Bed Stability and Sedimentation Associated With Human Disturbances in Pacific Northwest Streams1


  • Philip R. Kaufmann,

    1. Respectively, Research Physical Scientist (Kaufmann), Western Ecology Division, National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, 200 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, Oregon
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  • David P. Larsen,

    1. Aquatic Ecologist (Larsen), Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, 200 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, Oregon
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  • John M. Faustini

    1. Post-doctoral Research Associate (Faustini), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 200 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, Oregon
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    Paper No. JAWRA-07-0152-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Discussions are open until October 1, 2009.



Abstract:  To evaluate anthropogenic sedimentation in United States (U.S.) Pacific Northwest coastal streams, we applied an index of relative bed stability (LRBS*) to summer low flow survey data collected using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program field methods in a probability sample of 101 wadeable stream reaches. LRBS* is the log of the ratio of bed surface geometric mean particle diameter (Dgm) to critical diameter (D*cbf) at bankfull flow, based on a modified Shield’s criterion for incipient motion. We used a formulation of LRBS* that explicitly accounts for reductions in bed shear stress that result from channel form roughness due to pools and wood. LRBS* ranged from −1.9 to +0.5 in streams within the lower quartile of human riparian and basin disturbance, and was substantially lower (−4.2 to −1.1) in streams within the upper quartile of human disturbance. Modeling results suggest that the expected range of LRBS* in streams without human disturbances in this region might be generally between −0.7 and +0.5 in either sedimentary or volcanic lithology. However, streams draining relatively soft, erodible sedimentary lithology showed greater reductions in LRBS* associated with disturbance than did those having harder, more resistant volcanic (basalt) lithology with similar levels of basin and riparian disturbance. At any given level of disturbance, smaller streams had lower LRBS* than those with larger drainages. In sedimentary lithology (sandstone and siltstone), high-gradient streams had higher LRBS* than did low-gradient streams of the same size and level of human disturbance. High gradient streams in volcanic lithology, in contrast, had lower LRBS* than low-gradient streams of similar size and disturbance. Correlations between Dgm and land disturbance were stronger than those observed between D*cbf and land disturbance. This pattern suggests that land use has augmented sediment supplies and increased streambed fine sediments in the most disturbed streams. However, we also show evidence that some of the apparent reductions in LRBS*, particularly in steep streams draining small volcanic drainages, may have resulted in part from anthropogenic increases in bed shear stress. The synoptic survey methods and designs we use appear adequate to evaluate regional patterns in bed stability and sedimentation and their general relationship to human disturbances. More precise field measurements of channel slope, cross-section geometry, and bed surface particle size would be required to use LRBS* in applications requiring a higher degree of accuracy and precision, such as site-specific assessments at individual streams.


Many human activities increase erosion and delivery of sediment to streams, particularly fine particles <2 mm in diameter. Consequently, excessive erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment are among the leading causes of impairment of habitat and water quality in streams and rivers throughout the United States (U.S.) (USEPA, 2006a). Accumulations of fine substrate particles fill the interstices of coarser bed materials, reducing habitat space and its availability for benthic fish and macroinvertebrates (Hawkins et al., 1983; Platts et al., 1983; Rinne, 1988; Waters, 1995). In the Pacific Northwest (PNW), where we conducted our study, stream habitat degradation and streambed sedimentation have been implicated as major factors contributing to the historic decline of salmonids and the integrity of the food webs supporting them (Nehlsen et al., 1991).

The landscape setting, however, is an influential context underlying human effects. Geoclimatic factors and landscape position exert strong controls on the vigor of geologic weathering, sediment delivery, transport, and deposition processes, and on the flow and morphology of streams (Leopold et al., 1964). Furthermore, landscape characteristics, including topography and geology, constrain the types of land and water management activities that are possible and profitable. Finally, many of these same landscape characteristics can exacerbate or ameliorate the degree to which human activities alter the sediment and water delivery processes that in turn influence substrate size, stability, and channel form. It is not surprising, then, that researchers have reported that stream ecosystems in the PNW vary in their sensitivity to human disturbances, depending upon stream drainage area, channel slopes, and basin geology (e.g., Beschta et al., 1995; Spence et al., 1996).

The PNW Coast Range Ecoregion (Omernik, 1987) in which we conducted this study (Figure 1) has a cool, wet temperate climate (Omernik and Gallant, 1986), with a dynamic natural disturbance regime in which landslides, debris torrents, wildfire and wind-driven tree-fall are important in shaping the landscape and its streams (Dietrich and Dunne, 1978; Benda et al., 1998, 2003; Bisson et al., 2003). These disturbances are essential for forming and maintaining complex and productive habitat for biota in the region (Reeves et al., 1995). Human land uses in the PNW Coast Range consist primarily of silviculture, dairy farming, and urban-suburban developments. These activities and the roads associated with them can increase erosion rates and sediment supply to streams above those that occur in the absence of human activities (Beschta, 1978; Reid et al., 1981; Waters, 1995; Jones et al., 2001; May, 2002). In riparian areas, these activities reduce the effectiveness of riparian corridors in trapping sediment and stabilizing long-term sediment storage in streambanks and valley bottoms (Gregory et al., 1991).

Figure 1.

 Map of Coastal Oregon and Washington, Showing Synoptic Stream Reach Sites Surveyed in 1994-1996 by Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Washington Department of Ecology, and the USEPA. Repeat sites were sampled a second or third time during the same field season as the original site visit to assess measurement repeatability. The shaded area is the Pacific Northwest Coast Range Ecoregion defined by Omernik and Gallant (1986).

Increases in the fine sediment loading to an individual stream will generally increase the percentage of fine particles in the streambed (e.g., Jackson et al., 2001). Similarly, these increases in the supply of fine particles also typically decrease the bed surface particle median diameter, D50, or geometric mean diameter, Dgm (Dietrich et al., 1989; Madej, 2001). However, the interpretation of human influences on bed texture becomes more complicated when comparing multiple streams across a landscape, rather than tracking temporal changes in an individual stream. Even in landscapes with uniform lithology and land use, bed particle size varies naturally in streams of different sizes and slopes. Human activities can covary positively or negatively with these natural controls. This covariance can misleadingly amplify, obscure, or even reverse the apparent effect of human activities, if interpreted on the basis of their association with streambed texture or percent fines (<2.0 mm) alone (Kaufmann and Hughes, 2006). Therefore, it is essential to account for these natural expectations and derive an efficiently obtained measure of how much the bed particle diameter (e.g., D50 or Dgm) in a given stream deviates from that expected in the absence of human activities.

Sediment Supply vs. Transport

The particle size composition of a streambed depends on the balance between the rates of supply of various sediment sizes to the stream and the rate at which the flow moves them downstream, i.e., the stream’s sediment transport capacity (Mackin, 1948; Schumm, 1971). The sediment supply rate and the type and size of particles delivered to a stream by upslope erosion and mass transport are influenced by basin characteristics, including lithology, topography, climate, vegetative cover, runoff characteristics, and land disturbances. On the other hand, a stream’s potential sediment transport competence (maximum size particles it can transport) and capacity (total amount of sediment it can transport) are largely dependent on its slope, basin area, and runoff regime. These characteristics determine the velocity and depth of water flow, which in turn determine competence and the duration of competent flows. The interplay of supply and transport results in the tendency of high gradient streams to have coarser beds than low gradient streams draining similar-size basins within the same geoclimatic region. Similarly, among streams flowing at the same slope, large streams tend to have coarser beds than small streams. In both cases, greater shear stresses transport fine particles downstream, leaving coarser material behind (Lane, 1955; Leopold et al., 1964; Morisawa, 1968). Transport capacity depends upon the amount of the bed surface exposed to competent shear stresses and the duration of flows high enough to transport sediment. Transport competence can be lessened by bedforms, bank irregularities, large wood, and other channel features that increase hydraulic resistance and dissipate energy in turbulence.

Relative Bed Stability

In this paper, we use the term “bed stability” not in the sense of morphological stability, but to describe the tendency of streambed particles to resist transport under a reference flow condition – i.e., inverse particle mobility. The persistence of substantial deposits of fine particles on the bed of a stream that can frequently transport those sediments is made possible by high rates of sediment supply. By comparing the size range of streambed sediments with a stream’s erosive competence (i.e., bed shear stress), researchers have evaluated bed stability over a wide range of stream slopes, drainage areas, and bed particle sizes (e.g., Dingman, 1984; Dietrich et al., 1989; Gordon et al., 1992; Buffington, 1995; Olsen et al., 1997; Montgomery et al., 1999). Bed stability is typically evaluated with reference to bankfull flows, as they have been shown to be a reasonable approximation of the one-year to two-year recurrence interval floods responsible for the majority of bed load transport in a wide variety of streams. If most of the streambed sediments are much finer than the size the stream is capable of moving during bankfull flows, those sediments move frequently even under nonflood conditions, rendering the bed relatively unstable.

We evaluated the stability of streambeds using an index of relative bed stability (RBS) calculated as the ratio of bed surface geometric mean particle diameter (Dgm) to estimated critical diameter at bankfull flow (Dcbf) determined from a modified Shield’s criterion for incipient motion. Thus, RBS≪1 indicates low bed stability and a high potential for mobility. Mechanistically, RBS can decline as a result of textural fining that reduces Dgm (e.g., Dietrich et al., 1989; Buffington and Montgomery, 1999b) or an increase in bed shear stress that increases Dcbf (see Buffington and Montgomery, 2001; Millar and Rennie, 2001). In streams with very low bankfull RBS, bed sediments are easily transported by flows smaller than bankfull floods. Low RBS streams with a deficit of sediment supply relative to transport have a high potential for channel incision (Schmidt and Wilcock, 2008). The persistence of fine sediments on the bed surface of non-incising streams that have low RBS is made possible by high rates of sediment supply (including fines) that continue to replenish the streambed (Kaufmann and Hughes, 2006; Kaufmann et al., 2008). Conversely, low RBS caused by increased competence (higher Dcbf) from hydrologic alteration would not likely persist, as textural coarsening or channel shape adjustments would be expected to result in upward adjustment of RBS over time if the supply of fine sediment were not augmented.

