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Tag archives for Technology

Young Entrepreneurs Develop Startups in Serbia

Milan Brindić, 26, co-creator of Bincode Entertainment, collaborates with team members at the ICT Hub. / Laura Jagla, USAID

In Serbia, USAID is partnering with the private sector to increase economic opportunity for young entrepreneurs in the ICT sector.

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Online to On the Ground: How Students in Virginia Supported Nepal Earthquake Recovery

Students and staff from AidData and the College of William & Mary participating in a Crisis Mapping event in April, 2015. / Hannah Dempsey, AidData

When a devastating earthquake shook Nepal last April, my fellow students at the College of William & Mary and I jumped into action. In mapping affected areas, our efforts helped guide recovery aspects and allow first responders to carry out life-saving efforts.

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From the Household Hearth to Global Health: Creating a Healthier Planet Starts with a Cookstove

ESILALEI, TANZANIA - FEBRUARY 4, 2014:  Through the creation of solar powered micro-grids, Maasai of the Moduli district in northern Tanzania are receiving power in their mud huts inside their bomas (corralled community). The solar power is providing life-saving water purification, a shared refrigerator for food and medicines, a computer for the community, and lights for the cow and goat corrals to frighten away the hyenas. The International Collaborative for Science, Education and the Environment (ICSEE) also manufactures and distributes a chimney stove for Maasai homes designed collaboratively with Maasai women and installed by teams of women from each participating village to reduce the intake of smoke and carbon dioxide when cooking over traditional fires inside the home.  Footage by Morgana Wingard

USAID initiatives to expand the use of clean cookstoves help reduce household air pollution and promote health for some of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Global health and climate change are highly interconnected, and global health considerations deserve a place at the COP21 climate conference in Paris.

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Keeping Up with the Times: Local Media Outlets Help Georgia Move Into the Digital Information Age

To help media in Georgia stay ahead of changing trends and technology, the USAID supported New Media Initiative is working with media organizations like the Information Center of Kakheti to build TV studios for streaming news programming online. / Photo by Gela Mtivlishvili

Journalists in Georgia are telling stories that are more dynamic, relevant and accessible to audiences with the support of multimedia training through the USAID’s New Media Initiative (NMI).

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Q&A: How Technology is Transforming Ebola Response Efforts

Eric King holds up a handprint to echo the wall of handprints from Ebola survivors at the Bong County Treatment Unit in Liberia. Eric King worked to coordinate the flow of data for the international humanitarian response in Liberia for two months last Winter. / Ellie Van Houtte, USAID

Eric King shares how digital technologies and data tools are shaping the Ebola response in West Africa.

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Fighting Ebola with Information

Youth-turned-social mobilizers in Liberia learn how to use social media tools on their cell phones to stay connected while spreading awareness about Ebola prevention in communities. / Eric King, USAID

USAID and partners have unlocked the power of mobile phones to fuel the fight to eliminate Ebola in West Africa.

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The Digital Development Opportunity

Bangladeshi farmer Jalal Kha talks over a mobile phone as he works in his paddy field. / AFP, Farjana K. Godhuly

New technologies have created unprecedented opportunities to end extreme poverty. USAID is proud to endorse a set of guidelines on digital development, the Greentree Principles, to help ensure we’re effectively harnessing digital technology to transform lives.

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Are you using USAID’s data? We want to hear about it!

The Feed the Future Project is linking markets in Mozambique with mobile phones

USAID is committed to development innovation and wants to improve user experience with our data. Do you use USAID data? Tell us about it!

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Haiti’s High-Tech Revolution: The ‘New Model’ in Action

Workers at Haiti’s Surtab factory carefully assembly tablets.

USAID is providing crucial support to an innovative tech startup in Haiti. Surtab, a tablet manufacturer, produces high quality products while investing in their workers through training and competitive wages.

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Mobilizing ‘Makers’ for a Better World


USAID is challenging Makers around the world to create sensor technologies that can improve the lives and livelihoods of the world’s most vulnerable people.

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