USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Economic Growth

A New Investment Model for Afghanistan

Alex Thier, USAID Assistant to the Administrator for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Photo Credit: USAID

I’m proud to announce that the United States government has signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a new and innovative public-private partnership in Afghanistan with the Aga Khan Foundation. Read more >>

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A Record-Breaking Year for Mobilizing Private Capital for Development

Putting Local Wealth to Work: Development Credit Authority 2012 Portfolio. Photo Credit: USAID.

USAID is enabling private markets in the developing world to provide financing to the people who need it most. Read more >>

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Interagency Panel on Economic Statecraft to Create Competitive Foreign Markets

Eric Postel speaks at the Economic Statecraft panel. Photo Credit: Pat Adams, USAID.

Last Monday, December 10, I had the opportunity to speak at an interagency panel on the topic of Economic Statecraft and Developing Partnerships with the Private Sector. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: Accessing Credit for Food Security

Despite the importance of the agriculture sector in Ethiopia, access to credit is limited. USAID uses its Development Credit Authority to share risk with local banks, thus opening financing for underserved but credit-worthy borrowers.

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We must do better than cash

Cash can stifle economic development.  That might seem counterintuitive.  Aid is critical to ameliorating the plight of poor people living on far less a day than we spend on a latte.  But physical cash can undercut many development objectives the U.S. government works to achieve.  From improving aid effectiveness to shining a light on corruption [...]

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Taxation and Development – The Key to the End of Aid Dependency

Last week at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, South Korea, I participated in one of the more interesting events of the conference: the session on “Domestic Resource Mobilization: Taxation and Development.”  If you think that sounds like watching paint dry, you couldn’t be more wrong.  That is because it is the [...]

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Building Bridges to the Oecusse Exclave

Just weeks into my new assignment in Timor-Leste, I was thrilled to be traveling with a group of colleagues to the country’s remote exclave of Oecusse.  By catching a ride on a UN helicopter, our team was able to cut out nearly a day of travel, including clearing the four border checkpoints required to make [...]

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A Proven Approach to Poverty Reduction

Eric Postel is the Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade. This week, donors and partner governments from around the world are gathering at the World Trade Organization in Geneva for the Third Global Review of Aid for Trade. This session is devoted to examining an important adjunct to trade liberalization, [...]

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Evaluating U.S. Foreign Assistance to Afghanistan

In the last decade, Afghanistan has made some dramatic development achievements. Read more >>

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From the Field

In Jamaica, the U.S. government is partnering with the Jamaica Constabulary Force to host the region’s First Law Enforcement Anti-Corruption Conference.  The two-day conference will feature leading anti-corruption champions and will bring together high level law enforcement personnel, including Commissioners of Police and Customs, to conduct a situational analysis of corruption in the individual Caribbean [...]

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