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Email Alerts

The NHLBI offers free email alerts about the latest Institute news and updates. Subscribe to any of the areas below for timely, relevant information delivered straight to your inbox. You can change your subscription preferences or opt out at any time.

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The NHLBI offers subscriptions to the following topics.

NHLBI Weekly Digest
A roundup of news and highlights from across the Institute

Messages from the NHLBI Director's Office
Announcements and perspectives from the NHLBI director and other senior officials

NHLBI Strategic Visioning Updates
Updates on the Strategic Visioning process and reminders about submission deadlines

NHLBI Events
Announcements about meetings and other events sponsored or hosted by the NHLBI, and about important events outside the NHLBI on topics related to the heart, lungs, blood, or sleep

NHLBI Meeting Summaries and Scientific Reports
Summaries of NHLBI scientific working groups meetings and conferences, and other reports

NHLBI Funding and Award Policies Updates
Funding and award policies, procedures, and guidelines

NHLBI Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA)
Funding opportunity announcements for NHLBI grants and contracts (RFAs, RFPs, program announcements, etc.)

COPD Learn More Breathe Better® Update
Quarterly campaign e-newsletter that provides current lung health and research news, Breathe Better Network updates, and spotlights on Breathe Better Network partners making a difference in the field

NACI in the Know
Quarterly e-newsletter for the National Asthma Control Initiative (NACI), loaded with valuable information, strategies, resources, and networking opportunities to advance asthma best practices

Last Updated: February 16, 2014