
Developing the Original Strategy (2008-2010)

In 2008, the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) began working to develop a National HIV/AIDS Strategy to re-focus our response to the HIV epidemic in the United States. This Strategy was driven by three primary goals:

  • Prevent new HIV infections.
  • Increase access to care and optimize health outcomes.
  • Reduce HIV-related health disparities.

In 2009, ONAP hosted 14 HIV/AIDS Community Discussions with thousands of people across the United States who recounted their experiences with HIV and offered their strategic recommendations for achieving the President’s goals. ONAP also solicited public input about what should be included in the Strategy via its website.

ONAP subsequently released a report, Community Ideas for Improving the Response to the Domestic HIV Epidemic, summarizing public recommendations for the Strategy.

In 2010, ONAP announced the formation of a Federal Interagency Workgroup, comprised of influential leaders from Departments and Agencies across the U.S. government and tasked with advising ONAP on the development of the Strategy.

Releasing The Strategy (July 13, 2010)

On July 13, 2010, the original National HIV/AIDS Strategy was released.

Designed to re-focus public attention on ending the domestic HIV epidemic, the Strategy articulated a clear vision and detailed a set of priorities and strategic action steps tied to measurable outcomes, providing a roadmap for moving the Nation forward in addressing the domestic HIV epidemic.


Since its initial release in 2010, Federal agencies and offices have worked to implement the Strategy and achieve its goals.

Federal Implementation Plan

In 2010, as a companion to the original National HIV/AIDS Strategy, the White House issued a Federal Implementation Plan, outlining immediate, short-term, and longer-term Federal actions to meet the Strategy's goals. For more information and to read the plan, see our Federal Implementation page.

Agency Operational Plans

In 2011, following the release of the Federal Implementation Plan, the lead federal agencies for implementing the Strategy—Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Department of Justice, Labor, Veterans Affairs, and the Social Security Administration—submitted to the Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) detailed operational plans for implementing the Strategy within their agencies.

In addition, the Secretary of Defense submitted a plan for aligning Department of Defense health care services with the Strategy; the Secretary of State submitted recommendations based on lessons learned in implementing the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); and the Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) submitted recommendations for increasing employment opportunities for people living with HIV and addressing employment-related discrimination against people living with HIV.

Read the agencies’ 2011 operational plans:

Consultations with Stakeholders

Implementing the actions called for in the NHAS has involved numerous consultations with Federal partners as well as external stakeholders focusing on specific issues or populations. For example, in the years since the Strategy’s release, HHS has convened consultations with leaders from the LGBT communities, persons living with HIV, African American gay and bisexual men, women, and others.

In addition, the White House hosted a series of regional meetings in 2013 on the ongoing successes and challenges of NHAS implementation, and a series of listening sessions in 2014 to better understand local and state level efforts related to the implementation of the NHAS, including the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on the Strategy.

View documents related to the original Strategy.

Last revised: 01/20/2017