We used a formulation of RBS developed by Kaufmann et al. (2008), log-transformed and termed LRBS*, that explicitly accounts for reductions in bed shear stress that result from channel form roughness (e.g., pools and wood) but can be calculated from synoptic survey data such as those collected as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). The relevant measurements at each stream reach are collected in 1.5 to 3.5 h by a field crew of two persons (Peck et al., 2006). The required data at individual streams are limited to relatively quick and simple measures, including bankfull channel dimensions at estimated bankfull stage, a thalweg depth profile, channel water surface gradient, a woody debris size-class tally, and a systematic bed surface particle count (pebble count). These data are collected at low flow on relatively long reaches (40 wetted channel-widths), and then summarized for each reach (see the Study Area and Methods section for greater detail). We demonstrate that these routine survey data can be used in the context of landscape data and sediment transport theory to assess the likely influence of geomorphic factors and human disturbances on the size and stability of streambed particles in streams in our study area.


We hypothesized that LRBS* in relatively pristine streams should have values that are characteristic of their geoclimatic region or class of streams within that region, depending upon their natural lithology, soils, topography, climate, vegetation, and geomorphic setting (stream size, slope, and constraint). LRBS* should decrease in proportion to increases in sediment supply above that derived from the natural disturbance regime. To the extent that human land use increases sediment supply by elevating erosion above natural levels, LRBS* should decline progressively across a gradient of human disturbance. Because increases in erosion rates from given levels of human disturbance depend upon the inherent erodibility of landscapes, we expected a greater anthropogenic decline in LRBS* in basins underlain by erodible rocks than in those underlain by more resistant rock.

Study Area and Methods

We analyzed data from one or more site visits to 101 stream reaches in the Coast Range Ecoregion of Oregon (n = 54) and Washington (n = 47). These field surveys were conducted during the summer low flow season in 1994 to 1996 by Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Washington Department of Ecology in cooperation with the USEPA (Herger and Hayslip, 2000). These sites were chosen as a probability sample using EMAP site selection protocols (Stevens and Olsen, 1999, 2004; Herlihy et al., 2000) and are representative of the population of first-order through third-order (Strahler, 1957) streams delineated on 1:100,000-scale U.S. Geologic Survey topographic maps of the region (Figure 1). To evaluate measurement and short-term temporal variability, 29 within-season revisits were made (normally by different field crews) to 19 sites (repeat sites) over the time period 1994 to 1996, and all of the Oregon sites were revisited in the summer following a large storm in February 1996.

Coast Range Ecoregion

The Oregon-Washington Coast Range Ecoregion (Omernik, 1987) includes the Pacific Coast Range Mountains and coastal valleys and terraces. Elevation of the stream sample sites ranged from 3 to 673 m (Table 1) and local relief within sample drainages ranged between 460 and 620 m, with the mountains generally less than 1,250 m high. The region has a cool maritime climate averaging 140-320 cm annual precipitation, falling mainly as rain between October and April. Annual streamflow hydrographs reflect the timing of precipitation, showing a general rise beginning in October, a general maximum in winter, and a gradual decrease through the spring and summer. Minimum flows are normally observed in September. The pattern of peak flows is erratic. Major peaks usually occur in January or February, with secondary peaks occurring anytime from mid-October to May.

Table 1.   Sample Distributions of Selected Basin, Channel, and Riparian Characteristics of 101 Coastal Stream Reaches Surveyed by the Oregon-Washington REMAP Project, 1994-1995.
  1. Note: REMAP, Regional-Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program.

Drainage area (km2)140.09-160
Discharge at summer sample time (m3/s)0.0680-2.18
Elevation at sample reach (m)1213-673
Mean slope of reach water surface (%)1.20.08-22
Sinuosity of sample reach (m/m)1.321.11-3.57
Mean bankfull width (m)9.00.8-48
Mean wetted width (m)5.60-23
Mean bankfull depth at thalweg (m)1.10.27-2.6
Mean residual depth at thalweg (m)0.170-0.74
Mean total canopy cover − mid-channel (densiometer %)7813-100
Mean riparian tree + shrub + ground woody cover (%)1001.7-181
Mean riparian tree canopy cover (%)400.8-89
Mean riparian tree canopy cover − trees >0.3 m dbh (%)220-67
Riparian human disturbances – all types (proximity-weighted observation per plot)1.20-5.2
Riparian silvicultural disturbances (proximity-weighted observation per plot)0.380-1.5
Riparian road disturbances (proximity-weighted observation per plot)0.330-1.0
Basin road density, RdDenkm (km/km2)1.60-5.9
Riparian agricultural disturbances (proximity-weighted observation per plot)00-2.1
Riparian condition index (RCOND)0.470-0.92
Basin + riparian condition index (WRCOND)0.610-0.86
Large wood volume (m3 wood/m2 bankfull channel area)0.0220-1.9
Large wood areal cover (% of wetted reach area)70-58
Streambed surface sand + fines (%≤2 mm diameter)290-100
Streambed surface Dgm − geometric mean diameter (mm)100.0077-1,040
Streambed D*cbf adj. for LWD and channel complexity (mm)693.5-2,100
LRBS_bw5 = log(relative bed stability) (Kaufmann et al., 1999)−0.70−4.1 to +1.2
LRBS* = log(relative bed stability) = log[Dgm/D*cbf]−0.87 −4.2 to +0.98

The thin residual soils overlying steep basalt-underlain hillslopes in the Coast Range support lush coniferous forest vegetation but are subject to debris avalanches and torrents, particularly when vegetation is removed or when soil is disturbed by road building (Herger and Hayslip, 2000). Thicker soils that developed on gentler terrain underlain by colluvium and sedimentary bedrock also have a high potential for deep-seated mass failures because hillslopes are often near the angle of repose. Runoff as overland flow is rare in undisturbed forest areas, but increases where native vegetation has been removed or where soils have been compacted during logging operations. In flat or gently sloped areas, which are typically underlain by colluvium or sedimentary lithology, intensive dairy farming, hayfields, and small urban-suburban developments are common.

There is a wide range of anthropogenic land disturbance in the Coast Range, from nearly pristine areas in the lower elevations of the Olympic National Forest in Washington and two small wilderness areas along the Oregon Coast, to heavily developed areas, including the Tillamook lowlands in Oregon and Grays Harbor lowlands in Washington. The Coast Range ecoregion was once densely forested, but timber harvest has occurred extensively throughout the coastal mountains and is an ongoing industry in the ecoregion. Dairy cattle operations, including forage/grain cultivation and feedlots, are concentrated in larger valleys and along the coast. Residential and commercial development is concentrated on land bordering water, particularly ocean bays (Herger and Hayslip, 2000).

Field Methods and Basic Field Data Reduction

Field data included measures of channel and riparian attributes, as well as observations of the type and extent of human disturbances. We summarize the relevant parts of the field protocol here; for more detail, consult Kaufmann and Robison (1998). Procedures for calculating stream reach summaries of channel and riparian characteristics from these detailed data are described by Kaufmann et al. (1999). Sample reach lengths were 40 times their summer season wetted width, with a minimum length set at 150 m. The field data were collected from longitudinal profiles and from 11 equally spaced cross-sections with associated 10 × 10 m (visually estimated) streamside riparian plots adjacent to each bank.

Wood and Riparian Measures.  A tally of large wood pieces ≥10 cm in diameter and ≥1.5 m long within the bankfull channel was recorded between each pair of sequential cross-sections along sample reaches. Pieces were tallied in three length and four diameter classes, and data were summarized as wood volume per m2 of bankfull channel area. Vegetation cover and type were visually estimated for each of three vegetation layers (ground cover, mid-layer, and canopy) within each of the 11 pairs of streamside riparian plots. Mean areal cover values for these riparian vegetation layers were calculated as reach-wide summaries. At and beyond each riparian plot, the presence and proximity of 11 categories of streamside human influences were recorded (walls, dikes, revetments, and dams; buildings; pavement or cleared lots; roads and railroads; pipes; landfills and trash; parks and lawns; row crops; pasture or rangeland; logging; and mining). A proximity-weighted disturbance index (W1_HALL) was calculated by tallying the number of left and right bank riparian stations at which a particular type of disturbance was observed, weighting each observation according to its proximity to the stream, and then averaging over all 22 observation points on the reach (Kaufmann et al., 1999). Observations within the stream or on its banks were weighted by 1.5, those within the 10 × 10 m plots were weighted by 1.0, and those visible beyond the plots were weighted by 0.67. Scores of the disturbance index ranged from 0 to 5 in this dataset, reflecting a range from low to high riparian disturbance.

Slope and Bed Particle Size.  Stream reach slope (%) was calculated as the arithmetic mean of ten water surface gradient measurements from handheld clinometer sightings on survey rods between sequential pairs of the 11 equally spaced transects. The particle size distribution of the wetted streambed surface was quantified by means of a systematic “pebble count,” in which 55 particles (five from each of 11 channel cross-sections) were selected and classified according to size categories. The pebble count procedure differed from typical applications to reduce bias against fine particles (see Kellerhals and Bray, 1971; Whitman et al., 2003). For sand and smaller particles (<2 mm diameter), field crews determined and recorded the dominant size class (sand or silt) of particles in the “pinch” of fine particles between their fingers. Areal cover-based summaries of reach-wide bed surface particle size were calculated from this field data. They included the geometric mean diameter (Dgm) and the percentages of bedrock (>4,000 mm diameter), boulders (250-4,000 mm), cobbles (64-250 mm), coarse gravel (16-64 mm), fine gravel (2-16 mm), sand (0.06-2 mm), silt (<0.06 mm), and organic detritus. Dgm was calculated by nominally assigning to each particle the geometric mean diameter of the upper and lower bounds of its diameter class (e.g., 5.66 mm for fine gravel), and then calculating the geometric mean of those class midpoint values, where geometric mean were calculated as the antilog of the arithmetic mean of the logarithms of those frequency-weighted class midpoint values (Faustini and Kaufmann, 2007; Kaufmann et al., 2008). Bedrock and silt, respectively, were assigned class midpoint values of 5,660 and 0.0077 mm.

