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Utah Conservation Data Center
An integral part of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, the Utah Conservation Data Center (UCDC) is the central repository for Utah biodiversity information.  Although the UCDC focuses primarily on Utah's rare native species and other high-interest species (game animals and raptors, for example), information on all Utah vertebrate wildlife species, many invertebrate species, and numerous plant species is available. 

Utah Conservation Data Center information is a collection of data from many sources.  Major data contributors include the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission, the United States National Park Service, the United States Forest Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the United States Bureau of Land Management, Utah State University, the University of Utah, Brigham Young University, the network of state/province Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers, The Nature Conservancy, NatureServe, various museums, and numerous individuals. 

The UCDC strives to provide accurate information in user-friendly formats.  If you have a question or comment about the UCDC, Utah biodiversity data, or this web site, please e-mail us at: habitat@utah.gov

Acknowledgements - The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources would like to thank the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission (www.mitigationcommission.gov) for providing significant funding to develop our sensitive species database.  We would also like to thank the many individuals who have graciously contributed photographs for use on this web site.  Website designed by RS/GIS Laboratories, Utah State University (www.gis.usu.edu).  Dynamic Web design by DocuMedia Learning Group (www.dmlgroup.com).