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The Film Permitting Process

The permitting process and items needed vary depending on the proposed location and type of filming. Contact the local BLM field office (or state and/or local Film Commission) before applying.

For minimal-impact filming in popular filming locations, complete the following and submit to the appropriate office

  1. Land Use Application Form 2920.  Complete only the application section of the form.  The BLM will complete the "permit" portion.
  2. Detailed Description of Filming Activity.  Submit with application.
  3. Provide a map showing the specific location(s) requested (consult BLM contact for map of area if needed).
  4. Cost Recovery and Rental Fees.  Pay the appropriate amount as discussed with the local BLM film permit coordinator. 
  5. Certificate of Insurance naming the Department of the Interior - BLM as co-insured.  Contact the appropriate BLM office for specific dollar amount.

Depending on location, time of production, and type of production, the BLM may impose additional requirements such as bonding, reimbursement for overtime costs, etc.

Note that large productions and requests to film outside popular locations usually require an onsite pre-application conference with BLM personnel.  Although it may vary, the time to process is usually at least 30 - 60 days. Contact the local BLM field office for details.

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Point of Contact

For more information about the BLM film permitting process in general, contact Laurie Ford at 202-912-7199 or