Channel Morphology.  Channel measurements on each sample reach included a longitudinal survey of maximum (thalweg) depth at 100 equally spaced points (150 on streams <2.5 m wide), wetted width at 21 equally spaced locations, bankfull height and width at 11 equally spaced cross-sections (using a stadia rod and handheld level), and channel depth cross-section profiles consisting of five equally spaced points at the same 11 cross-sections. Reach mean and standard deviations for thalweg depth, bankfull dimensions, wetted width, and other descriptors of channel morphology were calculated from these measurements. Bankfull height was estimated from field evidence at 11 separate cross sections on the basis of channel, bank and floodplain geometry, deposition features with sediments <2 mm diameter, riparian vegetation, and flood height evidence observed during the low flow sample visit. In channels where bankfull floods were very unlikely (incised channels), or very common (channels in the process of enlarging due to increases in flood magnitude), crews were instructed to give more weight to vegetation and field evidence of recent flooding. Mean bankfull thalweg depths were calculated by summing values for mean thalweg depth and bankfull height. Combined with mean reach slope, longitudinal profiles of thalweg depth were used to calculate mean residual depth according to procedures described by Robison and Kaufmann (1994). Mean residual depth is a flow-independent index of reach-wide pool volume and large-scale roughness (see Bathurst, 1981; Kaufmann, 1987), a reach-wide interpretation of the residual pool concept, where individual residual pools are defined as those portions of a stream that would contain water at zero discharge due to the damming effect of their downstream riffle crests (Lisle, 1982).

Indices of Human Disturbance

We sought measures of basin and riparian disturbance that influence natural rates of sediment supply by processes including mass wasting, erosion, and bank cutting. Similarly, in keeping with current thought regarding riparian function in this region (e.g., Gregory et al., 1991), we sought a composite riparian condition measure that included direct measures of human disturbance as well as indicators of vegetation density, age, stability, and structural complexity. We expressed these measures of human disturbance using both continuous and discrete (categorical) variables. We used the continuous variables in correlation and regression and a categorical variable to define basin + riparian disturbance classes for graphical display and discussion.

Riparian Disturbance and Condition.  We used a composite riparian condition index (RCOND) defined by Kaufmann and Hughes (2006) from field data tallying evidence of streamside human activities and the cover and structure of riparian vegetation. The index decreases with increases in streamside human activities (W1_HALL), and increases with increasing large diameter tree cover (XCL) and riparian vegetation complexity (XCMGW, the sum of areal cover of woody vegetation in the tree, shrub, and ground cover layers). These riparian habitat measures are described in detail by Kaufmann et al. (1999). The index RCOND was defined as follows


Basin Disturbances.  As a surrogate index of the level of human activity and disturbance within the contributing drainages of our sample sites, we used road densities expressed as km of roads per km2 of stream basin area (RdDenkm) calculated from readily available digital road coverages provided by the U.S. Census Bureau (1990). Although it is only one possible measure of total basin disturbance, road density has been shown to be negatively correlated with basin percent areal cover of forests with trees having medium to very large diameter (e.g., Burnett et al., 2006). Furthermore, road density is known to play the dominant role in anthropogenic augmentation of sediment supply by erosion and mass-wasting in upland forested landscapes in the PNW region (Cederholm et al., 1981; Furniss et al., 1991; Madej, 2001). Hughes et al. (2004) and Kaufmann and Hughes (2006) showed road density to be consistently negatively related to an index of stream vertebrate biotic integrity (IBI) in the PNW Coast Range Ecoregion. In turn, they also showed that IBI was consistently negatively related to percent fine sediment (<2 mm), excess fine sediment with diameter <0.06 mm, and a formulation of RBS defined by Kaufmann et al. (1999), suggesting the importance of roads as a likely source of sediments that limit biotic integrity of streams.

Combined Basin + Riparian Condition.  We used an index of basin + riparian condition that combines the RCOND with road density (scaled by its regional maximum) as defined by Kaufmann and Hughes (2006):


In addition, we defined the ordinal basin + riparian disturbance class variable DISTLEV as shown in Table 2, with low, moderate, and high levels of anthropogenic disturbance based on RCOND with additional high and low threshold values of basin road density. The low and high DISTLEV classes separate out the lower and upper quartiles of basin + riparian disturbance in the study region.

Table 2.   Assignment of High, Moderate, and Low Basin + Riparian Anthropogenic Disturbance Class (DISTLEV) to Various Combinations of Riparian Condition (RCOND) and Basin Road Density.
Road Density Ranges (RdDenkm)Riparian Condition Ranges
≤0.300.30 ≤ 0.58≥0.58
  1. Notes: RCOND is an index ranging from 0 (high riparian disturbance) to 1.0 (low riparian disturbance) based on field observations and estimates of streamside human activities, riparian large diameter tree cover, and combined woody cover in three layers of riparian vegetation (see Equation 1). Basin road density (RdDenkm) is from U.S. Census Bureau (1990) data expressed in km of roads per km2 basin area. DISTLEV is the same basin + riparian disturbance class used by Kaufmann et al. (2008) to define symbols in their Figure 7. Their calculations, data plot, text, and interpretation of that figure are correct, but the definition of the three disturbance classes should have been as stated above.

<2.5 km/km2HighModerateLow

Relative Bed Stability Calculated From Survey Data

We calculated an index of relative bed stability, RBS*, as the ratio of the observed bed surface particle geometric mean diameter (Dgm) to the estimated bankfull critical diameter (D*cbf) (see Appendix). D*cbf is a reach-averaged estimate of the maximum particle diameter that is mobile during bankfull flow, distinguished from Dcbf in that it takes into account the degree to which the stability of particles is enhanced by the presence of large-scale channel roughness and large wood. We followed the approach of Kaufmann et al. (2008), in which an effective bankfull hydraulic radius, R*bf, is used to account for shear stress reductions resulting from large wood and channel irregularities (terms defined below and in Appendix). The equations are applicable for relatively long sample reaches (lengths approximately 40 times their summer low flow wetted width) and can be calculated from synoptic survey data such as those collected using field protocols described by Kaufmann and Robison (1998) or Peck et al. (2006), and raw data reduction procedures described by Kaufmann et al. (1999). The essential reach-wide field data are a systematic particle count, a longitudinal profile of thalweg depth, bankfull width and height above present water level, reach-wide surface water slope, and a tally of large woody debris (classified by size) in the bankfull channel. Using these data, RBS* is calculated as

image( (3a))

Defining the adjustment of bankfull hydraulic radius for channel form roughness and woody debris as described by Kaufmann et al. (2008) (see Appendix):

image( (3b))

where Dgm is the geometric mean bed surface particle diameter (m); D*cbf is the critical surface particle diameter (m) at bankfull flow, adjusted for shear stress reductions related to wood and depth variation; Rbf is the bankfull hydraulic radius (m); R*bf = Rbf (Cp/Ct)1/3 is the effective bankfull hydraulic radius (m), adjusted for wood and depth variation, where Cp and Ct are, respectively, dimensionless coefficients of particle-derived and total hydraulic resistance; S is the slope of reach water surface (m/m); θ is the Shields number for incipient motion.

Because of its wide range across the region (five orders of magnitude), its multiplicative response to human activities, and its measurement uncertainty that increases in proportion to its magnitude, we log-transformed RBS* in this paper, expressing it as LRBS* = log[RBS*] (throughout this paper, we use the notation log X to denote log10X).

Statistical Analysis

Measurement Precision.  We evaluated the precision of LRBS* measures by analysis of variance, partitioning variance within sites (repeat measurements) and among sites across the region (see Kaufmann et al., 1999, 2008; Larsen et al., 2004). The root mean square error from this partitioning of variance (RMSrep), termed RMSE by Kaufmann et al. (1999), is analogous to the standard deviation of measurements at each individual site, averaged over the sites where repeat measurements were made. We also calculated a relative measure of precision, a “signal-to-noise ratio” (SN), as the ratio of among-site variance to the variance of within-year repeat measurements to sites (see Kaufmann et al., 1999; Faustini and Kaufmann, 2007).

Regression Modeling.  We examined the relationship of LRBS* to riparian and basin human disturbances and natural geomorphic controls using multiple linear regression (MLR). We analyzed a comprehensive suite of geomorphic and hydraulic variables as potential predictors, including basin area, channel gradient, unit stream power, and lithology. This enabled us to account for natural variation in LRBS* that may occur among relatively undisturbed streams in different geologic and geomorphic settings. We also included a comprehensive suite of potential interactions among variables, allowing us to test whether the response of LRBS* to disturbance differs among streams of differing size, gradient, stream power, or lithology. With the exception of channel gradient, we did not consider other variables that were used to calculate D*cbf, and subsequently LRBS* (bankfull depth, in-channel wood volume, residual pool depth, particle Reynolds number, and estimated Shields parameter).

We followed the MLR procedure described by Kaufmann and Hughes (2006), which includes explicit measures to avoid over-fitting, and employs procedures to build mechanistically meaningful models. The MLR predictor variable selection procedure was stepwise (forward-backward), including and retaining only variables with < 0.15, and confirming best-model selection by examining all possible MLR models with less than or equal the number of resultant predictor variables. The final model with five variables described in our results was significant at < 0.0001. The highest p value for individual predictor variables actually selected in the MLR model using our variable selection criteria was p = 0.0275, and the other four had < 0.0001. To avoid over-fitting (over-parameterization), we did not build models with more than n/10 predictor variables, where n is the number of sample sites in a particular modeled stratum. To further avoid over-fitting, we also constrained the number of predictor variables so that the RMSE of the regression model (0.70) was larger than 0.43, which is the pooled RMSrep reported by Kaufmann et al. (2008) for same-stream repeat measurements of LRBS*. RMSrep is equivalent to the pooled standard deviation of site revisits, and represents a practical limit of an MLR model to associate variation of LRBS* in sites across the region with ancillary site data (Kaufmann et al., 1999). A regression model with RMSE substantially less than the RMSrep for measurement variation would be suspected of over-fitting.

