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CHIPS Articles: SSC Pacific engineer receives prestigious Copernicus Award at WEST16

SSC Pacific engineer receives prestigious Copernicus Award at WEST16
By Patric Petrie, SSC Pacific Public Affairs - February 19, 2016
SAN DIEGO — The Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) is proud to announce that electrical engineer Tuan Nguyen was honored as a recipient of the prestigious Copernicus Award, Feb. 17, at WEST16, the United States Naval Institute and Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association’s convention held at the San Diego Convention Center.

Nguyen, a project manager for the Navy Multiband Terminal and Advanced Time Division Multiple Access Interface Processor teams, earned the award based on his superior performance and contributions to naval warfare in the disciplines of command, control, communications, computers and intelligence.

“Tuan is one of those individuals that just demonstrated exceptional commitment to sailors and marines,” said Capt. Kurt Rothenhaus, commanding officer of SSC Pacific. “The Copernicus Award is very prestigious — one of AFCEA’s highest honors — and we are thrilled that he won. I think it reflects the estimation of how much the entire government and industry value those folks who make things right — who spend their holidays and nights working the hardware to make everything run smoothly for Sailors and Marines.”

The award, instituted in 1997, is given to approximately 20 recipients each year from the three sea services. Nguyen’s selection marks the second time an SSC Pacific researcher has been chosen since 2003.

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific provides the U.S. Navy and military with essential capabilities in the areas of command and control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR). SSC Pacific provides the full spectrum of C4ISR capabilities from basic research and prototype development, to extensive test and evaluation services, through systems engineering and integration, to installation and life-cycle support of fielded systems. SSC Pacific is a recognized leader in the cyber domain and for autonomous unmanned systems, and is providing the technological and engineering support critical to ensuring the Navy’s information warfare superiority.

Tuan Nguyen, a project manager for SSC Pacific's Navy Multiband Terminal (NMT) and Advanced Time Division Multiple Access Interface Processor (ATIP) teams, is also the recipient of the prestigious Copernicus Award, given by the United States Naval Institute (USNI) and the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Feb. 17, for superior performance and contributions to naval warfare in the disciplines of command, control, communications, computers and intelligence. Nguyen was recognized at WEST16, held Feb. 17-19, at the San Diego Convention Center. Photo by Alan Antczak.
Tuan Nguyen, a project manager for SSC Pacific's Navy Multiband Terminal (NMT) and Advanced Time Division Multiple Access Interface Processor (ATIP) teams, is also the recipient of the prestigious Copernicus Award, given by the United States Naval Institute (USNI) and the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Feb. 17, for superior performance and contributions to naval warfare in the disciplines of command, control, communications, computers and intelligence. Nguyen was recognized at WEST16, held Feb. 17-19, at the San Diego Convention Center. Photo by Alan Antczak.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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