U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Funded Grants & Grant History

Funding Trends

Funding Trends and Support of Core Values​​

Analysis of funding trends to help our research community understand application and funding dynamics over recent years.​

In addition to carrying out its scientific mission, the NIH promotes accountability. To that end, the Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) provides access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, including information on expenditures and results.  The links below provide information in RePORT and, where possible, information specific to NIDDK.

Funded Grants

Funded Grants

All active projects funded by NIDDK.

Success Rates

Success Rates

Success rates are defined as the percentage of reviewed grant applications that receive funding.

Funded Organizations

Funded Organizations

Schools, universities, and other organizations that received funding last fiscal year.​

Funded Research Area

Funded by/Research Disease Area

The annual support level for various research, condition, and disease categories based on grants, contracts, and other funding mechanisms.

Funded By Mechanism

Funded by Mechanism

NIDDK awards by activity code e.g. R01, U35, K series, etc.  