Analysis of Associations.  We conducted correlation analyses comparing the sign and strength of associations (Pearson’s r) between LRBS* and measures of riparian, basin, and combined riparian + basin condition. We then conducted two analyses to assess the degree to which lower LRBS* associated with greater land disturbance was due to decreased Dgm, or to increased D*cbf or Dcbf, where Dcbf is the critical diameter calculated exactly as for D*cbf, but without the adjustment for woody debris and bedform resistance. In the first analysis, we examined plots and correlations (Pearson's r) relating regional variation in LRBS* to variation in Dgm, D*cbf, and Dcbf, where all three diameters were log-transformed. Stronger correlations between LRBS* and Dgm than between LRBS* and D*cbf or Dcbf would indicate that variation in the region is due to differences in the numerator (Dgm) of the LRBS* ratio rather than the denominator (D*cbf). Strong correlations between LRBS* and Dcbf (but not between LRBS* and D*cbf) would be consistent with an interpretation that effects of flow increases on LRBS* are negated by differences in hydraulic roughness that are positively correlated with total shear stress (e.g., deeper pools). In the second analysis, we examined correlations of LRBS*, its subcomponents Dgm and D*cbf, and the unadjusted critical diameter value Dcbf (log-transformed) with the combined basin + riparian condition variable WRCOND to examine the weight-of-evidence for anthropogenic influence on these attributes.

Results and Discussion

General Description of Survey Streams

The PNW Coast Range Ecoregion sample of wadeable streams ranged from 0.09 to 160 km2 in drainage area and from <1 to ∼50 m in bankfull width, with mean bankfull thalweg depths of 0.27 to 2.6 m (Table 1). Approximately 60% of channel slopes were greater than 1%, and 90% were between 0.25% and 9.4%, though they ranged from <0.1% to 22%. Sinuosity of most of these channels was minimal (75% were less than 1.6), but ranged as high as 3.6. The median Dgm in the regional sample of stream reaches was 10 mm, with 29% sand + fines (<2.0 mm). Field crews classified the majority of the survey reaches (sensuMontgomery and Buffington, 1997) as “pool-riffle” channels (66%), with lesser numbers of “step-pool” (14%), “plane-bed” (12%), and other (8%) channel types (e.g., “cascade,”“braided,” and not classified). The riparian measurements revealed a region with most stream margins heavily vegetated (median 78% canopy density), though not always with large trees (median 22% cover for trees >0.3 m dbh). The low cover by large diameter trees is surprising for this region, which has potential for prolific growth of very large riparian trees. Compared with other regions of the U.S. sampled using the same EMAP survey methods (Stoddard et al., 2005a,b), large wood volume was high in these streams, but the low values for riparian cover by large (dbh >0.3 m) trees suggest that these high wood loadings may reflect a legacy of past, rather than current, riparian condition. Certainly, long-term potentials for large wood recruitment are lower for streams where riparian or upslope trees are removed by harvesting. Many streams in the PNW have experienced wood removal for various reasons (Maser and Sedell, 1994), and it is likely that large wood loadings in many of these streams are not as high as they would be under unmanaged conditions (Harmon et al., 1986; Kaufmann, 1987; Maser and Sedell, 1994) and will continue to decrease in the near future.

Precision of LRBS*Measurements

The RMSrep of LRBS* in 29 within-season revisits allocated to 19 sites over the three-year survey was 0.44, or 8.6% of its observed range among sites. Similarly, the RMSrep values for logDgm, logD*cbf, and R*bf were 0.43 log(mm), 0.26 log(mm), and 0.12 m, and these were, respectively, 8.3, 9.2, and 7.7% of their observed ranges in the region (Kaufmann et al., 2008). Precision was generally better in streams draining volcanic lithology, which tended to have coarser beds and higher gradients than in those with sedimentary lithology. For example, the RMSrep for LRBS* was 0.31 for volcanic compared with 0.48 for sedimentary streams. Similarly RMSrep values for the volcanic and sedimentary streams were, respectively, 0.20 vs. 0.47 log(mm) for logDgm, 0.29 vs. 0.24 log(mm) for logD*cbf, and 0.11 vs. 0.13 m for R*bf. These differences were primarily because of greater certainty of our field methods in determining particle size and hydraulic roughness in coarser-bedded channels of streams in volcanic lithology.

The ratio of LRBS* variance among sample streams divided by variance within streams (SN) was 5.6, showing moderate potential for discriminating among sites and detecting correlations between LRBS* and potential controlling variables in this region (Kaufmann et al., 1999). This level of relative precision allows distinction of three to six levels of LRBS* in the survey. The SN of a variable also quantitatively predicts its potential usefulness in correlation and regression analyses such as those we tabulate in our results. Based on their SN, Kaufmann et al. (1999) calculated the theoretical maximum observable correlation rmax between two perfectly correlated but imperfectly known variables that are subject to random, unbiased measurement errors that are uncorrelated between the two variables (denoted 1 and 2):


Under these assumptions, for example, |rmax| between LRBS* in our dataset (with SN ratio 5.6) and another variable with SN ratio 100 is 0.92. If both the variables have SN ratios of 5.6, |rmax| = 0.85. Similarly, for pairs of variables both having SN ratios of 1, 3, 5, and 10, |rmax| would be, respectively, 0.50, 0.75, 0.83, and 0.91.

Factors Controlling Bed Surface Particle Size and Stability

Geometric mean bed surface particle diameters (Dgm) in the survey reaches ranged from silt to very large boulders. LRBS* ranged from −4.2 to +0.98, a range of five orders of magnitude, with a median of −0.86 (Table 1). The interquartile range of LRBS* was −2.0 to −0.24, with 16% of the sample streams having Dgm coarser than their estimated critical diameter, D*cbf. Values of D*cbf were, on average, 40% of values not adjusted for shear stress reduction due to large wood and longitudinal channel form roughness (Dcbf) (Kaufmann et al., 2008). In streams with abundant large wood and complex channel morphology, D*cbf was as low as 11% of the unadjusted Dcbf, illustrating the dominant role that large-scale roughness features can play in dissipating shear stresses that otherwise would be exerted in mobilizing the streambed (Buffington and Montgomery, 1999a; Kaufmann et al., 2008).

Influence of Lithology.  To examine the influence of basin lithology on the response of streams to anthropogenic basin + riparian disturbances, we grouped the sample streams into two groups based on the dominant bedrock lithology within their drainage basins: volcanic vs. sedimentary. These groupings were based on classifications and discussion by Pater et al. (1998), from which we interpreted basin lithology to be “erodible” where dominated by sedimentary sandstones or siltstones, and “resistant” where largely composed of competent volcanics, mainly basalt. Streams with a large amount of basin + riparian anthropogenic disturbance (star symbols) were found throughout the range of D*cbf, as was displacement below the 1:1 line in Figures 2A and 2B. Textural fining is suggested in both lithologies, as Dgm was substantially smaller than D*cbf in the most anthropogenically disturbed streams of both lithologies.

Figure 2.

LogDgmvs. logD*cbf in 101 Oregon and Washington Coastal Streams Sampled in 1994 and 1995, Showing Three Levels of Basin + Riparian Human Disturbance (data from first visit only). Streams draining (A) sedimentary lithology and (B) volcanic lithology. Symbols represent basin + riparian disturbance levels (see Table 2). Solid circles are sites with low basin + riparian disturbance (DISTLEV = Low); they have the least amount of streamside human land disturbances, the most dense and multi-layered corridor of woody riparian vegetation, the greatest cover of large diameter trees, and the lowest basin road densities. Stars denote sites with high amounts of human basin + riparian disturbance (DISTLEV = High). Remaining sites shown as open circles are those with intermediate disturbance (DISTLEV = Moderate).

The magnitude of LRBS* can be graphically interpreted as the deviation above or below the 1:1 line in Figures 2A and 2B, with negative LRBS* below the 1:1 line. The estimated degree of uncertainty in Dgm and D*cbf in individual sites is shown by the error bars (each 2 × RMSrep) in Figures 2A and 2B. An ellipse surrounding these error bars describes the average uncertainty of the numerator and the denominator of LRBS* for any individual site. Because the magnitude of LRBS* at each site in this figure is shown by its displacement above or below the 1:1 line, the error bounds also give a visual indication of the magnitude of individual LRBS* differences that can be considered significant. For example, in sedimentary lithology (Figure 2A), individual site values of Dgm that are two orders of magnitude lower than D*cbf (i.e., those that have LRBS*≤−2.0) are displaced >4 × RMSrep from the 1:1 line. They can be clearly interpreted to be lower than those near the 1:1 line with LRBS*∼0.0. Similarly, in volcanic lithology (Figure 2B), individual site values of Dgm that are greater than first order of magnitude lower than D*cbf (i.e., those with LRBS*≤−1.0) are displaced >5 × RMSrep from the 1:1 line, and can be clearly interpreted to be lower than those with LRBS*≥0.0.

In all sedimentary lithology streams with low anthropogenic disturbance (DISTLEV = low), Dgm was within two orders of magnitude of D*cbf (solid dots in Figure 2A). Conversely, Dgm was more than two orders of magnitude smaller than D*cbf in all but four highly disturbed streams in that lithology (star symbols in Figure 2A). Similarly, there was no overlap in displacement between low and high disturbance streams in volcanic lithology. Dgm was within 1.3 orders of magnitude of D*cbf in the least disturbed streams (solid dots in Figure 2B), and more than 1.3 orders of magnitude smaller in the most disturbed streams (star symbols in Figure 2B). Although all the most disturbed streams in both lithologies were substantially below the 1:1 line in Figures 2A and 2B, the offset was generally much greater for sedimentary streams.

There was a wide range of LRBS* at intermediate disturbance (including very high values), but LRBS* in the least-disturbed streams (DISTLEV = low) ranged from −1.9 to +0.5, with most (>50%) values between −1.1 and −0.2. LRBS* in highly disturbed streams (DISTLEV = high) ranged from −4.2 to −1.1, with most values between −2.9 and −1.8. The mean LRBS* in low disturbance streams was very similar in the two lithologies (0.28 lower in sedimentary lithology; = 0.33). By contrast, the mean LRBS* among highly disturbed streams draining sedimentary lithology was 0.99 log units lower than for those draining volcanics (= 0.04). The difference in apparent bed textural fining between low and high disturbance streams in both lithologies strongly suggests that anthropogenic disturbance may cause these textural differences.

