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Search & Selection

It has long been recognized that despite some of the difficulties arising from the decentralized structure of the NIH with its multiple semi-independent Institute or Centers (ICs), this organizational diversity is also one of its greatest strengths. It naturally leads to a variety of approaches in developing effective intramural and extramural research programs since there is no single way that can be shown to be optimal. Nevertheless, it is appropriate for the central NIH managers (Office of Director (OD)) to monitor and if necessary intervene in order to assure that overall standards of high productivity, equal opportunity, integrity, matters of safety and many other general aspects of the research establishment are met throughout the NIH organization. It is with the purpose of achieving an appropriate balance between permitting and even encouraging a diversity of approach while at the same time promoting uniformity of excellence in the outcome, that we have considered one of the most important functions of the intramural program: the selection of new investigators.

Check Sheets / Checklists

In order to expedite the processing of personnel actions by the Office of Intramural Research for approval by or notification of the Deputy Director for Intramural Research (DDIR), please attach as a cover sheet the appropriate check sheet listed below. This will assure that the required documentation has been included and will facilitate subsequent reviews of the proposed action.

Below are the check sheets and checklists that have been developed and approved by the DDIR.

Individual ICs may have additional requirements, check sheets, and/or checklists. Please contact your Administrative Officer (AO) or HR Specialist for additional guidance. For examples of IC-specific check sheets and checklists, please visit:

The page was last updated on Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 4:36pm