Science Support

Budget, Planning, and Integration

Science Support L3 Landing Pages

Part of the Director's Office, The Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration (BPI) secures fiscal resources needed for the USGS to perform its scientific mission goals, facilitates information sharing internally and externally, and provides in-depth analysis of budget and program performance data for the USGS to understand, anticipate, and respond to shifts in social and political paradigms.

Strategic Plans
Strategic Plans facilitate the integration of programs, the allocation and alignment of resources, and collaboration and coordination with stakeholders to achieve key goals.

DOI Strategic Plan FY14–18

USGS Facing Tomorrow's Challenges  FY07–17

USGS Science Strategy Plans


Annual Performance Plan and Report (APP&R)
The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) require that agencies report on their performance at the end of each fiscal year. The  DOI Annual Performance Report and Annual Performance Plan presents the performance targets for the upcoming year and the budget year; resources allocated; program contributions; challenges and risks; and finer level performance measures and milestones that support the Strategic Plan goals. (


Budget by Fiscal Year
Annual Federal Appropriations Process — Here you will find documents such as Budget Justifications (Greenbook), press releases, funding tables, fact sheets, and more, organized by fiscal year.




About Us
The USGS Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration aligns USGS issues, strategies, and funding with the strategic planning, priorities, and policy of the Administration, Department of the Interior, and Congress.

Budget — Provides guidance to senior managers in formulating annual budget requests and developing budget initiatives; analyzes budget initiative proposals to ensure they comport with bureau and Department policy; develops budget justifications; integrates budget and performance metrics; participates in integrated science program development; and communicates proposals to the Department, OMB, and the Congress.  Allocates funds received from Treasury to appropriate Mission Area accounts, monitors and reports expenditures and balances to the Department, OMB and Congress.

Planning and Integration —  Provides analysis and guidance to senior managers in Planning and Performance Management initiatives; coordinates strategy and performance with Department and ensures compliance with DOI policy; Integrates internal controls; and manages bureau-wide Working Capital Fund.

Associate Director
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4443
Planning Analyst for Climate and Land Use, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-5766
IG/Performance Metrics, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4328
Budget Coordinator for Water Resources (Detail), Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4383
Budget Officer, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4379
Integration Officer, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4145
Budget Coordinator for Core Science Systems, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4091
Planning Analyst for Core Science Systems/FTE, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4444
Budget Coordinator for Natural Hazards, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4472
Executive Staff Assistant
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4431
Economist/Surveys/Internal Controls, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-5705
Planning Analyst for Water Resources, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4392
Budget Coordinator for Climate and Land Use Change/Landsat, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4434
Chief of Staff (Detail/Part Time) and Budget Coordinator for Ecosystems/Crosscuts Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4372
Tables/FBMS/Allocations/MAX, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4116
Deputy Budget Officer and Budget Coordinator for Science Support
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-7101
Budget Coordinator for Energy and Minerals, and Environmental Health, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-6031
Data Analysis/Tables, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4438
Budget Coordinator for Facilities, Budget Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4374
Working Capital Fund/FAIR Act, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4331
Planning Analyst for Natural Hazards/Basis+, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4479
Planning Analyst for EH, EM, Ecosystems/Data Analysis, Integration Team
Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration
Phone: 703-648-4376