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Indian Health Service The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

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Billings Area




The Billings Area Indian Health Service (IHS) provides Public Health, Environmental Health, Health care services and community-based disease prevention services to more than 70,000 American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people in Montana and Wyoming. These services are delivered through six IHS-operated Service Units, two tribally-operated health departments, and five Urban Indian health programs, administratively supported by a regional office located in downtown Billings, Montana. Our mission is to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of AI/AN to the highest level possible. We are committed to accomplishing this through strong partnerships with Montana and Wyoming Tribal Leadership and other health care partners serving the AI/AN population in these two States.

The Billings Area IHS continually strives for quality health care services through federally and tribally-administered Service Units and programs, which are accredited by the Joint Commission for our hospitals, Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care for our free-standing ambulatory facilities, or, as an alternative through certification by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for meeting Medicare Hospital Quality Standards, often referred to as Conditions of Participation. We focus on quality of care standards through the Governing Boards responsible for the operations of each of our health care facilities.

Tribal Governments have authorities available to them under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, to directly administer IHS health programs and services through tribally-established programs, taking over those programs and services administered by the IHS. The Billings Area IHS is fully committed to supporting Tribes when these authorities are activated, and strives to maintain strong ongoing relationships with Tribes.

The Billings Area IHS is committed to building strong partnerships with Tribal Governments, Tribal Communities, and Indian people residing in the Billings Area service delivery area; Montana and Wyoming. Often working through formal consultation processes coordinated by the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council and meetings with Tribal Councils and Tribal Leaders at the local level, the Billings Area is joining together to improve the health status of our patients and members of our Tribal Communities.

The committed and dedicated staff of the Billings Area strives daily to improve the quality of health care delivery, and to increase access to health care services. Supporting our staff efforts, the Billings Area Leadership strives to be accessible and responsive to those we serve, our Tribal Leaders, and collaborating health care partners.


Dorothy A. Dupree, MBA
Director, Billings Area IHS