What We Do

TAP Research Records

Project Number Office Title Performing Activity Category Updatedsort ascending
1078 OSRR Development of an Oil Thickness Sensor American University of Beirut Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Remote Sensing 1/24/2017
1059 OSRR OSRR-1059-Characterizing Wave-Induced Mixing Energy in Ohmsett Wave Basin for Dispersant Effectiveness Testing Naval Research Lab Chemical Treating Agents, Ohmsett 1/12/2017
1045 OSRR OSRR-1045-Solidifying the Scientific Capabilities of Ohmsett - Wave Hydrodynamics New Jersey Institute of Technology Ohmsett 1/12/2017
1070 OSRR Developing an Innovative Dispersant Spray Drift Model AMOG Consulting, Inc. Chemical Treating Agents, Decision Making Support Tools 1/12/2017
1029 OSRR OSRR-1029-Environmentally Benign Oil Simulants to Mimic the Behavior of Oil Droplets in the Ocean Environmental Protection Agency Behavior of Oil 1/11/2017
1077 OSRR Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Viability Analysis Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC Chemical Treating Agents, Decision Making Support Tools, In Situ Burn Research, Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Remote Sensing 1/9/2017
1082 OSRR Methods to Enhance Mechanical Recovery in Arctic Conditions Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Arctic 1/4/2017
1066 OSRR Analysis of How Environmental Conditions Affect Dispersant Performance During Deep Ocean Applications Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) Chemical Treating Agents 12/30/2016
102 OSRR OSRR-102-Analysis of Oil-Slick Combustion National Institute of Standards and Technology, Large Fire Research Group In Situ Burn Research 12/16/2016
1033 OSRR Mitigation of Oil in the Water Column: Phase I - Design, and Phase II - Prototype Development and Test US Coast Guard Research & Development Center Mechanical Containment and Recovery 12/16/2016


Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs

The BSEE’s regulatory programs evaluate emerging technologies, safety improvements, offshore training, and the development and maintenance of up-to-date regulations, policies, standards and guidelines. Additionally, under the Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs (OORP) these branches manage compliance programs governing oil, gas, and mineral operations on the Outer Continental Shelf. 

Incident Reporting

Incidents on the OCS involve everyday operations and duties. An unsafe act or condition may cause a worker to lose his or her life or be seriously injured. Unsafe acts or conditions may also result in spills or other incidents that have the potential to affect the environment. The Bureau uses the results of incident investigations and data analysis to identify incident causes and trends. Appropriate actions are then identified to prevent the recurrence of these incidents and to enhance safety and environmental protection on the OCS.

International Engagement

Global Map of Countires Currently Engaged with BSEE - 2016

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) is a recognized world leader in offshore oil and gas regulation, research and technical assistance. Through various multilateral and bilateral relationships, BSEE is helping to set the standard for safety and environmental protection across a global industry. Bureau experts are routinely sought after to provide technical assistance and training to other nations who are working to develop their offshore energy resources in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

  • Policy: BSEE engages in a range of bilateral, multilateral, and regional activities and discussions to promote safety and environmental protection in offshore energy activities.  Efforts can range from information sharing with other offshore regulators to participation in multilateral venues.
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Engagements: For more information, contact the Office of International Programs  bseeoip@bsee.gov
  • Standards Development: BSEE engages with numerous standards development organizations.

International Research

International Committee on Regulatory Authority Research and Development (ICRARD) The offshore oil and gas industry is an international organization. Major companies operate in many countries, and in each, certain organizations assess and ensure the use of sound technological developments. ICRARD's purpose is to coordinate research activities, to exchange information, and to promote research cooperation between these organizations. The ICRARD is open for membership to any country interested. 

Technical Assistance

The Energy Governance and Capacity Initiative (EGCI) is a U.S. Department of State-led, U.S. inter-agency effort to provide a wide range of technical and capacity building assistance to the host governments of select countries that are on the verge of becoming the world's next generation of oil and gas producers. The countries receiving EGCI assistance have world class hydrocarbon resource potential and expect to receive sizable, near-term financial windfalls from the development of their oil and gas resources. EGCI's core objective is to help these countries establish the capacity to manage their oil and gas sector revenues wisely and in a manner that maximizes the value of the resource development for the government. Although EGCI's goals are country-specific in nature, the program broadly tries to ensure sound and transparent energy sector governance for the benefit of national economic development. EGCI also supports a broad range of U.S. foreign policy objectives, including ensuring the security of global oil and gas supplies, supporting clean energy goals by maximizing the efficiency of oil and gas resource development, furthering political and economic stability in developing countries, promoting democracy and human rights, and combating corruption. 


Monday, May 16, 2016


Office of Budget

The Office of Budget provides budget analysis and guidance for the formulation, Congressional and execution phases of the budget cycle. During the budget formulation cycle, the office develops and maintains all budgetary data to support BSEE’s budget requests to the Department, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Congress.  During the Congressional phase, the Office of Budget tracks the appropriations process, coordinates the preparation of capability and effect statements, and provides answers to House and Senate questions.

Throughout the execution phase, the Budget Division tracks spending against line item budgets, analyzes budgetary and expense data, and provides regular updates to BSEE executives on the status of funds.  The Office of Budget works closely with the Office of Policy and Analysis and program level performance staff to integrate performance data and information into all aspects of budget formulation and execution.

Congressional Budget Justifications