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Tag archives for India

When Violence Is Not the Exception

USAID’s Wajood project works to increase access to gender-based violence services such as counseling, trainings and linkages, and to transform negative gender norms within communities. /Amy Fowler, USAID

In India, rape is the fastest growing crime. According to the country’s National Crime Records Bureau, every 29 minutes, a woman is raped; and every nine minutes, a case of cruelty at the hands of a husband or relative occurs. Gender-based violence (GBV) is widespread. It threatens the health, freedom and security of victims and yet remains largely hidden by a culture of silence. USAID, however, is working to change these statistics.

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USAID Delivers: Quality Care for Expectant Moms Results in Fewer Stillbirths

Gift Usami Ava, pregnant with her third child, receives prenatal care at the Ugep General Hospital in Nigeria’s Cross River State. Quality prenatal care during pregnancy helps reduce stillbirths and improves maternal and newborn health. / Amy Fowler, USAID

A Lancet series published today reports on the problem of stillbirths worldwide. At USAID, our efforts for maternal and child health address many of the same risk factors associated with stillbirths.

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Around the World in Videos: How USAID is Helping Curb Child and Maternal Deaths

Mom and baby are doing fine because mom was taught how to perform Kangaroo Mother Care to keep her premature newborn warm. / Molly Ronan, Embrace Global

The goal of ending preventable child and maternal deaths is within reach. Since 2008, USAID has helped save nearly 2.5 million children and 200,000 mothers through our programs. Watch inspiring stories of families getting the health care they need.

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On the Job at USAID: Meeting An Amazing Global Health Hero

Solomon 4

On July 28, in Chennai, India, the world that fights HIV lost a true hero. It was an honor to have met Dr. Suniti Solomon, a pioneer in HIV and AIDS work. How lucky we are to be with people who really do make the world a better place. Now, we must carry on the legacy.

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Vaccinating Each Child to Build a Village

Esther Das, an auxiliary nurse midwife, reviews the “My Village My Home” tool with community members in a village in Eastern India. / MCHIP

The “My Village My Home” tool helps community members and health workers increase the number of children who are vaccinated. World Immunization Week calls attention to the need for efforts like these to protect children from preventable diseases.

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Obama Administration Launches Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture

A boy and a woman struggle with the dusty wind looking for water in Wajir, Kenya

From record droughts in Kansas to deadly wildfires in California, the United States is feeling the effects of climate change. These same conditions have a dire impact across the developing world, especially for poor, rural smallholder farmers whose very lives are threatened every time the rains arrive late, the floods rush in, or the temperature soars.

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Will Our Generation be Responsible for Killing Off the Tiger?


In honor of International Tiger Day, USAID has committed nearly $900,000 to multilateral conservation efforts designed to protect big cats from some of their most dangerous enemies. Environmental conservation is a key component of USAID’s mission to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies.

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Ending Child Labor


An ambitious social movement to eradicate child labor globally came together two decades ago – and has had unprecedented success. At USAID, we have learned what programs are effective, and what more needs to be done to end child labor.

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Driving Progress in Asia through Science, Innovation & Partnership


Progress — or instability — in Asia has ripple effects throughout the world and can impact us here at home. We’re forging partnerships that leverage resources and harness the science, technology and innovation that exist throughout the region to maximize impact — and reach.

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Birth in the Age of AIDS: Women, Reproduction and HIV/AIDS in India

Birth in the Age of AIDS

USAID is observing World AIDS Day this year by celebrating ten years of our HIV and AIDS work under PEPFAR. Book Review: “Birth in the Age of AIDS: Women, Reproduction and HIV/AIDS in India” by Cecilia Van Hollen Synopsis: Birth in the Age of AIDS takes the reader on a very personal journey of the experiences  HIV- positive women […]

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