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CHIPS Articles: Navy Users Transition from BlackBerry to Apple and Android Has Begun

Navy Users Transition from BlackBerry to Apple and Android Has Begun
By DON CIO News - May 11, 2015
Navy NMCI users may begin transitioning from BlackBerry devices to Apple and Android smartphones and tablets. NMCI users are now authorized to procure and use the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus smartphones, as well as the iPad Air and iPad Air 2 tablets with NMCI Email. NMCI has the capacity to support 15,000 iPhone/iPad users anywhere in the continental United States and Hawaii, and plans to increase capacity to ~30,000 by the end of summer.

The increased capacity will be sufficient to transition all Navy NMCI BlackBerry users, and with the BlackBerry "end of life" nearing, it is important that BlackBerry users transition as quickly as possible. Currently, iPhones and iPads on NMCI are able to access NMCI email, calendar, task lists and contacts.

The addition of Android smartphones and tablets, and the ability to edit documents are planned for later this year.

The modifications required for the use of iPhones and iPads on a wireless service contract can be time consuming, so all Navy organizations are encouraged to begin the contracting and transition process through their wireless account manager for iPhones and iPhone service and through their NGEN Contracting Officers for connecting iPhones and iPads to NMCI.

The CAC-enabled NAVSUP guide ( for transitioning wireless service from BlackBerrys to iPhones is available online. Please review the document's example embedded contract modification used to enable use of smartphones in place of BlackBerrys. In this example a single modification was used to authorize the transition of all the BlackBerrys on the task order to iPhones as each device became eligible for tech refresh.

Please direct wireless contract related questions to and contact for other questions about this announcement.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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