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CHIPS Articles: DON CIO's Chris Kelsall Receives CompTIA's Excellence in Cybersecurity Award

DON CIO's Chris Kelsall Receives CompTIA's Excellence in Cybersecurity Award
By DON CIO - January-March 2016
On January 12, 2016, Chris Kelsall, the DON CIO Cybersecurity Workforce Branch Head, received the CompTIA Excellence in Cybersecurity award. This award recognizes Members of Congress and Federal Agency Program Managers who have supported the need for a strong cyber workforce and leadership cadre in the cybersecurity community.

The group specifically lauded Mr. Kelsall's leadership and efforts in developing and executing workforce strategies, and advocating for programs to enhance the competencies of the IT and cybersecurity workforce in the Department of the Navy via increased training and certification options. The other award recipient was Congressman Mac Thornberry, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

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