallam B, Kramer JH, Wyss-Coray C, Gearhart R, Johnson JK, Miller BL. Neuropsychological and functional measures of severity in Alzheimer disease, frontotemporal dementia, and semantic dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2004 Oct-Dec; 18(4):202-7. PMID: 15592131.
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    51. Johnson JK, Miller BL. Neurologic signs and mobility limitations: a neglected link in the elderly. Am J Med. 2004 Jun 15; 116(12):853. PMID: 15178503.
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    52. Wilhelmsen KC, Forman MS, Rosen HJ, Alving LI, Goldman J, Feiger J, Lee JV, Segall SK, Kramer JH, Lomen-Hoerth C, Rankin KP, Johnson J, Feiler HS, Weiner MW, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Miller BL. 17q-linked frontotemporal dementia-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis without tau mutations with tau and alpha-synuclein inclusions. Arch Neurol. 2004 Mar; 61(3):398-406. PMID: 15023818.
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    53. Gorno-Tempini ML, Dronkers NF, Rankin KP, Ogar JM, Phengrasamy L, Rosen HJ, Johnson JK, Weiner MW, Miller BL. Cognition and anatomy in three variants of primary progressive aphasia. Ann Neurol. 2004 Mar; 55(3):335-46. PMID: 14991811; PMCID: PMC2362399.
    54. Johnson JK, Vogt BA, Kim R, Cotman CW, Head E. Isolated executive impairment and associated frontal neuropathology. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2004; 17(4):360-7. PMID: 15178954; PMCID: PMC2637356.
    55. Kramer JH, Jurik J, Sha SJ, Rankin KP, Rosen HJ, Johnson JK, Miller BL. Distinctive neuropsychological patterns in frontotemporal dementia, semantic dementia, and Alzheimer disease. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2003 Dec; 16(4):211-8. PMID: 14665820.
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    56. Johnson JK, Graziano AB. August Knoblauch and amusia: a nineteenth-century cognitive model of music. Brain Cogn. 2003 Feb; 51(1):102-14. PMID: 12633592.
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    57. Golob EJ, Johnson JK, Starr A. Auditory event-related potentials during target detection are abnormal in mild cognitive impairment. Clin Neurophysiol. 2002 Jan; 113(1):151-61. PMID: 11801437.
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    58. Head E, Garzon-Rodriguez W, Johnson JK, Lott IT, Cotman CW, Glabe C. Oxidation of Abeta and plaque biogenesis in Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome. Neurobiol Dis. 2001 Oct; 8(5):792-806. PMID: 11592849.
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    59. Golob EJ, Miranda GG, Johnson JK, Starr A. Sensory cortical interactions in aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2001 Sep-Oct; 22(5):755-63. PMID: 11705635.
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    60. Johnson JK, Head E, Kim R, Starr A, Cotman CW. Clinical and pathological evidence for a frontal variant of Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 1999 Oct; 56(10):1233-9. PMID: 10520939.
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    61. Bodner M, Shaw GL, Gabriel R, Johnson JK, Murias M, Swanson J. Detecting symmetric patterns in EEG data: a new method of analysis. Clin Electroencephalogr. 1999 Oct; 30(4):143-50. PMID: 10513320.
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    62. Ulatowska HK, Chapman SB, Johnson J . Macrostructure and inferential processing in discourse of aphasic patients. Psychology of Language and Communication. 1999; 3:3-20.
    63. Johnson JK, McCleary R, Oshita MH, Cotman CW. Initiation and propagation stages of beta-amyloid are associated with distinctive apolipoprotein E, age, and gender profiles. Brain Res. 1998 Jul 6; 798(1-2):18-24. PMID: 9666062.
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    64. Johnson J, Petsche H, Richter P, von Stein A & Filz O. The dependence of coherence estimates of spontaneous EEG on gender and music training. Music Perception. 1996; 13:563-582.
    65. Chapman SB, Ulatowska, HK, King K, Johnson J . Discourse in early Alzheimer’s disease versus normal advanced aging. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 1995; (4):122-127.
    66. Ulatowska HK, Chapman SB & Johnson JK . Processing of proverbs in aphasics and old-elderly. Clinical Aphasiology. 1995; (23):179-193.
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