Sponsored Research

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a United States Department of Energy national laboratory, operated under contract by UT-Battelle, LLC. The laboratory's 1500+ research scientists and engineers conduct a vigorous program of scientific discovery and technology development, and ORNL is eager to engage industry in partnerships to help translate its research output into market impact and support for U.S. competitiveness. Companies wishing to learn about the research being conducted at ORNL, and about the scientists and engineers involved with those research programs, can find a plethora of such information by drilling down through the various links provided below:

Science and Discovery at ORNL

A list of the laboratory's technologies, which have been developed and are ready for active industrial engagement, is provided on our "Available Technologies" page. If your company is interested in further engagement on any of these technologies, or seeks science and engineering solutions to particularly difficult problems, we urge you to contact us.