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BLM New Mexico interns on public lands, BLM photo

Types of Opportunities

The BLM offers career opportunities for students and recent graduates through the BLM Pathways Program and work crew or intern positions through partnerships with a wide range of organizations, including schools, youth corps, non-profit educational, and scientific organizations.  Some interns volunteer, while others earn a wage or living allowance. Some earn college credit or tuition benefits.  Whether working as an individual intern, as part of a small team, or as a member of a youth corps crew, the rewards of working on public lands can be fantastic and life-changing.

Learn about ways to pursue opportunities that match your interests.


Career Track

The Pathways Internship Program offers students paid opportunities to work in agencies and explore federal careers while still in school.  The program covers students enrolled in a variety of academic fields.  Pathways is for current students (16 years of age or older) enrolled or accepted for enrollment and seeking a degree (diploma, certificate, etc.) in a qualifying accredited educational institution on a full- or half-time basis.  

Click here to learn more.

Teachers on Public Lands

Teachers on the Public Lands offers professional development experiences for teachers by placing them as teacher “interns” at BLM Hands on the Land sites.  

TPLs spend part of the summer at an HOL site both to learn and to assist staff.  TPLs engage with site education projects, learn about BLM resources, and develop lesson plans that can be used by BLM employees, other teachers, and community volunteers.  When TPLs return to school, they spend part of their classroom time presenting their TPL projects to their students and other audiences.  

The program allows teachers to fully explore BLM public lands; enrich their students with a clearer understanding and appreciation of public lands resources; develop activities that will be used in the classroom during the school year; and receive graduate and/or continuing education credits, if applicable.

Click here to learn more about the program.

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Featured Photos

BLM student conducts water research, BLM photo

View more intern and work crew photos in the @mypubliclands Flickr collection