• Developing and Supporting Leaders
    group of men and women who participated in DC AP

    Developing and Supporting Leaders

    In education and related fields to grow and refine their capacity to work together across institutional boundaries, increase their professional and policy knowledge base, and expand their networks of support.

    IEL seeks a diverse group of highly-motivated and enthusiastic men and women to participate in the second class of DC Advocacy Partners (DC AP). DC AP is a free nine-month leadership training opportunity designed to strengthen the knowledge and advocacy skills of participants to become policy influencers working to improve disability services in the District. IEL graduated its first class of Partners in September 2012 and looks forward to growing the DC advocacy community with the next class. DCAP is supported by the DC Developmental Disabilities Council. Apply Today! Application deadline November 9th.

  • Strengthening School-Family-Community Connections
    flyer for 2013 National Community Schools Awards for Excellence

    Strengthening School-Family-Community Connections

    To help schools and other key stakeholders build deep, intentional partnerships that achieve better results for every youngster, from early childhood to young adulthood.

    SAVE THE DATE: The National Community Schools Award for Excellence  applications are in! Make sure you save, June 6, 2013 to see what community schools and community school initiatives going above and beyond to create positive results for children, families, and their communities.

    The awards ceremony will take place in Washington, DC. Following the awards ceremony join us for Education Day as we visit Capitol Hill to support Community Schools!

  • Improving Policies and Systems for Children and Youth
    US Capitol Building

    Improving Policies and Systems for Children and Youth

    By conducting, synthesizing, and sharing relevant research; providing tools and technical assistance; and working to develop a comprehensive continuum of services for young people.

    IEL's Center for Workforce Development is partnering with American Youth Policy Forum on a Capitol Hill Forum on February 15 on "The Use of Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) to Help Students to be College and Career Ready." This event will highlight findings from research on ILPs, a tool for secondary students to define personal interests, goals, and course choices through postsecondary education and careers.

    Learn more about ILPs and register for this free event online.

IEL's mission is to build the capacity of individuals, organizations, systems and communities to work together to prepare all children and youth for post-secondary education, careers, and citizenship. . Learn more about IEL…

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