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  • Global Health Leadership – Engage with field experts to address global issues and participate in life-saving initiatives.
  • International Collaboration – Enhanced opportunities for biomedical discovery through open and dynamic communication with our international colleagues in an historic setting.
  • Scientific Innovation – Enjoy the freedom to construct individualized projects while exploring new and innovative research techniques
  • Image provided by OxCam student Sabrina Heman-Ackah

The National Institutes of Health Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program is an accelerated, individualized doctoral training program for outstanding science students committed to biomedical research careers. The program is based on the British system, in which students perform doctoral research without required formal courses other than those students choose to take in relationship to their own interests. Students selected for admission to the program have already developed a passion for science through engagement in summer, job related, or undergraduate research programs.

 Online Program Booklet University of Oxford University of Cambridge

How to Apply
Image of student, Madhvi Venkatesh, working in her NIH lab
Image of small group discussion during the Lasker Lessons in Leaderiship with keynote Dr. Jeremy Nathans
2021 OxCam Events:

OxCam PhD Informational Conference Call:
• September 2021 @ TBD
• October 2021 @ TBD
• November 2021 @ TBD

MD/PhD Informational Conference Call:
• September 2021 @ TBD
• October 2021 @ TBD
• November 2021 @ TBD

Online Calendar of Program events

News / Announcements
Incoming Class of 2016
OxCam This Summer:

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @NIHOxCam and "Like" our page on Facebook - just look for NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program!

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