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CHIPS Articles: NIST Released the final version of "Best Practices Guide for Personal Identity Verification (PIV)-enabled Privileged Access"

NIST Released the final version of "Best Practices Guide for Personal Identity Verification (PIV)-enabled Privileged Access"
By NIST News - April 22, 2016
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announces the final release of the best practices guide for Personal Identity Verification (PIV)-enabled privileged access. The paper is in response to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s October 2015 Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan (and included in the Cyber National Action Plan (CNAP), requiring federal agencies to use PIV credentials for authenticating privileged users. The paper outlines the risks of password-based single-factor authentication, explains the need for multi-factor PIV-based user authentication and provides best practices for agencies to implement PIV authentication for privileged users.
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