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CHIPS Articles: NAVIDFOR Celebrates National Native American Heritage Month

NAVIDFOR Celebrates National Native American Heritage Month
By Robert Fluegel, NAVIDFOR Public Affairs Specialist - November 24, 2015
Suffolk, Va. (NNS) -- Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) held a multi-cultural event to celebrate National Native American Heritage Month, Nov 20.

Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, commander, Navy Information Dominance Forces, delivered the ceremony's opening remarks.

"Native American's have served in every war since and including the American Revolution. There have been 28 Native American medal of honor winners," said Kohler. "This inspiring record of service, whether in the 1700s, 1800s, 1900s or today is representative of Native American culture."

Miss Theodora Harris-Bates, a Native American descendant from the Hualapai tribe, served as guest speaker for the event held in the Information Dominance Corps Hall of Heroes auditorium.

This year's theme, Growing Native Leaders: Enhancing Our Seven Generations, encouraged all of NAVIDFOR's Sailors and civilian employees to reflect on Native American impacts throughout U.S. history.

Harris-Bates talked to Sailors and civilians about the Hualapai tribal history, location, traditions and seal.

"The Hualapai people are a tribe of Native Americans that live in the mountains of Northwestern Arizona and their tribal capitol is located at Peach Springs, Arizona," said Harris-Bates. "Hualapai tribal history is not recorded in books, it is passed orally from generation to generation."

American Indians have participated with distinction in United States military actions for more than 200 years. Their courage, determination and fighting spirit were recognized by American military leaders as early as the 18th century.

National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month celebrates and recognizes the accomplishments of the original inhabitants, explorers and settlers of the United States. It wasn't until 1986 that Congress passed a proclamation authorizing American Indian Week. In 1990, the month of November was designated as National American Indian Heritage Month. The title has since expanded to celebrate Alaska Natives.

"We are proud to recognize the significant contributions of Native Americans and we are fortunate to be able to learn the lessons of their culture," Kohler said.

According to the Naval History and Heritage Command, there are more than 22,248 American Indians serving in the Armed Forces, accounting for 1.7 percent of the military population.

For more news from Navy Information Dominance Forces, visit

Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) held a multi-cultural event to celebrate National Native American Heritage
Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) held a multi-cultural event to celebrate National Native American Heritage
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