Corporate Fellows

  • Bruce Moyer Photo

    Bruce Moyer (2016)

    For his leadership in separations science and technology; for improving nuclear fuel recycling and waste removal; and for leading the development process that was instrumental in the cleanup of waste at the Savannah River Site.
  • Marzieh Mirzamani

    Saed Mirzadeh (2016)

    For his innovation in the production and application of medical isotopes; for advancing the separation and purification of actinides and heavy elements; and for his leadership in the use of alpha emitters to save the lives of cancer patients.
  • David J Wesolowski

    David Wesolowski (2016)

    For his broad scientific contributions and international reputation in aqueous chemistry and geochemistry; for his research into the structure, dynamics, and reactions at fluid–solid interfaces; and for his leadership and service to ORNL and the international scientific community.
  • Nancy Dudney (2015)

    For her leadership in the research and development of thin-film energy-storage systems; for advancing the understanding of the architectures, materials, and in-service dynamics of thin-film and 3D batteries; and for her leadership in the development of the lipon electrolyte.
  • Lonnie Love (2015)

    For his extensive contributions to large-scale and high-speed advanced manufacturing and 3-D printing; for blending additive manufacturing with fluid-powered systems to develop lightweight, high-dexterity, and low-cost prosthetics; and for his tireless mentoring of students at all levels in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • David Radford (2015)

    David C. Radford
    “For pioneering nuclear structure studies with radioactive ion beams, development of innovative software for gamma ray spectroscopy, and significant contributions to gamma ray tracking detectors.”
  • Mike Simpson

    Mike Simpson (2014)

    Since 2001, Mike Simpson has been a group leader for the Nanofabrication Research Laboratory and theme leader in the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences. His research focus includes noise biology, nano-enabled synthetic biology and controlled synthesis and directed assembly of carbon nanostructures.
  • Jerry Tuskan

    Jerry Tuskan (2014)

    Jerry is recognized for distinguished research on the genetic basis of tree growth and development, including leading the international efforts to sequence, assemble, and annotate the genomes of poplar and eucalyptus bioenergy feedstocks.
  • Witold Nazarewicz

    Witold Nazarewicz (2013)

    For outstanding scientific leadership in nuclear physics and foundational work in developing and applying nuclear density functional theory to atomic nuclei
  • Bobby Sumpter

    Bobby Sumpter (2013)

    For outstanding scientific impact in computational soft matter and nanoscience through cross-discipline collaboration to address materials problems and discover new functional materials
  • Stan Wullschleger

    Stan Wullschleger (2013)

    For outstanding leadership and pioneering research in climate and the environmental sciences
  • Paul J Hanson

    Paul Hanson (2012)

    For environmental-effects research related to energy technologies and their use, focusing on the impacts of climate and atmospheric changes on the physiology, growth, and biogeochemical cycles of North American forest ecosystems.
  • Brian C Sales

    Brian Sales (2012)

    For pioneering research and development of new materials for advanced energy technologies, including materials for (a) the storage of nuclear waste, (b) the solid-state generation of electrical power directly from heat, and (c) the lossless transport of electricity.
  • Budhendra L Bhaduri

    Budhendra Bhaduri (2011)

    For his role in conceiving, designing, and implementing novel geocomputational methods to help solve a wide variety of national and global problems in energy, the environment, and national security.
  • Sheng Dai

    Sheng Dai (2011)

    For pioneering studies of the functionality of mesoporous oxides and carbons for real-world applications, ionic liquids for chemical separation and materials synthesis, and catalysis by nanomaterials.
  • Michael K Miller

    Michael Miller (2010)

    For his pioneering research in atom probe field-ion microscopy and atom probe tomography, most recently to understand the unprecedented properties and behaviors of nanostructured ferritic steels.
  • Jon A Kreykes

    Jon Kreykes (2009)

    For far-reaching accomplishments on national security issues relating to nuclear weapons proliferation, security of nuclear materials, and counterterrorism.
  • David J Singh

    David Singh (2009)

    For contributions to the methodology for electronic structure calculations and in applications to diverse classes of materials.
  • B Richard Bass

    Bennett Bass (2008)

    For outstanding scientific, programmatic, and institutional contributions to ORNL in advanced computational structural mechanics and nuclear safety technologies.
  • Amit Goyal (2008)

    For pioneering research and distinguished contributions to the field of high-temperature superconductors, including fundamental materials science advances and technical innovations that enable commercialization.
  • C Stuart Daw

    C Daw (2008)

    For pioneering the application of chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics to energy technologies, including gas-fluidized beds, internal combustion engines, and pulsed combustion.
  • Stephen E Nagler

    Stephen Nagler (2007)

    For his pioneering contributions to the study of nonequilibrium systems, quantum magnetism, and excitations in condensed matter.
  • Richard J Norby

    Richard Norby (2007)

    For his research on the effects of elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide on terrestrial ecosystems.
  • Nageswara Rao

    Nageswara Rao (2006)

    For contributions to high-performance networking and multiple-sensor fusion and for developing a unifying theory of information fusion.
  • Charles Forsberg

    Charles Forsberg (2006)

    For his leadership in light-water reactor development, reactor safety, and the disposition of uranium waste.