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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service

Grant Application
PHS 398 (Revised 3/2016)

All notable changes made to PHS 398 instructions and form pages are listed at the bottom of this page (updated 03/25/2016).

Downloadable Instructions and Form Files

PHS 398 Instructions - 3/2016 Revision            PDF (441 KB)

PHS 398 Fillable Forms - 3/2016 Revision

The links below allow for the downloading of individual and combined form files in MS Word and PDF formats. Some of the files are large and may take a few minutes to download. Please see the "Help Downloading Files" section of the Digital Standards page for information on using the fillable PDF forms.

Fillable Individual PHS 398 Forms

(These forms are to be used only with paper submissions using the PHS 398. Do not use the PDF samples provided below in an SF424 (R&R) application. These are fillable PDF forms which will cause an error in the electronic submission of an SF424 (R&R) application. See the SF424 (R&R) application page for appropriate formats to be used for electronic submission.

Form Page 1:  Face Page MS Word PDF (414 KB)
Form Page 1-continued:  Additional form for use only if Multiple PD/PIs are proposed. Do not include if submitting a single-PD/PI application. MS Word PDF (434 KB)
Form Page 2:  Summary, Relevance, Project/Performance Sites, Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, and Human Embryonic Stem Cells MS Word PDF (565 KB)
Project/Performance Site Format Page - use only if additional space is needed. MS Word PDF (282 KB)
Form Page 3:  Research Grant Table of Contents MS Word PDF (273 KB)
Form Page 4:  Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period MS Word PDF (2 MB)
Form Page 5:  Budget for Entire Proposed Project Period MS Word PDF (342 KB)
Resources Format Page MS Word PDF (281 KB)
Checklist Form Page MS Word PDF (528 KB)
Continuation Format Page MS Word PDF (224 KB)
PHS Inclusion Enrollment Report   PDF (118 KB)
Mailing Address MS Word PDF (27 KB)
Other Support Format Page: Example MS Word PDF (179 KB)    
All Personnel Report Format Page MS Word PDF (281 KB)
Combined PHS 398 Forms File

Does NOT include the Biographical Sketch page, Continuation Page, or any of the Sample/Example pages (Biosketch Sample, Other Support Sample). See Individual Form file links above.

Combined PHS 398 Form Files
(MS Word)
Combined PHS 398 Form Files
(659 KB)

Biosketches: see

Biosketch FAQs

For Questions Related to:

Note: Other software packages for completing these applications may be available from other sources; however, it is essential that the type size and format specifications are met. Otherwise application processing may be delayed, or the application may be returned to the applicant without review.

Disclaimer: Reference to these software packages neither constitutes nor should be inferred to be an endorsement or recommendation of any product, service, or enterprise by the National Institutes of Health, any other agency of the United States Government, or any employee of the United States Government. No warranties are stated or implied.

Notable Changes Made to PHS 398

Go to NIH Forms and Applications Page