Combined Basin + Riparian Disturbance. LRBS* showed a pattern of progressive or threshold declines associated with increasing anthropogenic basin + riparian disturbance (DISTLEV) in various subgroups of sample streams across the PNW Coast Range Ecoregion (Figure 3). In all groupings (lithology, basin area, and channel gradient), mean LRBS* in streams with high disturbance was substantially lower than in those with low disturbance (< 0.0001 for all, except = 0.0016 for resistant volcanics). The same was true for the contrast between moderate and high disturbance classes (< 0.0001, except for = 0.0002 in volcanics and = 0.0155 in small basin areas). Only in small streams (Figure 3C) were all three DISTLEV classes distinct (considering moderate and high classes distinct at = 0.0155); in the other groupings, LRBS* in the low and intermediate disturbance classes overlapped. Although the mean LRBS* in low disturbance streams did not differ greatly between the two lithologies (see previous paragraph), streams draining sedimentary lithology showed a markedly steeper decline of LRBS* with increasing human disturbance (Figure 3A) than did those draining volcanic lithology (Figure 3B). In both cases highly disturbed streams had significantly lower LRBS* than those with low or moderate anthropogenic disturbance, but the pattern was progressive in the erodible sedimentary group and more of an apparent threshold response in the volcanic group. Similarly, when streams were grouped by basin area, those with smaller drainages showed a more progressive pattern of decline with disturbance (Figure 3C), compared with the apparent threshold response seen in larger streams (Figure 3D). There was a similar apparent threshold response to disturbance for both low-gradient (≤1%) and steeper streams (Figures 3E and 3F).

Figure 3.

LRBS*vs. Combined Basin + Riparian Disturbance Class (DISTLEV) in 101 Oregon and Washington Coastal Streams Sampled in 1994 and 1995. (A) Streams draining erodible sedimentary lithology, (B) streams draining resistant volcanic and metamorphic lithology, (C) streams with drainage <15 km2, (D) streams with drainage ≥15 km2, (E) streams with channel gradient ≤1%, and (F) streams with channel gradient >1%. Box midline and lower and upper ends show median and 25th and 75th percentile values, respectively; whiskers show maximum and minimum observations within 1.5 times the interquartile range above/below box ends; asterisks show outliers. Numbers above box plots indicate sample size and letters below bars show disturbance level groupings that are significantly different (< 0.01 in Tukey-Kramer contrast of mean tests).

Relative Influence of Basin vs. Riparian Disturbance.  In the region overall, LRBS* was more strongly correlated with riparian condition than with basin road density (Table 3). This was especially true of larger streams (basin area ≥15 km2) in sedimentary drainages. LRBS* in steeper streams (channel gradient >1.0%) in smaller basins draining both lithologies tended to have nearly equal correlation (but opposite sign) with riparian condition and basin road-density (i.e., same sign for riparian disturbance and road density). The pattern was mixed or unclear in large streams draining volcanic lithology, where only road density was significantly (< 0.1) correlated (negatively) with LRBS*, and only in lower gradient streams. Correlations of LRBS* with combined basin + riparian condition were higher than with either riparian or basin condition alone in most subclasses of streams (Table 3), suggesting that the combined effect of basin and riparian disturbances was greater than that of either by itself.

Table 3.   Correlation (Pearson r) Between LRBS* and Riparian Condition (RCOND), Road Density (RdDenkm), and Combined Basin + Riparian Condition Index (WRCOND) for Oregon and Washington Sample Streams in Two Lithologies With Large (Aws ≥15 km2) and Small (Aws <15 km2) Drainages and Mild (≤1.0%), and Steep (>1.0%) Channel Gradients.
  1. Note: Asterisk denotes level of significance (*p ≤ 0.1, **p ≤ 0.01, etc.).

Whole region101+0.47**** −0.30**+0.51****

Associations of LRBS* With Geomorphic Setting.  One might question whether correlations between LRBS* and land use disturbances result from covariance of both of these variables with other natural geomorphic variables that actually cause the observed associations. For example, one might expect lower bed stability in low gradient streams further down the drainage network where anthropogenic disturbance is typically greater. To the contrary, LRBS* was unrelated to channel slope overall (= −0.03, = 0.76), and negatively related to channel slope for streams in volcanic lithology (= −0.69, < 0.0001; Figure 4A). Also contrary to our expectations, LRBS* had moderate positive correlations with drainage area in streams draining both lithologies (Figure 4B). Although LRBS* was not clearly related to elevation overall (Figure 4C), it exhibited a weak negative correlation with elevation in volcanic streams (= −0.36, = 0.049) that might reflect its stronger association with drainage area. Interestingly, the widest range in LRBS* among streams was observed at low elevation. The positive correlation (r = +0.51, < 0.0001 for combined lithologies) of LRBS* with basin + riparian condition (WRCOND), shown in Figure 4D was stronger than its associations with geomorphic variables in the region overall, though its correlation with basin area was comparable (r = +0.44, < 0.0001). When viewed by separate lithologies, the correlations between LRBS* and WRCOND (Figure 4D) were of approximately equal strength as its correlation with basin area (Figure 4B) in both lithologies. In volcanic terrain, LRBS* was more strongly (negatively) correlated with channel gradient than with human disturbances (Figure 4A). Nonetheless, Table 3 and Figure 3 show that LRBS* was negatively associated with human disturbance in most drainage area and slope subsets of streams. Small streams draining <15 km2 in both lithologies showed LRBS* depressions associated with land-use disturbance, but only in sedimentary lithology did larger streams draining ≥15 km2 show the same pattern. These findings suggest that, particularly for streams of volcanic lithology, anthropogenic influences on LRBS* would be clarified by MLR modeling, which included channel gradient and basin area as potential controls.

Figure 4.

 Relative Bed Stability, LRBS*vs. (A) Reach Water Surface Slope (%), (B) Drainage Area (km2), (C) Reach Elevation (m above mean sea level), and (D) WRCOND, an Index of Basin + Riparian Condition (see Equation 2). Symbols denote drainage basin lithology, where solid dots = volcanic and open circles = sedimentary. Regression lines are shown for each separate lithology only when < 0.1. Pearson correlation r and p values are shown separately for volcanic (upper line) and sedimentary (lower line) lithology. LRBS* correlations for both lithologies together are = −0.03, = 0.76 with log(slope), r = +0.44, < 0.0001 with log(basin area), r = +0.14, = 0.16 with elevation, and r = +0.51, < 0.0001 with WRCOND.

Associations of Human Disturbances With Geomorphic Setting.  Contrary to common expectations in other regions, basin + riparian condition WRCOND was generally not strongly associated with channel gradient (Figure 5A), basin area (Figure 5B), elevation (Figure 5C), or the unit stream power surrogate log[Aws0.5S] in this region overall (Figure 5D), where Aws is basin area in km2 and S is water surface slope (%). In streams of volcanic lithology, however, there was moderate evidence of negative associations of WRCOND with channel gradient (= −0.37, = 0.04; Figure 5A), elevation (= −0.36, = 0.07; Figure 5C) and stream power (r = −0.45, = 0.01; Figure 5D). These findings are contrary to the typical pattern of decreasing human disturbance with elevation and gradient in most mountainous regions of the U.S. As observed for LRBS*, low elevation sites exhibited the widest range in basin + riparian condition in this region. There were clear positive correlations of LRBS* with WRCOND in both lithologies (Figure 4D). However, in streams of volcanic lithology, negative relationships of WRCOND with channel gradient and elevation increase the uncertainty of causal interpretation of controls on LRBS* for streams in that lithology, and suggest MLR modeling to include both anthropogenic disturbances as well as potential landscape and geomorphic controls.

Figure 5.

 Basin + Riparian Condition, WRCOND vs. (A) Reach Water Surface Slope log(% Slope), (B) Drainage Area, log (km2), (C) Reach Elevation (m above mean sea level), and (D) an Index of Mean Annual Unit Stream Power, Expressed as log (Aws0.5S). Symbols denote drainage basin lithology, where solid dots = volcanic, and open circles = sedimentary. Regression lines are shown for each separate lithology only when < 0.1. Pearson correlation r and p values are shown separately for volcanic (first line) and sedimentary (second line) lithology. WRCOND correlations for both lithologies together are = 0.00, = 0.92 with log(slope), r = +0.01, = 0.28 with log(basin area), r = +0.03, = 0.78 with elevation, and r = +0.15, = 0.13 with unit stream power surrogate.

Model of Human and Geomorphic Controls on LRBS*

We examined the relationship of LRBS* with human disturbances and natural geomorphic controls in more depth using MLR. Using variable selection procedures described in the Statistical Analysis section, we chose the following five variable model for predicting LRBS* with R2 = 0.62 and RMSE = 0.70:


This MLR model, summarized in Table 4, describes LRBS* as a function of basin road density, riparian condition, basin bedrock geology, channel gradient, and a unit stream power surrogate Aws0.5S (adapted from Howard, 1980; Bledsoe and Watson, 2001), with several interactions among variables. LRBS* is a negative function of the interaction between basin road density (RdDenkm) and riparian disturbance (1-RCOND), which means that LRBS* declines with increases in road density, and that the decline is exacerbated by riparian disturbance. Recall that high levels of riparian disturbance (1-RCOND) are characterized by a lack of abundant large diameter tree cover and complex three-layer woody vegetation structure, and by abundant field evidence of streamside human land use activities. The interaction between RCOND and Geol, however, shows that the moderating influence of good riparian condition is more pronounced in streams draining sedimentary basins than volcanic basins. This pattern is in agreement with the findings of Scott (2002) in a study of northern Oregon coastal streams, who observed stronger correlations of sediment with basin characteristics than with riparian condition in volcanic streams. She reasoned that the steep, V-shaped valleys typical of the volcanic basins, in which flood plains are narrow, discontinuous or entirely absent, provide little opportunity for riparian zones to intercept sediment to buffer the increases in sediment delivery from upslope mass failures. By contrast, riparian disturbance may be a greater influence on the lesser-constrained streams flowing through wider valleys of milder-sloping sedimentary terrain in this region. These streams may be less influenced by upslope mass-failures, but typically have greater amounts of stored valley-bottom sediments that can enter the channel by near-stream erosion and bank cutting that increase with anthropogenic disturbances.

