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CHIPS Articles: JTNC Releases SCA 4.1 Draft Specification

JTNC Releases SCA 4.1 Draft Specification
By Joint Tactical Networking Center, Public Affairs and Corporate Communications - February 9, 2015
SAN DIEGO - The Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC) has released the newest Software Communications Architecture (SCA) update, SCA 4.1 Draft. This latest revision to the SCA incorporates recent technology advances in an effort to enhance waveform interoperability, security and affordability. This draft specification and related artifacts are available for download from the JTNC SCA website at The specification defines a common way to launch, control and configure waveforms, allowing the waveform software to be reused across multiple Software Defined Radios (SDRs).

SCA 4.1 supports lower cost development by allowing software components to be tailored by permitting the removal of requirements not applicable to a product, thus reducing memory requirements, processor use, power consumption and overall lifecycle cost. The new SCA 4.1 capabilities were introduced in a manner which supports the ability for SCA 2.2.2 applications to be run on SCA 4.1 platforms, allowing platform developers to take advantage of the technical improvements and flexibility of SCA 4.1 while preserving the investments in SCA 2.2.2 applications. The specification introduces guidance for the definition of portable (cross-platform) interfaces which facilitates the development of compliant applications and platforms that could be used across domestic and international programs. SCA 4.1 expands the push registration capability to devices and services, which improves system start up time and provides a significant advantage for service-oriented applications.

The JTNC continues to collaborate with the organizations from across the Defense Department, industry and international communities via the Wireless Innovation Forum (WInnF) during the development of SCA 4.1. The JTNC will participate in a WInnF-hosted public webinar to discuss the draft SCA 4.1 specification on Feb. 18 2015, which will include presentations on why the draft revision was created, an overview of its features, and instruction on how and when to submit comments and issues. The SCA 4.1 is anticipated to be finalized in June 2015.

For more information, contact the Joint Tactical Networking Center, Public Affairs and Corporate Communications office at

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