ENERGY STAR plant certification

Certified Facility Flag

EPA distinguishes the best performing plants within an industry with ENERGY STAR certification.

Select manufacturing plants located in the U.S. and its territories can earn ENERGY STAR certification and display the ENERGY STAR similar to those seen on appliances and electronics in the marketplace. Manufacturing plants must achieve an ENERGY STAR score of 75 or higher using an industry-specific ENERGY STAR Energy Performance Indicator (EPI). EPIs, EPA’s benchmarking tools for industrial plants, measure a plant’s energy performance and compare it to that of similar plants nationwide, generating an ENERGY STAR score on a scale of 1 to 100.

Certified plants are awarded a congratulatory letter to the company’s CEO, a certificate of achievement, decals for identifying the plant’s certification, the option to obtain flags/banners/plaques, and a listing in EPA’s ENERGY STAR certified plant registry.

Determining eligibility

Manufacturing plants must satisfy the plant description located within the “instructions” sheet of the applicable industry-specific EPI, score 75 or higher using the appropriate EPI, and satisfy an environmental compliance screen.

Eligible plant types

Environmental compliance criteria

  • No unresolved high priority violations of the Clean Air Act (CAA) within the past 3 years,
  • No CAA Consent Decrees within the last year or noncompliance of an existing CAA Consent Decree, and,
  • No CAA criminal convictions or pleas within the past 5 years or current criminal investigations involving an employee(s) or corporate officer(s)

If your company operates a plant within an eligible category, evaluate its energy performance to see if it qualifies for EPA’s ENERGY STAR. Then follow the application and submittal instructions carefully.

For clarifications, please send an email to

Instructions and guidance documents

Application forms

2015 Certified Plants

Congratulations to the 2015 class of ENERGY STAR certified plants!

2015 Certified Plants

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Plants seeking 2016 ENERGY STAR certification must submit the application no later than November 1, 2016.