Table 4.   Results of Multiple Linear Regression Predicting LRBS* From Natural and Anthropogenic Variables1
Model Parameters
VariablesEstimateSEp > FIndependent R2Partial R2Cumulative R2
RdDenkm × (1–RCOND)−0.2800.1250.02750.2290.2290.229
log[Aws0.5S] × Geol+1.7140.243<0.00010.0100.1430.469
RCOND × Geol+2.0450.492<0.00010.0010.0690.625
Analysis of Variance – Complete Model
Sourcedf2Mean SquareF Statisticp > F
  1. Notes: RMSE, root mean square error; SE, standard error. Data are from a survey of Washington and Oregon Coast Range ecosystem streams sampled from 1994 to 1995.

  2. 1 Seventeen variables were made available to stepwise and multiple R2 selection in multiple linear regression:

  3. Potential Main Effects (Geol is the only categorical variable):

  4.  Basin area (log[Aws]), basin lithology (Geol: volcanic = 0 and sedimentary = 1), channel slope (log[S]), unit stream power surrogate (log[Aws0.5S]), riparian condition index (RCOND), basin road density in km/km2 (RdDenkm), basin + riparian condition index (WRCOND).

  5. Potential Interactions:

  6. RdDenkm × log[Aws0.5S]

  7. RCOND × log[Aws0.5S]

  8. WRCOND × log[Aws0.5S]

  9. RdDenkm × log[Aws]

  10. log[Aws0.5S] × Geol

  11. RdDenkm × Geol

  12. RCOND × Geol

  13. WRCOND × Geol

  14. RdDenkm × RCOND

  15. RdDenkm × (1-RCOND)

  16. 2 Three obvious outliers with residuals ≥2.0 LRBS* units were removed – original model had R2 = 0.56 and RMSE = 0.80, with very little difference in parameter coefficients.

Summary of fitRMSE = 0.70R= 0.62  

The term for channel gradient (log[S]) in our MLR model (Table 4) suggests, perhaps unexpectedly, that LRBS* is generally lower in high gradient than in low gradient streams. The term for lithology (Geol) suggests that, as expected, streams draining basins underlain by sedimentary bedrock will generally have lower LRBS* than those in volcanic terrain in this region. Similarly, combined with the term for log[S], the interaction of Geol and the index of unit stream power log[Aws0.5S] suggests that, for streams draining sedimentary basins, the influence of stream size is stronger than that of slope, in that high power (large and/or high gradient) streams tend to have higher LRBS* than low power streams.

Model Simulation. Figure 6 illustrates this complex model behavior in a plot of predicted (modeled) LRBS*vs. basin + riparian condition (WRCOND). Road density in this simulation was set to values from 0 to 6.0 km/km2 as WRCOND varied from 1.0 to 0 (pristine to very disturbed). Modeled LRBS* is plotted separately for hypothetical small and large basins (Aws = 3 and 55 km2) in volcanic and sedimentary lithology. For streams with these two drainage areas in each lithology, we plotted modeled LRBS* for hypothetical streams with low and high surrogate unit stream power values (Aws0.5S = 2.4 and 5.8 km). The example basin areas and Aws0.5S values are the 25th and 75th percentiles of the stream sample distribution in the regional survey. Median-sized streams and median-power streams (not shown) would plot midway between those shown in the figure.

Figure 6.

 Modeled Relative Bed Stability (LRBS*) in PNW Coast Range Ecoregion Streams (based on MLR, Table 4) vs. an Index of Basin + Riparian Condition (WRCOND), Ranging From 0 = Most Disturbed to 1.0 = Least Disturbed. The figures illustrate the simulated response to human disturbances for hypothetical stream reaches with four combinations of basin area and stream power. The simulated responses for streams draining (A) sedimentary (erodible) lithology, and (B) volcanic (resistant) lithology are shown. Broken lines depict hypothetical stream reaches with high unit stream power (indexed by surrogate variable Aws0.5S = 5.8 km, where Aws is expressed in km2, and S in %); solid lines are streams with low unit stream power (Aws0.5S = 2.4 km). Gray lines are hypothetical streams with large drainage area (Aws = 55 km2), and black lines the response of small streams (Aws = 3 km2).

Implications of the Model Simulation.  The model suggests that in pristine sites, LRBS* varies with basin size and unit stream power (therefore channel gradient), but does not differ greatly between sedimentary and volcanic basins (compare Figures 6A and 6B at WRCOND = 1.0). Although the apparently minor effect of lithology alone in pristine streams is somewhat surprising, the differences in stream power that control LRBS* variation at any given basin size and disturbance level are associated with differences in topography and runoff that are affected or even controlled by lithology. As basin and riparian human disturbances increase in these streams, the influence of lithology becomes progressively more apparent. The LRBS* decline with basin + riparian disturbance is more than twice as steep in streams draining the more erodible sedimentary basins than in those draining less erodible volcanic basins. For example, a decline in WRCOND from 1.0 (pristine) to 0 (highly disturbed), is predicted to result in a stream bed LRBS* decline of 3.3 log units in sedimentary lithology, compared with a decline of 1.4 log units for volcanic lithology under the same conditions. The controlling influence of stream basin size was consistent between lithologies and across the disturbance gradient: larger streams are predicted to always have somewhat higher LRBS* than small streams flowing at the same gradient with the same level of disturbance (compare gray and black lines in Figure 6). However, the combined influence of basin size and channel gradient (as expressed by the unit stream power surrogate, Aws0.5S) was opposite between the two lithologies, and was slightly smaller than the influence of basin size alone. In sedimentary basins, high power streams have higher LRBS* than low power streams, while in volcanic basins, high power streams have lower LRBS* than low power streams (compare dotted and solid lines in Figures 6A and 6B).

To summarize, MLR modeling suggests that there is a characteristic level of LRBS* in relatively undisturbed streams of this region that does not differ greatly from 0, but varies between −0.7 and +0.5 with stream size and power, regardless of lithology. As basins and riparian areas are disturbed by human activities, LRBS* typically declines, the decline being more pronounced in sedimentary than in volcanic basins. With severe basin and riparian disturbance, LRBS* declines to between −3 and −4 in streams draining sedimentary lithology, in contrast to a decline to between −1 and −2 in volcanic basins. There is a rather large amount of uncertainty in the exact details of these model results, as reflected in its RMSE (0.70). Therefore, we suggest that these model results should be treated more as an aid to understanding regional patterns and differences in the relative magnitude of LRBS* and proposing testable hypotheses concerning its potential controlling factors, rather than as a tool for precisely predicting individual channel responses. However, in combination with previous analyses, these modeling results strongly link LRBS* declines to anthropogenic disturbances in streams draining both sedimentary and volcanic lithologies. They also show the influence of slope and basin size to be minor in relation to human influences in sedimentary lithology, but somewhat greater in relative terms in volcanic lithology.

Likely Modes of LRBS* Response to Disturbance

Rationale for Interpreting Likely Responses.  We have shown that LRBS* depressions in this region are associated with human disturbance. Up to this point, we have not shown to what degree these depressions result from streambed “fining” (sedimentation), as opposed to increases in bed shear stress (e.g., see discussions by Millar and Rennie, 2001; Wilcock, 2001). In this section, we build on weight-of-evidence from previous sections supporting the assertion that negative LRBS* associations with human activities we observed are probably causal, regardless of whether the effect is on bed particle size or shear stress. Further, we then argue that streambed fining is a larger and more pervasive response than is increased shear stress in wadeable streams draining sedimentary lithology in our study region, while both mechanisms are evident in streams draining volcanic basins that are generally steeper and more resistant to weathering and surface erosion but more prone to upslope mass-failures.

Mode of Response: Fining vs. Change in Competence.  We used correlations between LRBS* and its log-transformed numerator (logDgm) and denominator (logD*cbf) to discern the relative contribution of each term to the variation in LRBS* over the region and its subclasses (Table 5), knowing well that the combination of Dgm and D*cbf necessarily explains all the variation in LRBS*. In the region as a whole, variation in LRBS* was much more strongly correlated with logDgm (Pearson r = +0.91, < 0.0001), than with logD*cbf (r = +0.09, > 0.1) or with logDcbf (= −0.07, > 0.1), the unadjusted critical diameter (log-transformed). When streams were grouped by lithology, LRBS* variation in the sedimentary group was again correlated much more strongly with logDgm (r = +0.93, < 0.0001) than with logD*cbf or logDcbf (r = +0.05 and −0.13, both with > 0.1). Large streams in volcanic lithology followed the same pattern as that for large and small sedimentary streams. In small streams of the resistant lithology group, all but one of which were in the steeper slope category in our sample, correlations between LRBS* and logDgm were similar in magnitude to those with logD*cbf or logDcbf. These results suggest that in the region as a whole, and in the sedimentary lithology subgroup in particular, LRBS* depressions resulted from bed textural fining (e.g., by the mechanisms described by Buffington and Montgomery, 1999b, 2001) rather than variations in transport competence, i.e., shear stress. In small streams within the more resistant volcanic lithology subgroup, the evidence suggests that variations in both bed textural fining and transport competence (e.g., see Millar, 2000; Millar and Rennie, 2001) account for the smaller amount of regional variation we see in LRBS*, which ranged less than three orders of magnitude (−1.9 to +0.80) in streams of volcanic lithology compared with more than five orders of magnitude (−4.2 to +0.98) in the sedimentary group.

Table 5.   Correlation (Pearson r) of LRBS* With logDgm, logD*cbf, and logDcbf for Oregon and Washington Sample Streams in Two Lithologies With Large (Aws ≥ 15 km2) and Small (Aws <15 km2) Drainages and Mild (≤1.0%) and Steep (>1.0%) Channel Gradients.
  1. Note: Asterisk after correlation denotes level of significance (*p ≤ 0.1, **p ≤ 0.01, etc.).

