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Tag archives for Global Health

Tracking Rumors to Contain Disease: The Case of DeySay in Liberia’s Ebola Outbreak

Ambulances at the site of an Ebola flare-up in Margibi County, Liberia. /Kate Thomas

Rumors spread misinformation, fuel mistrust, cause panic and sometimes even prompt irrational behaviors. This is particularly true in the context of a health emergency when accurate information about a disease—how to prevent, detect, contain and treat it—can mean the difference between staying healthy or becoming infected and, in the worst case scenario, dying from it. […]

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Giving Birth in Ukraine: So Different From My Parents’ Experience

Getting ready to become a mom. /Olya Myrtsalo, USAID/Christian Kitschenberg

The positive effects of USAID programming continue even after a project ends. When it was time to choose where to give birth, this mother-to-be turned to a hospital that had benefited from USAID support — support that ended three years before the birth of her child. Ukraine’s recent 25th anniversary of independence provides an opportunity to reflect on the changes and progress the country has made.

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Ebola’s Second Punch: Hunger

Children from over 4,000 vulnerable families could eat three healthy meals a day after their parents used cash transfers from Catholic Relief Services to invest in their farms and buy food. / Michael Stulman, CRS

Travel restrictions meant to contain Ebola also kept farmers from their fields, harvests and the markets.

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Leveraging Markets for Global Health

An analyst at the National Quality Control Laboratory in Kenya conducts a test on a pharmaceutical sample. / Tobin Jones, Chemonics

USAID’s work with new insecticide sprays and antiretrovirals demonstrates the potential impact of maximizing market forces to achieve global health goals. Through collaboration, USAID aims to continue identifying and realizing market-shaping opportunities.

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Saving Lives Today, Saving Costs Tomorrow: Why USAID Invests in Immunization

A young boy receives an oral polio vaccine in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The incidence of polio has fallen by more than 99 percent over the past three decades. / Kendra Helmer, USAID

Investing in vaccines is a best buy in global health — for every dollar invested, $16 in health care costs is averted. As the global community celebrates World Immunization Week, Katie Taylor describes why USAID invests in sustained and sustainable immunization systems.

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As the World Focuses on Zika, Malaria Continues its Deadly Toll

Nurse Agnes Nambuya gives Christine sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine drugs to prevent malaria in pregnancy. / Allan Gichigi, MCSP

What disease comes to mind when you hear the word mosquito? Probably, the Zika virus. However, don’t forget a more prevalent and deadly mosquito-borne disease — malaria.

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Ending a Global Epidemic of Tuberculosis in Children

Atsede Tefera with her daughter, Nigist, who was diagnosed with tuberculosis at a hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. / MSH Ethiopia

A new analysis reveals how a persistent divide between policy and practice threatens to impede progress on childhood TB in Africa. Join us on World TB Day to learn more about how we’re working to overcome this and fight TB — a preventable and curable disease.

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Empowering Women Through a Simple Purse

Zubaida posing with the clean birthing kit. / Ayzh

USAID is committed to improving women and baby’s health during childbirth. Ayzh, supported by the Higher Education Solutions Network, develops low-cost, clean birth kits designed to meet the unique needs of women in low-resource settings.

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More Community Health Workers Needed for a Healthier World

Mbour 1 Health Post in the Community of Ndiébél, Thies, Senegal

Community health workers are vital in the effort to achieve global goals and help women and children survive, thrive and transform for the better the communities in which they live.

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Innovative HIV-Prevention Product for Women Could Be New Tool in the Fight for an AIDS-Free Gen

The Ring Study findings may give new hope to women who need diverse options to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS./ Matthew Willman/Oxfam, Courtesy of Photoshare

A new USAID-supported monthly vaginal ring is the first HIV prevention method designed specifically for women to be confirmed effective in two large clinical trials. This innovative product has the potential to contribute to the goal of an AIDS-free generation.

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