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Publication and Abstract Clearance

A NIH-wide policy for manuscript and abstract clearance procedures was established when Scientific Directors (SDs) found that they were not being informed consistently about the findings of scientists in their ICs (SDs Minutes A clearance form with a list of minimum elements was proposed in lieu of revising the outdated manual chapter.

Based on the work of a SD Subcommittee, a Web-based format was introduced with the following elements (SD Minutes

  1. Manuscript title
  2. A list of all authors
  3. Indication that all authors have approved the publication
  4. The journal to which the article is being submitted
  5. Meeting name, place, date (for abstracts)
  6. Laboratory/Branch chief's signature
  7. Human subjects approval and protocol number
  8. Animal study proposal (ASP) approval and number
  9. CRADA-related work
  10. Patent applicability
  11. Newsworthy nature

At the March 4, 1998 SD meeting, a clearance form was approved for publications and meeting abstracts (SDs Minutes March 4, 1998)

At the February 20, 2008 SD meeting, the SDs approved a modification of the Manuscript Clearance Form provided in the Intramural Research Sourcebook to note the requirement for submission of all peer-reviewed manuscripts to PubMed Central to comply with Public Access requirements.

The current form can be found by visiting the Manuscript Clearance Form.

The page was last updated on Monday, March 23, 2015 - 2:01pm