Whole Region101+0.91****+0.09−0.07
  Mild1--  -

Association of LRBS* Response Mode With Human Disturbances

If Dgm differences that account for most of the regional LRBS* variation were also correlated negatively with basin and riparian attributes likely to augment sediment supply, these results would be consistent with the interpretation that negative deviations of LRBS* across the region are caused primarily by increases in sediment supply rather than transport competence among the sample streams. Conversely, if LRBS* differences were driven primarily by D*cbf variation that is also correlated with anthropogenic land disturbance, this would be evidence supporting the interpretation that human activities may be changing the transport competence of streams, as was reported by Millar (2000). Possible mechanisms would include changes in channel morphology (e.g., incision and aggradation), roughness, or the size and frequency of peak flows.

Streams Draining Sedimentary Basins.  In all subgroups of streams draining sedimentary lithology, as in the region as a whole, LRBS* and logDgm were positively correlated with WRCOND (see Equation 2), a measure of basin + riparian condition inversely related to human disturbance (Table 6). Pearson r values with < 0.1 varied from +0.46 to +0.54 for LRBS* and from +0.38 to +0.53 for logDgm in various groupings of sedimentary streams by basin size and channel slope, with no significant negative correlations (see Table 6 for significance levels). By contrast, for sedimentary basins, only in larger streams (basin areas ≥15 km2) with channel gradients ≤1.0% were logD*cbf or logDcbf significantly correlated with WRCOND (= −0.38 and −0.37, respectively, and < 0.1), and the strength of those correlations did not exceed those between logDgm and WRCOND. These results lend support to the hypothesis that LRBS* was lowered by human activities in sedimentary streams of the region, and this is due more to streambed fining from increases in sediment supply than to increases in transport competence.

Table 6.   Correlation (Pearson’s r) of LRBS*, logDgm, logD*cbf, and logDcbf With Combined Basin + Riparian Condition Index (WRCOND) for Oregon and Washington Sample Streams in Two Lithologies With Large (Aws ≥ 15 km2) and Small (Aws ≥ 15 km2) Drainages and Mild (≤1.0%) and Steep (>1.0%) Channel Gradients.
Whole region101+0.51****+0.48****+0.06−0.04++/o
  Mild26+0.54**+0.40*−0.38* −0.37*++/−
Volcanic30+0.41*+0.24−0.22 −0.34*+   o/(−)
  Mild6+0.26+0.57+0.47+0.32o (+)/(+)
  Steep8−0.53−0.26+0.46+0.28(−) (−)/(+)
 Small16+0.80***+0.39−0.42*  −0.62**+(+)/−
  Steep15+0.79***+0.39−0.37 −0.59*+(+)/−
 Observed Correlations
Interpretation Consistent With WRCOND CorrelationsLRBS*logDgm/logD*cbf
  1. Notes: Asterisk denotes level of significance (* 0.1, ** 0.01, etc.). The last two columns summarize the columns to the left. The symbol + or − indicates moderate to strong correlation with r ≥ 0.35 and < 0.10; symbol in the parentheses denotes < 0.35 with < 0.10 or > 0.35 with > 0.10; and “o” indicates weak and nonsignificant correlation (< 0.35 and > 0.10).

Anthropogenic increase in sediment supply++/o
Anthropogenic increase in competence+o/−
Anthropogenic increases in sediment supply and competence (e.g., peak flows)++/−
Anthropogenic decrease in sediment supply (e.g., tail waters)−/o
Anthropogenic decrease in competence (e.g., impoundment with deposition)−/+
Anthropogenic increase in sediment supply, decrease in competence (impoundment with deposition)+ or o+/+
No anthropogenic effects on supply or transportoo/o

Streams Draining Small Volcanic Basins. LRBS* in small streams draining volcanic basins was even more strongly correlated with basin + riparian condition (r = +0.80, < 0.001) than observed for sedimentary streams (Table 6). LRBS* variation was driven nearly equally by variation in Dgm and Dcbf or D*cbf (Table 5). However, the correlation of logDgm with WRCOND (r = +0.39, > 0.1) was somewhat weaker than the moderate negative correlations of logDcbf and logD*cbf with WRCOND (= −0.42, < 0.1 and −0.62, < 0.01). In addition to bed fining that would result from an augmentation of sediment supply, this pattern suggests possible increases in competence that could have resulted from anthropogenic augmentation of peak flows and reduction of channel roughness (see bottom of Table 6). Correlations between logDcbf (unadjusted for hydraulic roughness) and disturbance would suggest that disturbance-related increases in bed shear stress may be the result of changes in discharge or channel morphology (influencing bankfull depth); whereas correlations of logD*cbf, but not logDcbf, with disturbance would suggest that disturbance may be affecting channel complexity (e.g., woody debris). Although tentative, these findings suggest that human activities in small basins draining resistant lithology may have led not only to increases in sediment supply, but also to hydrologic or morphologic changes that increase bed shear stress, thereby decreasing LRBS*. Millar and Rennie (2001) argue that this pattern of channel response to riparian disturbance, as was observed by Millar (2000) in coastal streams of British Columbia, would alter shear stress available for sediment transport.

Streams Draining Large Volcanic Basins.  The pattern for large streams in volcanic lithology is mixed and interpretation is hampered by small sample sizes in this class. Overall, our data showed that LRBS* variation in those streams was primarily driven by variation in Dgm (Table 5), just as observed for nearly all the other classes of streams in the region. In contrast with other stream classes, however, these large, volcanic streams showed only weak (< 0.35) uncertain (>0.10) correlations between LRBS*– or log-transformed Dgm, D*cbf, and Dcbf– and the basin + riparian condition index, WRCOND (Table 6). An uncertain exception (not shown in Table 6) was that LRBS* was strongly negatively correlated with basin road density (= −0.85, = 0.1) in the small subset of six large volcanic streams with channel gradients ≤1.0%. Although the sample sizes are rather small for the entire class of large volcanic streams (n = 14), weak correlation between disturbance and LRBS* might also reflect comparatively long lags in channel response between disturbance (or recovery) and channel response in these large streams. Harding et al. (1998), for example, found basin land use 40 years previous to be a better predictor of present-day stream biodiversity than contemporary land use. The low correlations between LRBS* and indicators of current basin and riparian land use in large volcanic streams of our study might also reflect greater resistance of large streams to perturbation. Furthermore, because quantifying the proximity of disturbances may be more important in larger basins than in smaller ones, our measures of riparian and near-stream disturbance may not be as good surrogates for total basin + riparian disturbance in large streams as they are for small streams.

Generality of Results and Remaining Uncertainties

The RBS* measure defined by Kaufmann et al. (2008) and used in our analysis is analogous to the bed shear stress competence ratio of Olsen et al. (1997) and the relative bed fining measure calculated by Buffington and Montgomery (1999a,b). RBS* is also analogous to the relative bed stability measure defined by Jowett (1989) as the ratio of critical bed particle entrainment velocity to actual near-bed velocity. In the sense that it is a comparison of bed particle size to the inferred maximum size that bankfull flows are competent to move, the RBS* ratio is also conceptually similar to the “riffle stability index” of Kappesser (2002), and to the ratio discussed by Dietrich et al. (1989) of median diameter of the bed surface armor layer divided by that of the substrate beneath that layer, which is taken to be the bed load. Of all these bed stability and textural fining indices, however, only the RBS formulations of Kaufmann et al. (1999, 2008) have two characteristics that we felt were essential for quantifying relative bed stability of complex natural streams on a regional scale: (1) the formulation must adjust for the substantial effect of in-channel large wood and form roughness in reducing bed shear stress available for mobilizing bed-load and (2) one must be able to use the formulation on routine stream survey data such as that widely collected across the U.S. by the USEPAs EMAP or similar surveys.

The LRBS* index derived by Kaufmann et al. (2008) that is used in this paper is similar to LRBS_bw5 derived earlier by Kaufmann et al. (1999) and used by Stoddard et al. (2005a,b), USEPA (2006b), and Kaufmann and Hughes (2006). Furthermore, both indices require the same type of raw data. We chose the formulation by Kaufmann et al. (2008) for its stronger theoretical and empirical foundations. The earlier version (LRBS_bw5) employed a constant Shields number (0.044) for incipient motion, assumed a triangular bankfull flow cross-section, and used what we feel is a less rigorous adjustment of bankfull hydraulic radius to account for reduction in bed shear stress that results from form roughness (e.g., pools, large woody debris, and variation in channel dimensions along a stream reach). In calculating LRBS_bw5, Kaufmann et al. (1999) partitioned Rbf directly by subtracting the approximate roughness heights of large wood and pool-riffle scale channel bed irregularities. In contrast, LRBS* from Kaufmann et al. (2008) applied an empirically derived approximation of near-parabolic bankfull channel cross-section and used Shields numbers that vary as a function of particle Reynold’s number. To adjust LRBS* for bed shear stress reductions resulting from large wood and channel form roughness, Kaufmann et al. (2008) adjusted the bankfull hydraulic radius as a function of the ratio of particle-derived hydraulic resistance to total hydraulic resistance.

Despite the differences in formulation, the regional variation in LRBS* is surprisingly similar to that of LRBS_bw5 from Kaufmann et al. (1999) for the PNW region (Table 1 and Figure 7). The similarity of values calculated using the two different approaches suggests that they would not lead to grossly different regional assessments and general interpretations. LRBS* was on average about 0.2 log units lower than LRBS_bw5 in this region. The different bankfull cross-section shape approximation by itself would result in a −0.11 log unit difference. The median value of the critical Shields number used in calculating LRBS* in this region was 0.027, compared with the fixed value of 0.044 used for LRBS_bw5, and if this difference were universal, it alone would result in a −0.21 log unit difference. The small number of large negative differences (LRBS* 0.5 to 1.0 log units lower than LRBS_bw5) were typically in very small streams with very large loadings of wood.

Figure 7.

 Comparison of LRBS* From Kaufmann et al. (2008) Used in This Paper vs. LRBS Described by Kaufmann et al. (1999), Which Is EMAP Variable LRBS_bw5, as Used by Kaufmann and Hughes (2006), Stoddard et al. (2005a,b), and USEPA (2006b). Regression (solid) line: LRBS* = −0.2168 + 0.9917(LRBS_bw5), with R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 0.255, p < 0.0001, and = 101. Line of perfect agreement (1:1) shown as a dashed line.

