USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week: Building Peace Along Borders in East Africa


USAID has supported peace-building along Kenya’s northern borders for over a decade. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: State and USAID Visit WFP Distribution Center in Jordan

Lindborg in Jordan

Assistant Secretary of State Richard and Assistant Administrator Lindborg visit a World Food Programme Distribution Center in Amman, Jordan. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: Committed to Service

USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah and daughter on the MLK National Day of Service. Photo credit: Anna Gohmann/USAID

Administrator Rajiv Shah and daughter, Amna Shah, build care packages on the National Day of Service on January 19 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: 2012 in Pictures

for newsletter

This week’s “Photo of the Week” is a compilation of photos from major events throughout 2012. It was a busy year to say the least. We continued to work to combat drought in the Sahel region, we successfully launched the Child Survival Call to Action,hosted the Frontiers in Development Conference, we closed our USAID mission [...]

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Photo of the Week: Bangladesh

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity! These girls have committed to put an end to early marriage, a right for every girl.

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Photo of the Week: Tajikistan

A young girl sits with her USAID provided food at a distribution site in Garm, in the Rasht Valley of Tajikistan.

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Photo of the Week: Mozambique

By supporting the Mozambique’s Ministry of Health family planning policy, USAID is helping to build healthier families in the Gaza province.

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Photo of the Week: Innovation

Can you guess what this is?

Clue: This low-cost, life-saving device was designed by a team of young Rice University innovators.

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Photo of the Week: World Humanitarian Day

In Turkana County, Kenya, a child’s mid-upper arm circumference is measured to assess his nutritional status. Read more>>

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Picture of the Week


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