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Close up of pine needles. BLM photo.

BLM Colorado Forests and Woodlands

The BLM manages 3.5 to 4 million acres of forested lands in Colorado. More than 2.5 million acres are considered woodlands, dominated by piñon, juniper and oak. The remaining forested acres consist of traditional commercial tree species such as ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine and Douglas fir.

Some of the wood products harvested include sawtimber, firewood, Christmas trees, post and poles, and biomass.

Forested lands in Colorado tend to have low productivity rates, so the BLM's management focus for forested lands in Colorado is to restore forest health conditions rather than produce commercial timber. BLM Colorado works cooperatively with the U.S. Forest Service, Colorado State Forest Service, and other partners to mitigate bark beetle-associated impacts and improve forest health.

Major forest health concerns include: 

  • Mountain pine beetle outbreak in north-central Colorado.
  • Decline of aspen stands.
  • Spruce beetle outbreak in southern Colorado.

BLM Colorado manages forests and woodlands in line with three goals:

  • Improve the health and vitality of forests for multiple use management.
  • Promote forestry-related projects.
  • Improve and support wood-product markets, including biomass, at the state and local levels.
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Point of Contact

John Ring 
Telephone: 303-239-3729