LRBS* appears to be a useful measure of bed stability, and predominantly excess streambed sedimentation, across the wide range of stream sizes, slopes, and locations in our probability sample of PNW Coast Range Ecoregion streams in Oregon and Washington. Our results show a substantial degree of bed textural fining in streams draining basins that have high basin road density, high streamside human land use activity, a paucity of large riparian trees, and low cover and complexity of riparian vegetation. Progressive LRBS* declines and bed textural fining associated with increasing human disturbance were clearly evident across the regional range of critical diameter (Figures 2A and 2B), in both lithologies (Figures 3A and 3B), in large and small streams (Figures 3C and 3D), and in subsets of streams with low slope (≤1.0%), as well as those with moderate to high slopes ranging from greater than 1% up to 22% (Figures 3E and 3F). We were able to show by weight-of-evidence that, in all groups of streams with land use-related LRBS* declines (strong, significant correlation of LRBS* with WRCOND), all or part of the depressions in bed stability were probably related to bed textural fining (excess fine sediment). In these streams, bed materials are easily moved by floods smaller than bankfull, so may be rapidly transported downstream. The persistence of fine particles in these streambeds under these circumstances is made possible by high rates of sediment supply (including fines) that continue to replenish the streambed.

The association of bed fining with basin road density and riparian human disturbances in this region suggests that human activities have augmented erosion and decreased riparian buffering, and that the fines from this erosion have accumulated in streambeds. However, two of the groups of streams that had strong significant correlation of LRBS* with WRCOND (large low-slope sedimentary streams and small, steep volcanic streams) also showed nearly equal or slightly stronger correlation of WRCOND with logD*cbf or logDcbf than with logDgm (Table 6). This pattern suggests that LRBS* may also have been reduced by human activities that increased bed shear stress, through augmentation of peak flows, change in channel morphology, reduction of channel roughness, or some combination of these.

The magnitude of apparent LRBS* response (interpreted here as bed fining) differed by lithology in streams with a given amount of anthropogenic disturbance. The amount of LRBS* decline across a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance was considerably greater in streams draining more erodible sedimentary lithology (sandstone, siltstone) than in erosion-resistant volcanic lithology (compare Figures 2A, 3A, and 6A with 2B, 3B, and 6B). Furthermore, the maximum degree of riparian and basin disturbance observed in streams of resistant lithology was also considerably lower than in the erodible lithology group, and perhaps not above a sediment supply threshold sufficient to cause accumulation of large amounts of fine sediment. It is also important to emphasize that these results do not imply that land use does or does not have other impacts on streams draining resistant lithology, such as changes in channel morphology, habitat complexity, pool volume, or temperature. Sources of unexplained variance in the relationship between LRBS* and disturbance other than that resulting from imprecision of measurements may derive from inter-basin differences in the lag-time between disturbance and erosion, storage of sediments in alluvial valley bottoms (e.g., Trimble, 1999) and stream channels (Colosimo and Wilcock, 2007), spatial non-uniformities in the transport of sediment (sediment “slugs”) following mass inputs of sediment (e.g., Lisle et al., 1997; Sutherland et al., 2002), or translation of areas of localized scour following increased competence or decreased sediment supply (e.g., Salant et al., 2006; Sennatt et al., 2006). They may also result from our failure to accurately represent basin-wide riparian disturbance using local reach riparian observations, and whole-basin disturbance using road density alone.

Drainage basins in the PNW survey region can supply a wide variety of sediment sizes to their streams, allowing textural response to changes in sediment supply. In regions where the lithology and soils do not provide a continuous range of sediment sizes, such as the loess hills in the Dakotas and other areas of the Great Plains, the response to changes in sediment supply may be more evident in altered channel morphology (aggradation, pool filling, bank cutting, and incision) than in changes in the mean particle size of the stream bed. Bankfull and smaller flows in these streams are typically competent to move the size range of sediment in their channels and banks, but sediment transport is limited by the amount of time during a year that they can do so. More simply stated, changes in sediment supply are more evident by a change in the amount of bed sediments, rather than their size distribution. Persistent excess shear stress evidenced by low RBS* in such streams would lead to channel incision unless high rates of sediment supply (including fines) continue to replenish the streambed. Further research is needed to define RBS* expectations in those geomorphic settings.

Kaufmann et al. (2008) identified the seven-binned visual particle count and the clinometer slope measurements as the procedures contributing the most imprecision to RBS* in the PNW data we analyze here. They discussed modifications to the sampling protocol that have been implemented by EPA since the surveys discussed in this paper (see Peck et al., 2006). Further modifications may be desirable to increase data precision and the power to detect variation or trends in particle size or bed stability, particularly if site-specific (rather than regional) interpretations are desired. The precision and accuracy of Dgm measurements could be substantially improved by increasing the number of bed particle size classes from 7 to 12, by employing templates or rulers to assign particles to size classes, or by recording the actual individual particle diameters (Faustini and Kaufmann, 2007). For streams that are primarily sand-bedded or silt-bedded, one might consider collecting a composite grab sample (e.g., one small sample per transect) for laboratory sieve analysis to determine size distributions (Faustini and Kaufmann, 2007). Such data would be particularly useful for surveys in areas such as the Great Plains, where streambeds consist predominantly of fine sediments and particle counts have limited utility. To improve slope measurement precision, especially on slopes <1.5%, Kaufmann et al. (2008) recommended using a roofer’s water (hydrostatic) level or a tripod-mounted optical or laser level.

Our results suggest that synoptic survey field methods and designs, like those used by EMAP, are adequate to evaluate regional patterns in bed stability and sedimentation and its general relationship to human disturbances in the PNW region. Site-specific assessments using these relatively rapid field methods in individual stream assessments might prudently be confined to identifying severe cases of sedimentation or channel alteration. Greater confidence in site-specific, as well as regional, assessments could be gained by calculating RBS* using more precise field measurements of channel slope, bed particle size and bankfull channel cross-sectional area, and by refining or validating the calculations for bed shear stress reduction due to channel form roughness, including wood, cross-section variation, and pools. We encourage application or improvement of these methods to assess relative bed stability and its likely controls in more tightly controlled experimental settings as well as in regional or national assessments.


The research presented in this paper was undertaken at the USEPA's Western Ecology Division of the National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, and was funded by the USEPA through the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), its Regional (R-EMAP) surveys, and a grant from the EPA Office of Water’s Regional Methods Initiative. Data were collected in cooperation with the States of Washington and Oregon. We are grateful for the use of data collected and made available to us through cooperation with Glen Merritt, Rick Hafele, Mike Mulvey, Lil Herger, and Gretchen Hayslip. We are also grateful to Curt Seeliger and Marlys Cappaert for data management and validation and to Sue Pierson for map preparation. Jim Omernik and Sandra Bryce provided insights into the interpretation of lithology. We thank John Van Sickle, Alan Herlihy, David Peck, and Colleen Birch-Johnson for advice on data analysis, and we are grateful to John Stoddard, Steve Paulsen, Margaret Passmore, and Gretchen Hayslip for funding and program support. We thank Dave Montgomery, John Buffington, LeRoy Poff, Brian Bledsoe, and Bob Beschta for enlightening discussions of sediment transport concepts, and Brian Bledsoe, Safa Shirazi, and John Van Sickle for comments on an earlier draft. Our final draft was greatly improved by heeding comments from Jim Pizzuto, Nira Salant, and an anonymous reviewer. This paper has been subjected to review by the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory’s Western Ecology Division and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents reflect the views of the Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.


Appendix: Calculation of the Relative Bed Stability Index Rbs*

The following derivation (Equations A1 to A5) is condensed from that of Kaufmann et al. (2008), ending with equation 16 from the same publication. Rationale, justification, and validation for the model structure and all contributing equations, including those for hydraulic resistance and Shields number, are presented in that publication.

image( (A1))

where Dgm is geometric mean bed surface particle diameter (m); D*cbf is bankfull critical diameter (diameter of a particle at incipient motion under bankfull flow conditions) adjusted for shear stress reductions due to wood and longitudinal channel form roughness (m); S is energy slope approximated as water surface slope (m/m); ρ and ρsed are the density of water and sediment, respectively (kg/m3); g is gravitational acceleration (m/s2); and θ is the critical Shields number (dimensionless, see below for explanation). Substituting, = 9.81 m/s2, ρsed =2,650 kg/m3 (average density for silicate minerals), and ρ = 998 kg/m3 for freshwater at 20°C, Equation (A1) simplifies to the following expression:

image( (A2))

Rearranging yields

image( (A3))

Defining the adjusted bankfull hydraulic radius (corrected for channel form roughness and woody debris) as

image( (A4))

where Cp and Ct are hydraulic resistance coefficients associated with particle and total roughness, respectively (defined below) and substituting into Equation (A3) yields

image( (A5))

where Cp and Ct, and θ are defined below; θ is the Shields number calculated from particle Reynolds number (Rep) at bankfull flow: for Rep ≤ 26: θ = 0.04 Rep−0.24 and for Rep > 26: θ = 0.5 {0.22Rep−0.6 + 0.06(10−7.7Rep−0.6)}, where Rep = [(gRbfS)0.5Dgm]/ν, and ν is the kinematic viscosity of water (1.02 × 10−6 m2/s at 20°C); Cp is the stream reach-scale grain resistance at bankfull flow: Cp = fp/8 = (1/8) [2.03log(12.2 dh/Dgm)]−2, where fp is the particle-derived Darcy Weisbach friction factor, dh/Dgm is the mean bankfull depth/Dgm, i.e., the particle relative submergence (all quantities are in SI units); and the minimum value of Cp is set at 0.002 (Cp was set to this minimum value in 34 of the 101 PNW sample sites); Ct is the dimensionless coefficient of stream reach-scale total hydraulic resistance equal to ft/8, calculated at bankfull flow: Ct = 1.21dres1.08 (dres + Wd)0.638dth-bf−3.32, where dth-bf and dres are, respectively, the thalweg mean bankfull depth and thalweg mean residual depth from a long profile of 100 points along the stream reach; Wd is the mean wood “depth” (m) over the stream reach (wood volume/bankfull channel planform area); Rbf = 0.65dth-bf; and if calculated Ct ≤ Cp, then Ct is set equal to Cp (Ct was set to Cp in two of the 101 PNW sample sites; in both cases, this was also the minimum Cp value of 0.002).
